New Moon October 2015 Excited Anticipation

New Moon October 2015 AstrologyThe New Moon on Monday October 12, 2015 at 19°20′ Libra, falls just within Libra decan 2. The New Moon astrology is subject to the change and excitement of Uranus. Although some aspects suggest lingering relationship sadness and dissolution, this first new moon of a new eclipse cycle represents a change in circumstances. We can once and all leave the dramas behind us as intense passions and desires motivate a major transformation. The October 12 new moon brings the chance of exciting romance, big time success and happiness.

New Moon Meaning

A new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new 28 day cycle. With Sun conjunct Moon, all possibilities are on the table and we can rightly put ourselves in the forefront of new plans for the future. Old habits, behaviors and beliefs can be questioned as we search for new and inventive ways to make progress. This is the ideal time to make a fresh start and start writing down a to-do list on a blank sheet of paper.

However, the impulsive and enthusiastic nature of a new moon means that not all new projects will succeed. The influence of a new moon last for four weeks up to the next new moon, in this case, the new moon on Wednesday 11 November 2015. The best time for making a fresh start and for beginning new projects is during the first two weeks of a new moon cycle. This waxing phase of the moon lasts from the October 12 new moon until the October 27 full moon.

New Moon October 2015 Astrology

The October 12 new moon is the first regular moon phase since the September eclipses. Both eclipses focused on relationship dynamics, and with Venus and Mars still strongly aspected, I will keep the relationships theme in mind while interpreting the October 2015 new moon.

Sun opposite Uranus is the only planetary aspect directly involved with the new moon. At under one degree in orb it is very strong too. It brings unexpected and exciting encounters or events which shake up our world. Adapting to any changes requires extra effort, and any excitement may lead to some frayed nerves.

These unexpected and quite possibly unwanted changes can manifest in ourselves, through a partner, or through an external event. Although initially upsetting and we may resist any change, it can offer a better way forward if we keep an open mind. The new goals or new start associated with the new moon will depend on what changes occur. Planning will be difficult so it will be best to go with the flow and see what happens.

Fixed star Seginus at 17°52′ Libra is within orb of our new moon. Seginus in the Herdsman is not a major star but does emphasize our protective nature. This will effect relationships, but perhaps like Uranus, not in such a good way as it can bring “loss through friends”. As a side note, the constellation Boötes does give some liking for occultism. Uranus has rulership over astrology so we may be more inclined to look to our horoscopes to understand any change in direction in the following weeks.

New Moon August 2015 Astrology

Mercury sextile Saturn is vitally important as it brings common sense and good judgement. Together with open and honest communications. this allows us to react more calmly to any sudden changes. It will also help us express our concerns and affection, which Venus square Saturn tends to block. The fears, sadness, relationship problems and possible separations from this aspect have been emphasized during the recent Venus retrograde cycle.

Venus opposite Neptune is a confusing and deceptive influence effecting love relationships. It will have a similar influence to the star Seginus, with the potential for “loss through friends”. Over idealization or gullibility can lead to embarrassment or disappointment in love, and this is even more likely given Mars opposite Neptune.

Neptune is having a weakening or warping effect on our love lives, especially on sexuality. We may misread the body language of partners or get the wrong idea about their intentions. It is more likely under this influence that others will think we are attracted to them when we are not. It may be that we think someone has the hots for us but the reality is much different. Mercury sextile Saturn is a stronger aspect and will help us see the reality of a situation.

Mars conjunct Jupiter means our primal desires will be very strong. This is a very positive influence on the New Moon October 2015 astrology chart. It favors strong sexual attraction and increases libido beyond belief. This is a turning point in my interpretation of the new moon. I have now covered all the negative impacts, the strongest being Venus square Saturn.

The Mars Jupiter conjunction is a sign of successful action. It gives the energy,  initiative, courage and desire to mend broken relationships or start exciting new ones. The gloomy Saturn influence on our love lives is leaving us. The deceptive and weakening Neptune influence is also on the way out because Jupiter opposite Neptune has given way to Jupiter trine Pluto.

Jupiter trine Pluto greatly increases our ability to achieve success and happiness. We are able to exert more influence over the outcomes in our lives. It offers the opportunity to use our increased personal power to positively transform our lives and the lives of other people. It is an indicator of large-scale success which transforms lives in a big way.

Mars trine Pluto increases the odds of success in whatever our strongest desires might be. It will have a powerful and intense effect on how attracted we are to others. In fact, we could even be compelled to procreate, driven by deeply buried primal urges encoded in our DNA.

In summary, this new moon brings a change in direction relating to the recent eclipse themes of healing broken hearts and working through relationship dynamics. Lies or misunderstanding may have led to disappointing and sadness in love.

Sudden change will initiate, or escalate, a very powerful and positive transformation. Look on any changing condition as a chance to break away from past disappointments or dramas. Change in this case should be a good thing. It leads to excitement and anticipation, of powerful attractions and intense, life changing relationships.

