The natal reading is an in-depth interpretation of your birth chart, showing your strengths and weaknesses, personality, and potential. I usually advise getting this reading before predictive readings like transits and solar returns. I use the fixed stars, planetary aspects, relevant asteroids, and other points, including Chiron, Lilith, Part of Fortune, and the Vertex Point.
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Example Natal Reading
THE ASCENDANT (AC) is the physical manifestation of your soul. It rules your physical appearance and overall health. The Ascendant also governs how you present yourself to the world and how others first see you. But it can also be a shield or mask to guard your authentic nature. Along with the Descendant (DC), it makes up the relationship axis.
The stars rising on the eastern horizon at your time of birth and aspects to them determine the nature of Ascendant. Your Ascendant is in the Sign of Libra, but because of the precession of the equinoxes, it is in the Constellation of Virgo. I use the Fixed Stars and Constellations like the ancient astrologers, not the Signs and Houses of modern astrology.
Ascendant conjunct Sigma (0°04′) and Psi Virginis (0°29′): Located on the waist and left hand of the Virgin, Constellation Virgo.
Ascendant in Virgo Constellation gives purity, prudence, diplomacy, discerning mental vision, secretarial skills, analytical tendencies, intellectual capacity, discerning judgment, discretion, a certain amount of self-confidence and a retiring disposition. Success in agriculture and civil and ecclesiastical law. Analytical and critical tendencies can tend toward too much self-criticism and cause marital difficulties unless the marriage partner is unusual. Mental harmony is most important to Virgo rising.
Negatively, it can make you overly cautious, carping, tedious and boring to the exasperation of others and full of self-pity. A love of being methodical generally leads to fussiness and too much consciousness of details. You may offer sharp and damaging criticism, have an unfunny wit, even if unintentional, an exaggerated idea of cleanliness, a lack of genuine charity, and fall victim to arrogance and gossip. The greatest weakness is hypocrisy and suffering from inner conflicts.
Positive Keywords: Oratorical, discriminating, intellectual, reserved, solidity, clever, self-respecting, critical, exacting.
Negative Keywords: Avaricious, indolence, indifference, gossipy, carping, self-conscious, worrying, negativism.
THE MOON represents your emotions, unconscious habits, memories, moods, reactions, mother, nurturing, home, need for security, and the past.
Your Moon aligns with stars in constellations Capricorn and Aquarius.
Moon conjunct fixed star Deneb Algedi (0°12′): Leadership abilities, great difficulties in everything, success after patient plodding but final loss of position and respect unless precautions have been carefully taken.
Deneb Algedi generally brings beneficence and destructiveness, sorrow and happiness, life and death, a life full of change, fame, wealth, integrity, justice, a knowledge of man, leadership potential and the ability to hold a position of trust or become a legal adviser or counselor. Deneb Algedi in the Tail of the Sea Goat rules the blood vessels and nerve connections surrounding the vertebrae.
Moon conjunct Gamma (0°19′), Alpha (0°38′) and Delta Equi (0°41′): Constellation Equuleus the Foal gives friendship and sagacity but frivolity and love of pleasure.
Moon conjunct fixed star Sadalsuud (0°21′): Leadership ability, reputation through occult matters, favorable for gain, peculiar domestic conditions or unusual way of life, possible scandals, can acquire many friends and earn respect yet still be somewhat of an enigma. There is leadership ability evident with this conjunction.
Sadalsuud generally brings great honor and wealth and an imaginative, visionary, intuitive and original nature. But also strange events, scandalous actions, trouble and disgrace. It is essential that any good fortune is not abused. Gamblers should beware of taking foolhardy chances during harsh transits or progression to this star. Sadalsuud is located on the left shoulder of the Water Bearer. It rules the right leg just above the ankle.
THE SUN is your life force, the will to live, conscious ego, self-expression, personal power, pride and authority, self-respect, leadership qualities, health, and vitality.
Sun conjunct fixed star Tianyi (0°07′): Harmony and an inner sense of balance and calm.
Constellation Draco the Dragon gives an artistic and emotional but somber nature, a penetrating and analytical mind, much travel and many friends but danger of robbery and accidental poisoning.
Sun conjunct Zeta Pyxidis (0°15′): Constellation Pyxis Nautica, the Mariner’s Compass, gives a wise, ambitious and steady nature, good judgment and interest in nautical and geographical matters.
Sun conjunct Omicron Leonis (1°11′): Located on the front paw of the Lion, Constellation Leo. Named Subra, from the Arabic زبرة zubra (upper part of the back).
Sun in Leo Constellation gives a gallant, independent, constructive and elevating personality, the desire to rule, a commanding dignity, the ability to organize and supervise, generosity, ambition, determination, vitality, courage, showmanship, the ability to direct, broadmindedness, and is positive in thought and action.
Negatively, can be arrogant, dogmatic, quick-tempered, patronizing, snobbish, pompous, a self-centered showoff, seeks power and authority, blatant displays of generosity, abuses powers of leadership, seeks praise of efforts by others, form opinions hastily, have too many likes and dislikes, a tendency to shirk duties and obligations.
Sun opposite Moon (0°42′) is your chart’s strongest and most important feature. It creates a competitive, sometimes confrontational nature. The major themes in life are polarities, extremes, and understanding. Pitting oneself against the other attains greater self-understanding. This process involves much stress and tension, a constant battle against the adversary.
As if looking in a mirror, the understanding of the subconscious self comes through conscious questioning of the other. You investigate your inner nature and behavior through the reactions they provoke in other people and events around you. This gives you a different perspective, evolving your sometimes blinkered nature over time.
Gaining knowledge of the facts, or conscious reality, is the path to trusting your subconscious, intuition and instincts. When young, you may be more of a scientist and skeptic, but with age, you learn to balance the conscious and the facts of the Sun with the subconscious and the mysteries of the Moon. Compromise and negotiation will be mastered.
MERCURY represents communication, thinking patterns, rationality, and reasoning. It also represents primary and secondary education, neighborhood, siblings, cousins, short-distance transport, news, and information. Mercury is fast, lively, adaptable, variable, unemotional and curious.
Mercury conjunct fixed star Al Jabhah (0°50′): This star gives the potential for greatness but not fame, good judgment and riches. Harshly aspected (opposite Moon), it may cause foolhardiness, scandals, cleverness, self-seeking, and many anxious moments. Slight possibility of loss, many dangers, a violent and intemperate nature, and to a military officer danger of mutiny and murder by his soldiers. Situated in the mane of the Lion, Al Jabhah rules slightly below the top of the kidneys.
Mercury conjunct fixed star Regulus (1°04′): Honorable, just, popular, financial gain through high position, fame or infamy, generosity may be abused by friends, relatives and those who profess to be friends.
Regulus is generally one of the most fortunate stars in the heavens and gives royal properties, great authority, success, glory, riches, power, frankness, courage, fondness for power and authority, desire and ability to command a noble mind, martial honor, victory over enemies, high and lofty ideals and strength of spirit. It makes its natives magnanimous, grandly liberal, generous, ambitious, high-spirited and independent.
However, the opposition to the Moon can mean benefits seldom last, violence, destructiveness, scandalous actions, failures and greatness that suffer an eclipse, military honor of short duration with ultimate failure, imprisonment, and a violent death.
Regulus is a powerful influence because it is one of the four Royal Stars, representing the Healing Archangel Raphael. These stars bring extreme ups and downs but also extraordinary energy, which means you always persevere and overcome any hardship with a fighting spirit. Regulus in the Heart of the Lion rules two inches below the top of the kidneys.
Mercury in Leo Constellation makes you impressionable, optimistic, persistent, ambitious, strong-minded, determined, self-confident, appreciative, a good organizer, witty, entertaining and dramatically eloquent but sometimes blunt and outspoken. It gives high ideals, a strong, positive and persevering intellect, and a tendency to ‘lead and direct.’
Negatively, it can give a tendency to brag and make you too abrupt, rude, crude, prejudiced, demanding, tactless, officious, arrogant, fickle, blunt in speech, overbearing in attitude, of a low sensual nature and inconstant in affections.
Sun conjunct Mercury (5°41′) gives an active mind and a need to share ideas. But with the opposition to Moon and square to Uranus, you may become easily distracted when listening to others, butting in or letting your mind wander. You are probably a better talker than a listener and may have to contend with nervous ailments or an inability to relax.
Moon opposite Mercury (4°59′) can give an outwardly bubbly personality that disguises an inner fragility. Or it can make you a normally quiet and introspective person who becomes overly talkative and entertaining in the presence of others.
The main challenge with this aspect is an inner conflict between your thoughts and feelings. Your emotions and instincts are often out of alignment with your rational thinking. Your heart may say one thing, but your head another.
You can appear overly analytical one moment, then over-emotional and irrational the next. This can make you very sensitive, anxious, curious, and confused. An inability to find inner balance and reach a tranquil state of mind can leave you very nervous with a tendency to addiction.
The polarity between rational thinking and intuitive feeling can cause an inability to understand and express your true feelings. It can distort your perception of reality and cause problems with judgment and decision-making. You may become opinionated, parochial, or prejudiced.
You may have some difficulty in understanding the feelings of others. You can sometimes appear insensitive and even offensive because of a lack of tact and diplomacy. Your views can be controversial, yet you can also be overly sensitive to criticism. Miscommunication can result in arguments and relationship conflicts.
Blending your intuitive insights with your analytical intellect is the key to resolving these problems. This will lead to better self-standing, clearer self-expression, and more direct communication. Keeping busy and productive will also help.
Sun square Uranus (3°18′) encourages you to do things your way. A very complex person, you are most likely brilliant and independent. You stand out from the crowd in an obvious way. The need to express your distinctive ego through your personality and career can often cause conflict with others. You can come across as abrupt, rebellious or just weird.
Relationship difficulties can result from this abrupt nature. Even though you may not consciously intend to do so, others will think you are provoking or challenging them. Thus you will come under a lot of pressure from others, ranging from nagging to accusations of mutiny or being a witch.
Increased self-awareness will come with age, enabling you to recognize how your behavior can bring out the worst in other people. Your sense of humor is unique and can offend, and the sublimation of such tendencies can lead to a more settled life and even stability in relationships.
But never let such self-regulation ever restrict your unique talents. I am convinced the tension of this square pushes you to achieve brilliance in creative self-expression… of a different kind.
Moon square Uranus (2°36′) gives an almost compulsive need for stimulation, and this can lead to a fascinating life full of change and peculiar events. Other people should find you exciting but challenging due to some eccentric behaviors and a strongly independent nature.
You are subconsciously drawn to anything new and shiny and can be easily distracted due to your emotional compulsions. Even though you have unique and sometimes odd ways of doing things, you are open-minded enough to experiment and quickly change your approach.
Your home and family can manifest the peculiarity and excitement of Uranus. Moving from one place to another is common with this aspect. If not, you, your partner or your children may stand out somehow. The Moon also represents the public, meaning you stand out from the crowd uniquely.
This changeable or erratic nature can make others think you are rebellious, disruptive or reckless. You quickly form emotional bonds but may have trouble maintaining long-term emotional commitments. If so, this could be due to emotional detachment by a parent, usually the mother, or your tendency to become quickly bored due to a lack of emotional stimulation.
Your upbringing may have been unorthodox, but it allowed you the freedom to find your way in the world. You may nurture your children in ways others find strange. You struggle to balance emotional nurturing with detachment and independence. Too much of one and not enough of the other will cause behavioral and relationship problems.
Even though you may not consciously intend to, you can shock and upset others with your odd behaviors and tendencies. Authority figures, in particular, may not appreciate your lack of respect for tradition. But you are just as likely to entertain and add excitement to the lives of others.
You can combine a humanistic and a scientific approach. Dispassionately viewing things can lead to inventive solutions to problems. Entertainment, psychology, or the sciences would provide an exciting career for you. Being a homemaker would also allow you to express your unique talents and provide a stimulating environment to raise children.
Mercury square Uranus (2°22′) sets you apart from the pack because of your different way of thinking and communicating. While you may have a brilliant mind, your sometimes provocative ideas or eccentric manner can upset others and lead to relationship difficulties.
I will first deal with this aspect’s drawbacks, which mainly revolve around how you communicate. Trouble listening can occur due to a lack of concentration or being easily distracted. This can lead to you saying the wrong thing in response to others as you did not fully understand what they said first.
The prankster in you can also lead to others being offended or insulted; the same can result if you have an abrupt way of speaking. But at a higher level, your tendency to see the other side of things can lead to you challenging others’ ideas. This can be a good thing but seen as arrogance or teasing by others. People may think you are just out for attention by shocking them or being deliberately argumentative. You will likely see the benefit of looking at things from all sides. The advantage is that all options lead to better discussions and outcomes.
Your tendency toward controversy can signify that you are gifted, intelligent, and creative. You are undoubtedly experimental and are quickly excited by new or shiny things. Perhaps more discrimination or self-control is needed to maintain harmony in relationships, especially when meeting someone new. This aspect indicates that you will experience many chances to encounter and meet a wide variety of people from different cultural, ethnic, and philosophical backgrounds.
However, this also indicates that you may change friends often and have difficulty maintaining long-term companionship. You may be subject to more than your fair share of shocks and surprises, while sticking to plans may prove difficult. Discrimination and feeling isolated or cut off from mainstream society are other outcomes of your original thinking. Being labeled weird or a nerd would be all part of this. Nervous anxiety, spasms, and broken arms and fingers are possible.
You may be particularly amused by and drawn to novelties, and your quirky sense of humor would come in handy as a comedian. Your unorthodox and inventive way of thinking could lead to a career as a scientist, designer, engineer, inventor, or mad professor.
You would also excel in occult subjects such as astrology and numerology, including science or mathematics. Mercury is the traditional ruler of astrology, and Uranus is modern. Computers and the internet would provide a healthy income, with the internet, in particular, being an excellent way for you to communicate and make friends. The internet limits the dissociative influence of Uranus and gives you a long time to think before making rash statements.
A T-square aspect pattern is created by the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Uranus. The aspects in this ‘achievement figure’ are charged with energy. The energy tension allows you to use it in life, be it in work, to act, or to achieve goals.
Blue and green aspects are missing. Without blue, there is no possibility for relaxation; without green, you act without thinking. (these come with other aspects mentioned later)
Red promotes action, achievement, the attainment of goals, and demonstration. So, you are very active and may work by the motto “act first, think later” rather than vice versa, which means that mistakes can be easily made.