Previous Moon Phase: Lunar Eclipse September 2015
Next Moon Phase: Full Moon October 2015

New Moon October 2015 Dates and Times
Los Angeles
New York
12 October – 5:05 pm
12 October – 8:05 pm
13 October – 3:05 am
13 October – 6:35 am
13 October – 10:05 am

28 thoughts on “New Moon October 2015 Excited Anticipation

  1. Great my chart will be also shaken by this new moon (after two eclipses) 🙂 or :(…
    My Pluto is on 3rd house 19.56 in Libra (natally conjunct nadir and currently facing the opposition of Uranus on transit and conjunct midheaven) and it’s square my natal Venus which has already touched by the eclipse (13 september- Jupiter (2nd House 17.15 Virgo) sextile natal Venus (12th house 19.12 Cancer)…it sounds very scary when I think the moon will conjunct the new moon and it will touch IC and Midheaven … and Uranus is also invited to the party!
    Would it be so bad for me?

    • No Meli, intense or deep does not have to be bad. Some like me thrive on intensity and change. It is exciting, forces evolution which makes you grow spiritually.

      • ummm…let´s hope is not so bad … I am not at all excited …
        The new moon will activate my Natal Pluto which is square my natal venus !… Last time that transiting moon touched natal pluto I received very bad news on the love and money areas …so the outcomes looks a little bit depressing 🙁
        Plus I already had in the past 6 months very intense (unwelcome and injust) changes (related to 4th and 10th house matters) which left me completely and deeply wounded. I suffered losses and life is right now a mess. Despite efforts I don’t see results so I am not sure that I will really enjoyed more intense or deep changes in these areas… I don’t trust pluto or uranus on this…
        but let’s keep hope alive ….
        I really need my stability back!…I am so tired to grow spiritually at the cost of emotional pain.
        Thanks for response 🙂

          • All I use is aspects and the fixed stars. Most information you will find fro free on the net about both.

        • You are going through a spiritual ascension at a very rapid pace. All of your lessons were packed in one lump some, during the tetrad of the four red moons for a speedy transformation to catapult you into living from your heart space. The retrogrades with Pluto and Saturn played a major part in bringing up our deepest fears from within the subconscious of past review, beliefs, lessons, regrets and perceived mistakes for us to sit with, acknowledge and clear away as we move forward into this new paradigm. The worst is now behind you as the first 7 years of the destructive faze of Pluto is to make way for regeneration and reconstruction…. just believe that it is so…

      • Hi Jamie,

        I am really concerned about this witch of new moon ….in fact I do have questions running wild in my mind:

        1) if my natal Pluto is the regent planet of my 5th house (Cusp at 29º Scorpio) and Uranus is the regent planet of the 7th and 8th and I have natal Neptune on the 5th house at 19.54…could this new moon bring intense or deep changes on matters related to these houses in addition to anything related to my natal Venus ( which is based on 12th house and rules my 11th house [which starts at 29º Taurus] and my 4th house at 22.12 Libra)? How my natal Neptune (which rules my 9th house) would be affected or get into the game?

        2)Would my natal Jupiter at 17.14 Virgo 2nd house be affected?

        2) Which house would be the most affected? The house where Pluto is based? The house where it makes aspects to other natal planets? the house that he rules?

        3) Is the new moon conjunction my natal Pluto stronger than the opposition of transiting Uranus to the new moon?

        4) If Midheaven is at 22.12 would the orb be considered as strong enough to notice it strongly?

        I would be very grateful if you could bring some light on this 🙂

        • Ho Meli, first of all I don’t use houses or rules like Regent. Jupiter is too wide an orb for a semisextile. And MC is also too wide an orb.

          • Thank you Jamie for clarifying this for me 🙂 …
            so far I have suffered some unexpected short distance travel issues as well as delays with payments from clients…. and a very unexpected reaction from someone in matters of love (still not sure if the change is good or bad)

  2. Hi Jamie, can I ask? My birthday is on 12 octomber, Sun in libra 19,14 and I have there moon, pluto, mercury all in six house ( total decan 2:))) ), also solar eclipse in september occur beginning six house exact trine to my MC. Is it right that Universe give me green light to start project…because 2 years I dont have work. Thanks!

  3. Hi Jamie

    Wonderfully informative posts thank you for your frankness and insight.
    May I ask for the 2016 projections can I read this based on my ascendant (3 degrees virgo conjunct jupiter 2 degrees (12th) or progressed ascendant (15 degrees scorpio, sun moon conjunct aries 8-9 degrees, mar 0 degrees taurus).

    I have a few dilemmas as everyone does, (10.02.68), having jupiter return but not so great with current neptune opposite virgo stellium 1st, chiron return happening – opposite natal pluto uranus virgo, saturn square just over natal scoprio neptune, transiting pluto square natal saturn aries and north node aries 8th conjunct transiting uranus, transiting uranus sqaure natal venus 5th, etc..Hoping to undertake spost grad study (in therapy) I recently applied for – had health challenges for 2013-14, also bit of a shake up to say the least with unexpected changes to health, love / partnership. Major Healing in 8th / 5th. Just started martial arts 6 mths ago, recovering from past trauma. So far, OK.