In the case of the red square, work is carried out continuously and progressively. In the case of the T-Square, the energy is paralyzed again and again. So you should complete your job quickly and successfully to reset it again afterward. After a short or long break, you can return to work with renewed vigor.
The square seeks security, constancy and symmetry, while the T-square’s motivation is more flexible and dynamic. You would like to reach your goal as fast as possible. You can work like mad and, when ready, move on to the next job assertively and highly dynamically.
Energy is stored and bottled up in the opposition aspects. The energy tension produced by the opposing pressures is discharged along both squares towards one point. In this way, the apex of the T-square (Uranus) forms the powerpoint in which achievement is produced and transferred into work by the discharge of tension. The apex indicates where the achievement is directed and which planetary principle is used. An unsuccessful energy transfer leads to rigid states of awareness; one cannot change, and the same mistakes are repeated.
A T-Square is a very tense and challenging aspect pattern that takes some work to master. Eventually, crises, tests, and challenges will perfect the skills necessary to overcome the inherent obstacles, frustration, and conflict of the squares and opposition. Honoring the essential life skills and learning to relate to others emotionally can lead to the determination, fortitude, and life experience necessary for outstanding achievements and success.
The pattern formed by the T-square can be identified as the Holy Grail. The dynamic will manifest as a subjective need to follow with great determination, making you feel emotionally secure. The conflict will manifest as a need to relate emotionally and spiritually while maintaining all the security structures around the self. The need to share yourself completely with another without denying personal self-gratification will be challenged, as it is tough to be generous and selfish at the same time.
To recap, the Sun opposite the Moon (0°42′) creates a competitive and confrontational nature, polarities, and extremes. Stress and tension during constant battles against the adversary lead to a different perspective, intuition, self-understanding, compromise and negotiation.
Sun trine Neptune (0°37′) makes you caring and sensitive with good morals and ideals. Your charisma and mysterious allure can make you famous, and your friends hold you in high regard because of your honesty and willingness to lend a hand.
Your dreamy and peaceful nature can sometimes make people think you are lazy or laconic, and it is more likely that you don’t get as uptight or ruffled as they do. Your self-assured and quietly confident nature can hide your ambition and drive. Setting your goals high is worth it because you can turn your dreams into reality and succeed in any area.
Your sensitivity to the feelings and plight of others may motivate you to support worthy causes. You may even become an advocate for just causes ranging from charity work to building a multinational corporation that improves the lives of many. Although you are sacrificing, you understand the importance of helping yourself first so that your success can enable you to help others.
Musical, artistic, and creative talents come with this aspect. You may also have strong psychic abilities and an active dream life. You have a strong faith in yourself and the world, which can draw you to religion or other forms of spirituality. You would easily comprehend occult subjects like astrology and Tarot. Above all, you raise the bar by setting a good example through your actions, manifesting your hopes and dreams for the future.
Moon sextile Neptune (1°19′) makes you a feeling, sensitive, intuitive and mystic person. Your ability to connect with others at the emotional level can make you very alluring. You can be a sultry and beautiful person, a smooth operator. This aspect can make you successful and popular, even famous, in your chosen field.
This magnetic attractiveness is just one reason for your popularity. You tend to have strong morals and are honest and very genuine. However, sharing and caring in such a way can leave you vulnerable to being taken advantage of. This should be a negligible risk, as you tend not to attract negative people. This aspect offers a level of spiritual or psychic protection.
A rich imagination and dream life can give rise to many creative talents, such as poetry, dance, painting, singing, and acting. You are a people person, so you should be around others, whatever your chosen field. However, you will need your quiet place to dream up your projects and not be distracted.
In addition to artistic pursuits, you would suit any role that requires your empathy and intuition, such as social welfare, healing, the occult, spiritual, non-profit, charity, or customer relations.
Sun sextile Pluto (0°42′) gives such magnetic attraction that you can hold a lot of influence over other people without even trying. This is one of the powerful hidden forces that can propel you to outstanding achievements. Your tremendous drive and determination seem to be fueled by a deep desire to make something of yourself, to be noticed or remembered.
Transformation is a big keyword for Pluto, and it seems this is directly associated with your strong need, compulsion even, to do something significant with your life. You can also transform your life, which may continue throughout your life. But, like your interests, you would not see the use in changing anything superficial. Your goals, personality, and the impression you leave on others are profound.
A slight tendency toward obsessive, compulsive, or dictatorial behavior is not necessarily damaging, and this is because you transform such psychologically extreme movements into more constructive determination. Although you can be intensely driven and sometimes single-minded, you are not dull. Your expressive nature can manifest Pluto’s comical, sexy, and playful side, whether dark or perverse. You can also embody Pluto’s mysterious, occult, and healing nature.
Moon trine Pluto (1°24′) gives a rich emotional life and deep relationships. You feel things more than others, everything from news stories to relationships. You also feel things at a deeper level, at the psychic level. You should have good psychic skills or at least a very acute intuition.
Connecting to someone at the emotional level is important to you. Without such a close connection at the subconscious level, relationships would soon bore you. It may even feel like a powerful unseen force drives you to understand a partner’s inner psychology just as profoundly as you try to understand yourself. You could feel that understanding relationship dynamics is necessary to maintain an intimate relationship.
You will likely form an unusually close relationship with your mother or grandmother. The same will apply to women in general, but especially relatives. One woman in your life, in particular, will profoundly influence your life. The harmonious nature of the trine aspect means that even though strange or intense, your interactions with others will be positive and soul-evolving.
You have a dramatic flair and have no trouble expressing yourself, especially your emotions. No area of life is off-limits in your exploration of human experience. Your relationships may take you to dark and mysterious places where danger threatens you. However, you enjoy good protection in the psychic realms, possibly through your ancestors.
You would make a good psychologist or oculist, but your deep understanding of the human psyche could also lead to a career in sales or management. You are a people person, but fewer friends rather than many would suit you. This is because you need to get to know someone so well that you give too much of yourself.
Neptune sextile Pluto (0°05′) is a generational aspect, but the links to your Sun and Moon, plus its tight orb, make it very personal for you. It gives a pioneering spirit, making you unafraid to challenge the accepted way of thinking and doing things. You can deconstruct any aspect of life, a system, belief or procedure. You can remove political, religious, cultural, and gender bias and reconstruct it in a more advanced and unadulterated state. You are inspired by truth and human potential.
You tap into the mass subconscious and can gauge the prevailing thoughts of humanity. You share with your generation a sense of where society is heading as a collective in an evolutionary sense. You may even take this shared sense of destiny to life, the planet, and all of existence.
You are a compulsive organizer and control freak of the highest order, yet others may see you as quite different. Although you may show obsessive tendencies in daily life, your higher thought processes seek order in chaos and simplicity in complexity.
Humanity is undergoing an evolutionary leap forced by powerful change. You have a role to play in adapting humanity to survive extreme change. A significant part of this role transforms everything from communication to spirituality, creativity to sexuality. The ultimate aim is to bring people closer, not in the physical but in the spiritual sense.