    Also do you do charts now? Natal, progressed & transits? Thanks in advance, Eve

    • Sorry Eve, I don’t do readings anymore. I would read the horoscopes for your natal AC, Sun and Moon but not really the progressed versions. To be honest I never even thought of it but it may get too confusing.

  4. Hi Jamie…I have Leo Sun, Leo Moon and Leo rising at 18 degrees. Any thoughts on how this new moon might impact me?

    • Wow Lara, this IS a big time for you. You can view it as your personal new year so will want to set goals for the year ahead. But with Uranus opposite you will have to remain flexible as your goals will need adjusting along the way.

  5. Hi Jamie – well its not the normal concern of your average astrologer – but!!! – I’m very excited about the impending appointment of Jurgen Klopp as manager of my beloved and recently blighted football club, the mighty Liverpool FC! The new moon will conjunct his Jupiter and Venus and progressed Sun. Sounds promising!

    • Can’t really say I follow your code that much, was more interested in the Rugby Union embarrassment for England recently 🙂

  6. Hi Jamie. It looks like we are astro-twins! (though me 2º Cap rising.) I’m wondering how you think the Jupiter Venus conjunction might manifest since it is so close to our own Jupiter in the eighth? BTW, this website is a lovely use of your yod. Congrats!

    • That’s my Part of Fortune Rachel. Well, after being single for nearly three years I’m hoping for what it sounds like 🙂

  7. Hi Jamie,

    In this New Moon, moon opposite my natal Jupiter and transit Uranus in the 5th house. It also sextile natal Mercury in the 1st house. I am sagittarius decan 3, more precisely 17th December 1987, birth place Istanbul and living place Tokyo. What could this signify concerning relationships and creative projects? At the moment, I do not have a relationship, but I am writing my graduation dissertation. Thanks in advance!

    • Hi Mika, if this new moon is opposite your Jupiter, then you have transit Uranus on your Jupiter. This is very positive concerning creative projects and air travel. Jupiter does rule higher education so perhaps some enlightenment or positive changes there too. Hard to say about relationships but the general feel is positive changes. This is what happened over the last 5 years a number of times: Pluto Opposite Sun Transit and Uranus Square Sun Transit.

  8. Really thinking about reaching out to my Ex, I miss her and i love her despite everything we been through this summer. Everyone is telling me no, and rightfully so but my heart just disagrees.

    Libra Sun, Asc Leo, Libra Moon

  9. I Am Cancer, Aires Ascendent and am divorcing after more than 12 very difficult years in a 30 year marriage. I didn,t see my broken neck coming in 2011 after a successful separation from this marriage, i hung onto my freedom with all my might only to be re-injured in 2013 and become disabled losing EVERYTHING. Apt, Furnishings, Job. Forcing me back into the home and to the jailor I so Desprately seek Freedom from!!!! Then in 2014 A collision takes my last bit of freedom, my CAR that took 6 years to pay for!!!!! I was born july 5 1966 at 12am under a full moon. I am not working BUT still filing for divorce after this same man turned my son against me. I have little to no support but am unwilling to live so unhappily any longer. WHY DON’T I SEE ANY OF THIS IN ASTROLOGY OVER THE PAST 5 YEARS????????????

    • Dear Mary, I am also born in 1966, but on Feb 6. I also was born the day after a full moon. Have you heard about the Cardinal Cross and the Pluto Uranus square? Pluto and Uranus where conjunct when you where born in 1966 AND that is why they have been squaring since 2012. Your Sun sign and Rising have had you on the rack in the Cardinal cross. Your life is a direct result of the transformation that the whole of humanity is experiencing. Remember the caterpillar thought it was dying before it burst into a beautiful ButterFLy ~ Let goOo and Let God ~ <3 ~ Repeat after me "It's okay… becuZ it has TO BE" ~ Star LoVe & bLesSinGs ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ :

    • Hi Mary, Ann Marie is right. It was the Uranus Pluto squares hitting your 12 degree Cancer Sun Jupiter conjunction. Pluto is now 16 Capricorn so things will definitely improve from here on. You felt it much worse than others because Jupiter exaggerated everything. This is what happened to you a number of time over the past 5 years, together most of the time:

      Uranus square Sun transit and Pluto opposite Sun transit.

  10. I wake up in the morning thinking about this strange dream…i had a different house, very old, but i felt it was my house in the dream and there was a group of people lying on the flour. Fire came out of their chest and i was standing, talking with them controling the fire in a healing way I could see the flames, they were so real…i wake up freaking out! what could this mean on a new moon night? sometimes i have strange dreams, i have moon and neptune conjunct, moon and lilith conjunct but ususally they are very painfull dreams, haunting ones.This one was different. Any thougts?

    • Me and the kids watched a horror movie like your dream last week. I’ll find out what it was called and get back to you.

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