You realize that only through a mass movement sharing one superconscious can humanity evolve fast enough to avoid extinction. Intense sensitivity to the destruction unleashed by industrialization will transform energy generation and slow the degradation and depletion of shared resources.
Your input to the mass consciousness transforms how we communicate and live with each other through political, religious, and cultural renewal. Old systems and beliefs based on empire and superiority are disintegrating. In their place, you are dreaming up, or imagineering, a more humanitarian approach and shared responsibility for the welfare of everyone and everything, the collective dream.
A Cradle aspect pattern is created by the Sun, Moon, Neptune and Pluto. It consists of two minor grand trines connected by an opposition. Five blue aspects (two trines and three sextiles) compared to only one red aspect (the opposition) give an excess of pleasure and harmony principles.
These Neptune and Pluto aspects are tighter and stronger than the Mercury and Uranus aspects. While the T-square may have been felt more when you were a child, it would not have taken too long for the spiritual planets to make your Cradle the dominating influence in your chart.
Like the Kite aspect pattern, the aspects are connected in a stable shape. The significant difference lies in the visibility of the opposition. In the Cradle, it lies along the border of the two horoscope halves, like an energy barrier. The other half remains unexplored, unknown territory.
The Cradle derives excellent stability from its symmetry. If something unpleasant approaches, you can switch over and suddenly be protected by an invisible wall from criticism or attack. It reflects others’ opinions or intentions like a mirror and appears untouched by them.
A cradle reminds us of birth and babies. The baby in the cradle has entered our material world from the spiritual one and reflects perfect purity. The interface between life and death can be seen as a mirror, and life reflects what lies in the soul. This figure means that sooner or later, you take an interest in sleep, dreams and death to learn about the transition from one dimension to another.
With a Cradle, you retain your childhood faith for a long time. You believe in good and are harmless. You would like the security and protection of a stable life situation and actively pursue this. In other words, you try to avoid falling out of the cradle. You cling to it and like to be clung to. But you have the development task of leaving the security of the Cradle and going out into the world, which can be likened to going into the empty space of the horoscope to become independent.
On the one hand, the Cradle gives the ability to imitate others or to reflect their mood. On the other hand, you can harmonize with, and even heal, other people from the depths of your soul. You collect or soak up like a sponge the feelings, needs and pain of other people without being burdened by them. You make almost everything harmonious.
If something is too harsh, you cut yourself off from it entirely, and it ceases to exist and effectively disappears. Nevertheless, conflicts repeatedly occur, for you provoke other people and allow them to push against your “glass wall.” After this energy discharge comes the opposite; relaxation and harmony. With this simple way of resolving conflicts, you can heal and help others deal with their repressed feelings.
You seem talented and balanced, but you often repress your inner pain, which is activated by the other, unoccupied half of the horoscope from your environment. This leads to retreat, to an escape inwards to maintain harmony (5 X blue to 1 X red). You must passively reflect on the meaning of life, at which point you are very vulnerable. By learning to accept this withdrawal as a process of self-purification, you allow your harmony to radiate brighter and more intensely.
The five-fold blue does not just mean harmonious energy but also the collection of much substance and experience. You process sympathy and an open heart as you view the world in a very positive light. Thanks to the three sextiles, there is inner harmony and the ability to live in harmony with the environment.
You can adapt yourself and deal with the demands of your environment. Because the motive of security dominates, you are mostly anxiously concerned about protecting what you have achieved against intruders. You have difficulty letting yourself go and prefer to remain in the familiar security of your cradle.
Other people can see the afflicted red side, and they, therefore, treat it with consideration. Your inner harmony means you see everyone as being good and are, therefore, sometimes too gullible. The inevitable disappointment makes you strong and wise in understanding human feelings and idiosyncrasies. Although you can only participate superficially, you always strive for deeper contact.
There are only two blue-influenced planets in this quadrilateral. They possess excellent receptiveness, devotion, ability to enjoy and flair. You have great control over your personality, as experiences are thoroughly processed and integrated so that failure is almost no longer possible (perfectionist).
Two Minor Grand Trines form a semi-circular dish that oscillates in two directions between its polarities. Conversely, though, there are two possible middle paths or ways out of this conflict. So there is a double talent that can transform the conflicts of your life and give them new meaning and new opportunities. You are invulnerable because you always keep an escape route open into your own personal creativity, where there are no more conflicts to deal with
The aspect qualities of three Venus (sextiles), two Jupiter (trines) and one Saturn (opposition) show a dominance of the feminine-passive side, supported by Jupiter’s sensory awareness, which doesn’t want to miss an opportunity. With its Venus quality, this mirror quadrilateral processes good taste in all artistic matters. You could also be an artist; however, this area is not recognizable.
The Saturn quality teaches you to limit yourself and concentrate on one thing. Otherwise, you would just live your life pursuing sensual pleasures. The Cradle aspect pattern is controlled in the middle by two trines, from which two minor grand trines project. The axis topic of the opposition aspect provides the basis for the pleasure-seeking inherent in the blue aspects.
The interpretation of the Cradle depends greatly on the area of the horoscope where it is situated. The positions are described separately below.
- The left part of the horoscope includes the Ascendant. This is the “I” side, where all experiences are related to your ego.
- The bottom part of the horoscope includes the Nadir. This is the “Collective” side, where you are mainly interested in belonging to the collective.
- The right part of the horoscope includes the Descendant. This is the “You” side, which indicates a tuning into others and the environment and a tendency to do what others expect.
- The top part of the horoscope includes the Midheaven. This is the “Individual” side, where you want to be free. Your interests are mainly professional, and you want to get ahead and fulfill yourself independently.
Your Cradle could be said to occupy the left or the bottom of your horoscope. But you have most of your other planets on the left, so we will go with that.
A cradle on the I side of the horoscope is a sign of introversion. You are very self-sufficient and closed and avoid deep encounters with others. You protect yourself from the outside, are preoccupied with yourself and only let invited guests inside. The inner space, the intimate sphere, is kept shut and only opened to those who know the password, as it were. You find it very unpleasant if someone enters without being invited and you are talked about or judged. You want to live undisturbed in the protection of your inner space and only open up when you are sure that those who are knocking to come in are true friends. If a stranger intrudes, the opposition immediately becomes an impenetrable barrier. You would rather remain alone and be happy in your own world. This can often lead to real problems in relating to others.
During significant transits and eclipses to the planets in this cradle, feelings of security are frequently shaken, thus making your consciousness aware of a change in internal or external conditions. You should not stay in your “cradle”; instead, one day, you should be “thrown out of the nest” to participate in the growth process of life.
VENUS represents love, self-love and how you value yourself, money, harmony, beauty, refinement, affection, and equality. It represents the desire for pleasure, comfort, and ease. It also represents romance, marriage, business partnerships, sex, children, cosmetics, decorating, the arts, fashion, and social life.
Venus conjunct fixed star Alkaid (0°01′): Private, can be critical and exacting, but can also appeal to many people (the masses). May become a fanatic with career, ideas or projects and arouse mass emotionalism.
Alkaid generally gives good fortune, creativeness, authority, a fondness for power, business success, victory over enemies, responsibility for others at a practical level and great respect for services well given. There is the potential for taking public office, but trying to make a quick personal fortune from it would bring misfortune. Slight possibility of calamities, disasters, fanaticism, ruthlessness, violence and chronic, difficult-to-diagnose or serious illness. According to ancient belief, this star was supposed to be bound up with the realm of the dead and is therefore associated with death and mourning. It can give a role in consoling people in distress of bereavement. Alkaid is located on the tail of the Greater Bear.
Constellation Ursa Major, the Greater Bear, is said to give a quiet, prudent, suspicious, mistrustful, self-controlled, patient nature but an uneasy spirit and great anger and revengefulness when roused.
Venus conjunct fixed star Labrum (0°12′): Private but not a loner, open and friendly nature but critical and exacting. May be jealous and possessive, though not necessarily demanding.
Labrum generally gives ambition, intelligence, idealism, liberality, cosmopolitan views, intuition, psychic power, honor and riches in disgrace and purifies to salvation. It gives the potential for public office and great respect for well-given services. However, misfortune results from using it to make a quick personal fortune. Labrum is symbolically called the Holy Grail. Located in the base of the Cup, it rules the pancreas.
Constellation Crater the Cup gives a kind, generous, cheerful, receptive, passionate and hospitable nature, with good mental abilities but subject to apprehension and indecision. There is a disordered life full of sudden and unexpected events and great danger of unhappiness, but usually some eminence.
Venus conjunct fixed star Zavijava (0°15′): A pleasant nature, steadfast, possible domestic problems.
Zavijava generally gives strength, force of character, boldness, beneficence, salvation, patience, attention to detail, perfection, reliability, and the intelligence and energy to be sent out without needing to be led by a higher authority all the time. It also gives the ability to hold a position of command but subject to a higher command, an intelligent director behind the action. Would make a good salesperson, executive, manager or subordinate commander, but needs help from someone of higher rank to get the job. The idea conveyed by Zavijava is of swearing loyalty to another, taking charge under them, and ’running the ship’ for them.
Harsh aspects (quincunx Moon, square Neptune) can cause combativeness, many problems, destructiveness and self-destruction. Can become the sort of underling who provokes others to strike or mutiny by over-playing the ‘little Hitler’ act. If so, downfall is assured. Harder aspects can best be used by avoiding controlling others, taking on instead something like painstaking research in difficult fields where there are few people or sources to guide you. Zavijava is symbolically called Correct Weighing. Located in the Head of the Maiden, it rules the center of the pancreas.
Venus in Virgo Constellation gives a sense of propriety, proper impulses, and appreciation of small niceties. It makes you cheerful, quiet, pleasant, kind, humane, versatile and acquisitive. You are willing to serve others and have methodical and studious methods but seldom express deep sympathy.
Negatively, you may substitute self-justification for remorse, become cold-hearted, inhibited, introspective and tend to conceal your natural inclinations.
Moon quincunx Venus (3°07′) creates an imbalance between your need for emotional support and love. Both of these needs are very high, and it is almost impossible for one person to satisfy both conditions simultaneously. A similar thing happens with how you love and care for your partner. There could be love but emotional coldness or plenty of emotional support with little love.
It is tough to have stable relationships because the imbalance between love and emotion creates much relationship tension. This tension will continue to build to a crisis point. To restore balance, you may seek love or emotion elsewhere, usually in secret and often with someone associated with your partner. This could be a friend, work colleague or close relative.
Sometimes, this cycle of imbalance keeps repeating as you hunger for complete satisfaction. You may also seek emotional nourishment and pleasure through sweet foods or drugs. But you can never get enough, so health problems such as diabetes and addiction are possible.
It is possible to resolve this karmic imbalance, starting with your relationship with your mother or primary caregiver growing up. Any imbalance in that relationship is the primary source of your relationship problems as an adult. Your mother may have been emotionally cold or not given you enough love and affection. Remember, you need hugs and kisses more than most people. If your relationship with her was good, this aspect is probably not a problem.
Even through your teenage years and well into adulthood, your mother may negatively influence your self-esteem, behavior and other relationships like your marriage. This could involve emotional manipulation and blackmail of you or your partner. Perhaps she is too possessive or interfering. Maybe she tries to gain your love or attention through money or possessions, often associated with your house.
Admission or acknowledgment of relationship imbalances with your mother is half the battle won. Addressing these relationship problems will help you find inner balance and fulfillment in your love life. Use whatever resources it takes, such as counseling or medical treatment. Resolving your challenging family issues will significantly reduce the risk of further problems in your love life. Otherwise, your karmic issues may hurt your children and other loved ones.
Venus sextile Uranus (0°31′) positively influences your social life, love life, and artistic or creative style. This makes it easier for you to manage the challenging influence of The T-square focused on Uranus.
You have an open-minded and progressive view of your self-worth, which should make you comfortable among others in a social situation. People notice that your lifestyle or appearance is somewhat unusual or unconventional; you know they do.
With fewer hang-ups or barriers, people are attracted to you, and you should enjoy social popularity. Finding a lover should come as easy as making friends because there is always something interesting or exciting about you to spark their interest.
Your friends and partners are also likely to show a flair or eccentricity, so a degree of independence will help keep healthy relationships. You will be happiest with a partner who is not demanding or smothering and may have a non-traditional family setup or have to juggle multiple commitments.
Your sexy aura will attract a lot of attention from potential lovers. They sense that with you, they will enjoy extra stimulation and erotic pleasure with a hint of danger that is irresistible. With such temptation, you may struggle to keep up with long-term relationships. In this case, your need for a thrill could be found through sexual experimentation in the bedroom, role play, dress-ups or toys.
This aspect makes you a trendsetter, from your sense of fashion to how you decorate your room or design your entire home and garden. You may have to deal with odd looks when you start a new trend and are the only one standing out. You can turn this talent into a career later in life, and I’m sure some extra attention won’t spoil your day. At a deeper level, you appreciate form and beauty at a higher level than most. Your unique approach reveals things that can stimulate, excite, and inspire others.
MARS is associated with confidence, self-assertion, aggression, sexuality, energy (particularly goal-directed energy), strength, ambition, and impulsiveness. Mars governs sports, competitions, and physical activities in general.
THE MIDHEAVEN (MC) is your career or calling, ambitions, and what you are motivated to achieve. It also includes your reputation, social status, and public profile. The MC represents the traditional breadwinner, father, sometimes mother or single parent, authority and recognition.
Fixed star Propus conjunct Mars (0°08′) and Midheaven (0°57′): Propus gives strength, eminence, success, a keen mentality, a superficial nature, and a love of ease and luxury. It symbolizes cooperation, of ‘two heads being better than one’ and associative thinking. Good for an astrologer, but associative thinking is also a feature of such pathological states as paranoia, where quite unconnected and innocent actions by other people may be welded by a patient into a thrilling plot of conspiracy against him or her. So, Propus can be an indicator of unconscious states of fear and nervous breakdowns. If so, use this associative thinking capacity deliberately and productively to become skilled in controlling it. Located between the shoulders of the Gemini Twins, Propus rules the top of the stomach.
With Mars: Makes every effort to be liked, wants to be accepted, a love of ease and luxury.
Heat flare-ups of the tissues at the top of the stomach tend to become feverish and irritated, thus making it uncomfortable for these persons to eat solid foods. Cold foods would be best with this energy point, and relief could be obtained by drinking cooler herb teas, such as peppermint and spearmint (channeled).
Fixed star Wasat (0°35′) and Midheaven (1°24′): Wasat brings partnerships, compromise, and the ability to speak with clear authority when others are waffling, often resulting in prominence in public affairs or management. But the harsh aspects bring the potential for separations, pessimism, and a sense of heaviness, violence, malevolence, destructiveness and disaster. Wasat is connected with chemicals, poisons and gas. Situated on the right elbow of the Northern Gemini Twin, it rules the right side below the breast.
With Mars: May get involved in intrigues or actions that could result in serious legal problems. Self-destruction or violence is possible.
This position affects the health. It affects family ties by bringing much anger towards parents who can be loving and nurturing. These persons lash out at those who attempt to mother them, as they definitely do not wish to be mothered but only to express pure ego. This could be the teenager who strikes a parent because they did not get what they wanted. As husbands, they physically harm their wives. Even as females, they can harm a mother or weaker husband. To get along with these persons, all that is necessary is to never offer them assistance or attempt to nurture them. Their hostile energy tends to inflame the stomach, bringing about fevers there so that they cannot eat for a day or two. Peppermint or spearmint tea would be very helpful in cooling down this energy (channeled).
Fixed star Castor (1°08′) and Midheaven (0°19′): Castor gives distinction, a keen intellect, success in law, many travels, fondness for horses and sudden fame and honor but a tendency toward mischief and violence. There is a risk of laziness leading to self-destruction, a sudden reversal of fortunes, restrictions, disgrace, sickness, nervous breakdowns, arm or leg fractures, disappointments or imprisonment. Can let concern for others go ‘over the top’ beyond a sensible state of responsibility and practical ability to help.
Castor in the head of the Northern Gemini Twin, represents the mortal one of the twins, famous for his skill in taming and managing horses, sometimes called Apollo and symbolically named A Ruler Yet to Come. It rules the front of the stomach and the parathyroid glands.
With Mars: Energetic, much travel and a tendency for satire and cynicism. Success comes relatively easily, but a life-altering change could cause a new direction, mental health problems, many ups and downs, an aimless life and possibly violence. The change could be anything, from illness to marital problems to legal matters. The more strong-willed will make a comeback in time.
With Midheaven: A splendid and illustrious life, a glorious, mighty and commanding nature, fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Prosperity from youth and in own city.
Mars in Gemini Constellation gives enthusiasm, a constructive and energetic nature, a changeable attitude, a keen mentality and an inclination to be witty and vivacious. It makes you alert, active, adventurous, enterprising, honest, fluently eloquent, outspoken, not hypocritical, very resourceful, and quick to grasp ideas and problems.
Negatively, it can cause impatience, a cynical attitude, a build-up of nervous tension, a liability to accidents and problems with employers, relatives and friends. You may become caustic, disagreeable, vacillating, unable to make a firm decision, unreliable and not stand by your word.
Mars conjunct Midheaven (0°48′) makes you determined to do everything your way. You are very ambitious, competitive, and excellent at taking the initiative. You make split-minute decisions and act quickly, knowing just what to do. You would get angry if someone tried to stop you, and you would get outraged sometimes. You may find it a challenge, but listening to the ideas of others will help avoid arguments, even if you only pretend you are interested.
You identify with your goals, career, calling, or whatever you intend to do. If anyone questions your intentions, you feel like they are personally attacking you. Awareness of this tendency will help you separate yourself from your actions.
Your career should allow for independence and let you burn off a lot of physical energy. However, this does not mean you must be a soldier, steelworker, or professional athlete. Your brain burns much energy during challenging mental work, and anything competitive, such as sales and business, would suit you. Working with fewer and fewer people would probably serve you better. You bring your competitive side to work, physical attractiveness and strong sex appeal.
Moon quincunx Mars (4°39′) has a suggested maximum orb of 4°00′, but it may have some effect because the Mars-Midheaven conjunction tends to amplify the orbs of the associated aspects.
This aspect causes emotional irritation that can escalate rapidly into an emotional outburst. You can become emotionally attached to things that make it hard to be rational and objective. This can make you overly defensive when someone challenges your ideas, beliefs or behavior. And this would usually be a subconscious reaction, feeling as though you are being threatened.
You may tend to take out your anger on your mother or other women in your life, depending on how nice or otherwise your mother was to you when you were growing up. On the positive side, you can courageously defend your family or anything you emotionally attach to.
Moon quincunx Midheaven (3°50′) can cause an imbalance between your emotional need and desires for pleasure and your professional growth and development. These problems could cause difficulty in making smart career choices and finding a purpose. It could also mean that you have trouble following one path consistently.
Your emotional needs may conflict with your long-range goals. You may know what you must do but may not feel much like doing it. Your feelings may also color your perception so much that you do not see what has to be done. There is also the potential to fall into bad habits that hinder your career prospects.
It is important that you feel that you have the support of your family. You may have to rely on them for emotional nourishment or advice. Things will become easier if you develop an objective awareness of what you are doing and where you are going. You will need this understanding to guide your emotions, which might otherwise lead you astray and make it difficult to focus on your goals. Try to see others’ points of view, even if you cannot accept them. Do not let passing moods color your attitude and decisions about yourself and your direction.
Mars quincunx Neptune (3°20′) has a suggested maximum orb of 2°30′, but as explained earlier, it may have some effect. It gives a tendency to back down too quickly in the face of competition because of a lack of self-assertion. You may worry or be anxious about taking direct action when you really should be standing up for your rights in a direct fashion.
If you don’t face issues head-on, you may either give up or use indirect methods to get your way. This could lead to underhand tactics and dishonesty, which in turn could lead to deception, complications, and scandal.
Addressing any of the problems includes building self-confidence and learning to openly share your desires. Building muscle strength and stamina through physical exercise would also be helpful. You may also be more susceptible than most to fatigue, infection, poisoning and either low or high iron levels in your blood. You may lack reality about your ambitions for yourself or others. Avoid the need to exaggerate and learn to develop perspective.
Neptune quincunx Midheaven (2°31′) makes self-confidence a potential problem for you. It can give a tendency to submit to authority and be scared to speak up for yourself. If your parents were controlling, it would have made this much worse for you. It would have made it harder for you to manage things for yourself.
This aspect makes you very sensitive and impressionable. You are sensitive to vibrational energy in your environment, so avoiding being around negative people or even dirty or dangerous places is essential. Negative influences will weaken your self-confidence. However, this aspect enhances your psychic ability and is refined with age. You may be confused about your life’s direction, affecting your sense of purpose.
Moon sextile Neptune (1°19′): A feeling, intuitive, mystic and sensitive person. Connecting emotionally makes you very alluring, sultry, beautiful, successful, popular, even famous. Magnetic attractiveness, strong morals, empathy, honesty, and genuineness. However, you are vulnerable to being taken advantage of but should have spiritual or psychic protection.
A rich imagination and dream life can give rise to many creative talents. You are a people person, so you should be around others, whatever your chosen field. But you need a quiet place to dream up your projects without being distracted. You would suit any role requiring empathy and intuition, such as social welfare, healing, the occult, spiritual, non-profit, charity, or customer relations.
A Yod Aspect Pattern is a long triangle with an Apex planet that makes two green quincunx aspects to a blue sextile. Your Yod is focused on Mars/Midheaven. For karmic reasons, you have a special mission to complete that is related to your calling.
Blue-green aspect patterns are thinking and perception figures that enable sensitive communication. The color green and the triangular shape emphasize the search for meaning, flexibility, and the need for knowledge. The motivations are love, contact and communication. The interpersonal qualities are refined, as is the ability to live in a fantasy world and to strive for abstract ideals.
Blue-green aspect patterns are often a source of inspiration, with which plans can be hatched, intellectual imagination trained, and projects prepared. But they provide little impetus to put them into practice. Without associated red aspects, nothing is done with inspiration and intellectual capacity.
But Mars is at the apex, plus the moon is opposite the Sun and square Uranus, so you have more than enough motivation. You also have a remarkable ability to create relaxed, sensitive, aesthetically pleasing and subtle contact situations and to introduce imaginative points of view. Reasoning can offset this.
A Yod gives creativity and is important for spiritual development. Moon sextile Neptune provides natural skills and talents that can be developed and provides motivation and awareness to Mars/Midheaven. While Mars/Midheaven picks up information and energy from Moon sextile Neptune through the quincunxes, like an antenna. A Yod means you are often confronted with far-reaching decisions. The quincunxes force decisions.
When working subconsciously, with less developed awareness, you experience the apex Mars/Midheaven spontaneously in an unconscious process. You would relay your personal needs and deficiencies to the environment, which include undealt with psychological issues. You may drift for a long time thinking you have no major problems, blaming those around you for any mistakes. This is transferring guilt. You would also give too much importance to others’ opinions. You may also transfer idealized or negative images into your partner, putting them on a pedestal or seeing them as enemies.
A Yod leads to developmental or evolutionary leaps when the tension of the quincunx aspects reaches a critical level. The dramas or turning points in your life broaden your mind. You begin to feel things more at an emotional rather than a physical level. An influx of ideas and imagination gives you a talent for sharing your ideas. You would feel like you have some magical power that impresses others.
Further development leads to more intellectual thinking. They lead to more developed willpower and awareness that helps gain more control over your life. You receive inspiration and a different awareness of many things in life. You then project your idea to the world, but your awareness continually expands. Like a searchlight, you scan the surrounding area for knowledge. Eventually, you will see the evolutionary plan in a visionary way and then begin implementing a small piece of it. You must go through many changes in life before reaching this final stage that allows you to foresee the future.
JUPITER is associated with growth, expansion, prosperity, and good fortune. It governs long-distance and foreign travel, big business and wealth, higher education, beliefs, philosophy, religion, law, the urge for freedom and exploration, gambling and merrymaking.
Jupiter conjunct Alpha Comae Berenices (0°04′): Constellation Coma Berenices gives a suave and well-bred manner with great personal charm but leads to an idle and dissipated life. There is some love of, or ability for, the stage.
Alpha Comae Berenices is named Diadem, a type of crown. This star represents the seed. It holds the most prominent position (Ascendant) in the Dendera Zodiac. Represented as the seated mother with her infant child. Coma is the first decan of the first Sign (Virgo Constellation), symbolically the first star of the zodiac.
Jupiter conjunct fixed star Vindemiatrix (1°04′): Success in dealing with the public and many journeys but the danger of legal entanglement, trouble through religion, criticism and scandal.
Vindemiatrix generally gives leadership ability and perhaps a strong religious calling, even becoming a missionary. But it can also cause impulsiveness, wanton folly, indiscretion, foolishness, scandalous actions, poverty, criticism, depression, falsity, disgrace, and stealing, and often causes its natives to become widows. Vindemiatrix figures strongly and regularly in deaths that are in some way dramatic, newsworthy or are resented in much more than the usual degree by those left behind (assassinations, common criminal murders, executions, airline disasters etc.) Located on the right arm of the Maiden, Vindemiatrix rules the center of the right kidney.
When any planet energizes this degree, especially the Moon, there is a fear within these individuals that they will lose their partner. Through their own fear, they project the loss. They are given the opportunity to work with this fear and to release it. If not released from the subconscious level, the fear they carry will materialize and they become widowed (channeled)
Jupiter conjunct fixed star Porrima (1°16′): Public preferment and popularity but the danger of legal entanglement, trouble through religion, disputes over inheritance, domestic disharmony through intrigue and consequent scandal.
Porrima generally gives an agreeable disposition, idealism, popularity, prophetic instincts, a courteous, refined and lovable character, and small difficulties. Located on the left elbow of the Maiden, Porrima rules the center of the left kidney.
Jupiter conjunct Saturn (1°41′) makes you a strong-willed and proud person, determined to succeed. This positive aspect blends patience with enthusiasm and common sense with aspiration. You are likely very productive and prosperous, but your degree of success depends on the rest of your chart.
A well-defined career path is your key to success. You are well organized and systematically acquire the education and experience you need to reach your goals. You understand there are no shortcuts to winning and will generally pace yourself reasonably.
However, when things do not go your way, you may become impatient, unrelenting or stubborn. Do not hold on to frustration and resentment because you will eventually lose your temper. Losing your typically composed appearance would damage your reputation and prospects. It is better to release any build-up of tension through creative self-expression and controlled self-assertion.
On the other hand, this aspect can sometimes make you too conservative. You should always have faith in your abilities and trust your instincts. At your best, you are enthusiastic and optimistic, quietly confident and self-disciplined.
Hard work, training, and life experience will give you a solid foundation to keep growing and succeeding. The secure structures you build will support your family and bring you happiness and satisfaction. You can lead by example and teach with authority.
Jupiter conjunct Ascendant (6°50′) is a moderate influence because of the wide orb. It gives you the good fortune and personal freedom to develop your talents with little restraint. You are most likely a generous and optimistic person who is fun to be around. You like encouraging and helping others to develop their talents. You will generally get along with most people and enjoy open, honest relationships.
If your morals or sense of goodness are perverted, then you have the potential to succeed in evil deeds. Jupiter gives you the freedom and talent to achieve your hopes and wishes but does not pass judgment. It is essential to keep up high ethical standards and to respect the personal liberty and rights of others.
Abundant opportunities and good fortune can bring happiness, contentment, wealth, and prosperity. You might like to keep growing and learning through long-distance and foreign travel, higher education, spirituality or religion.
SATURN is duty, discipline, responsibility, career, loyalty, dedication, restrictions, limitations, delay, and boundaries. It rules authority, order, systems, structures, hierarchy, stability, lessons, and tests. It represents karma, patience, endurance, practicality, reality, tradition and time.
Saturn conjunct Lambda Boötis (0°13′): Constellation Boötes the Herdsman gives prosperity from work, strong desires, a tendency to excess, a fondness for rural pursuits, and some liking for occultism.
Lambda Boötis is named Xuange, from the Chinese 玄戈, Xuángē, meaning “somber lance”, westernized into Heuen Ko, with the meaning of “the heavenly spear”.
URANUS represents sudden and unexpected change, excitement, individuality, freedom, originality, ingenuity and genius. It also represents revolutionary, humanitarian, democratic and progressive ideas. It’s individual, original, unorthodox, and futuristic but also crazy, unreliable, eccentric, erratic and unsettling. It rules higher awareness, psychic ability, flashes of insight, discoveries, electricity and astrology.
Uranus conjunct Delta Muscae (0°10′): Constellation Musca Australis, the Southern Fly, gives a capricious, fickle, pleasure-loving, changeable, but industrious nature.
Uranus conjunct Mu Serpentis (0°25′): Constellation Serpens the Serpent gives wisdom, craft, deceit, malice, a feeble will and danger of poison. Mu Serpentis is named Tianru, from the Chinese 天乳, Tiānrǔ, meaning Celestial Milk.
NEPTUNE represents spirituality, idealism, dreams, illusion, deception, weakness, confusion, and vagueness. Also, mirrors, film, fog, mist, gasses, empathy, anesthetics, drugs, altered states of consciousness, poison, hypnotism, socialism, welfare, and communism.
Neptune conjunct fixed star Rasalhague (0°00′): Hypocritical, self-seeking, able speaker or writer, but panders to the public, occult, religious or scientific work, but largely misleading, minor Government position, domestic disharmony, ill-health to marriage partner, disappointment over legacy, peculiar death sometimes through fall but animal and human agency may be suspected. Very prone to infections in general and epidemic infections.
Rasalhague generally gives liberality, broad-mindedness, humanitarianism, philosophical ideas and tremendous visualization but misfortune through partners, perverted tastes and mental depravity. Especially prone to infections caused by toxins and a tendency to medical or hallucinatory drugs, stimulating food, too much good living, and overindulgence in alcohol. Danger of insect bites, snake bites or assault from animals or rabid dogs. Besides the lower emanations, there are supposedly higher influences attributed to Rasalhague, although only very few people can attune themselves to them. Rasalhague, on the head of the Serpent Bearer, rules the right side of the groin.
Constellation Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer, is said to give a passionate, blindly good-hearted, wasteful, and easily seduced nature with little happiness, unseen dangers, enmity, strife and slander, and danger of poisoning. This constellation has also been called Aesculapius and is held to rule medicines. It gives prudence and wisdom, the power of discovering healing herbs, and skill in curing the bites of poisonous serpents.
PLUTO represents transformation and transcendence. It destroys to renew and brings intense needs and drives to the surface. It is associated with power and personal mastery, big business and wealth, surgery and detective work.
Pluto conjunct fixed star Foramen (0°12′): This star gives leadership ability, piety, a strong spirit, prosperity, eye or ear problems, an intuitive mentality and fluent nature, peril, dignity, usefulness, and acquisitiveness. It is generally considered the foreteller of impending catastrophic change, but also the instructor of the way through such evolutionary transitions. In Chinese astronomy, it is called 天社 (tiānshè), Tseen She meaning “Heaven’s altar”. Located in the Keel of the Ship, it rules the connection of the two kidneys.
Constellation Argo, the Ship, is said to give prosperity in trade and voyages and strength of mind and spirit, but it has been associated with drowning.
Pluto conjunct fixed star Spica (1°29′): This is the most fortunate star used in astrology. It gives good fortune, success, renown, riches, great and unexpected honors, fame, good judgment, a sweet disposition, sociableness, love of art and science, unscrupulousness, unfruitfulness, injustice to innocence and disputed decisions. Spica also gives androgynous, spiritual, and religious qualities, with above-average psychic awareness. It is of marked good fortune for scientists, writers, artist-painters, sculptors, and musicians. Spica is named after and located on the spike of wheat held by Virgo. It rules the navel.
The Pluto aspects listed below are challenging, but they are much weaker than Sun sextile Pluto (0°42′) and Moon trine Pluto (1°24′).
Pluto conjunct Ascendant (6°39′) is a weaker influence than Jupiter conjunct Ascendant but could add intensity and complexity. Power and control issues may be a theme in your close relationships and can cause problems if you get too bossy. Even if you are not overbearing, you could be dominated and not handle that. Extreme is another keyword for this aspect. Learning moderation in all areas of life is one of your soul’s essential missions.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder can control your life if you cannot relax and learn to let things ride. Obsessions with being in control or making everything perfect are more negative side effects of this challenging aspect. The more intense your compulsions become, the more trouble you will have in your relationships. Rejection or depression would be felt intensely, and you could easily slip into destructive behavior and habits. Crime, addiction, prostitution, and violence are manifestations of the dark side of Pluto. Threats, intimidation, near-death experiences, and suicide attempts can result from total loss of control.
Too much control and friends will desert you. Not enough, and you’re engulfed by dark forces. The answer is accepting and moderating your intense powers. You have a significant influence on other people and events in your life. Coercion and manipulation are easy ways to get what you want, but you must avoid this temptation. Let your loved ones live their own lives and control their destiny. One particular grandmother may significantly influence your early life, which would cause complications with the other side of the family.
The best influence you can have on your loved ones is to succeed in life. No matter how bad things get or how hopeless you feel, your powers of regeneration and transformation are formidable. When you become too intense or lose control, some drama will bring things to a head. The self-analysis and change that follows will result in an evolutionary leap. You will transcend your obsession or destructive behavior, and soul growth will occur. When this aspect is working optimally, there is no limit to your progress and achievements.
Mars square Ascendant (3°23′) gives extraordinary energy that makes you driven, motivated and passionate. You can also motivate and inspire others and may have good leadership qualities. However, this dynamic energy’s raw and abrasive nature verges on aggression that can intimidate and scare others.
Many people with this aspect are drawn to fighting against injustice and standing up for the underdog. You can have a very positive influence and help many people by channeling your aggression into fighting for worthy causes. It could be in feminism, equal rights, workers’ rights, or some other social cause that fires you up.
But that same radical activism and aggressive fighting spirit that can make a big difference can also cause serious relationship problems. You need to realize that the same behavior can hurt your loved ones.
Partners, in particular, can find you arrogant, domineering, selfish, egotistical, demanding, defensive and thin-skinned. You may tend to lose your temper and attack people. A strong, devoted, and understanding partner must stay in such a tumultuous relationship.
Mars square Pluto (3°15′) creates an intense desire to assert your dominance and achieve your ambitious goals. Your extreme courage, willpower, drive and perseverance help you gain power and influence.
Although you do have this tremendous energy to draw on, its assertiveness can sometimes turn to aggressiveness if your ambitions are blocked or others challenge your goals. There may be a tendency to bottle up anger and resentment, which would only result in an outburst of destructive rage.
It would be best to moderate this intense energy by working continuously towards your ambitious goals to avoid temper tantrums. Given your strong work ethic and determination to succeed, this should not be too challenging. However, there is still the possibility of your rise to power resulting in aggressive actions from others. These other people or even organizations will feel threatened by your increasing power. The key to gaining the upper hand is to stay focused on your aims. Resist the urge to retaliate or undermine your enemies.
Pluto square Midheaven (2°26′) can indicate some hardship early in life. You may have moved around because of your parents’ work and had to change schools. Or perhaps you suffered a childhood illness or were separated from a parent for some time. One parent’s relationship may have been destructive, but the other may have been close and supportive.
Unwanted change, poverty, abuse, pain, and humiliation are all possible in childhood. This makes you intensely ambitious to get ahead in life and feel important. It also gives a strong desire to understand why, investigate, and find deeper meaning in your life. You don’t like existence’s dull routine and need problems to analyze and solve.
You may reject your traditional religious upbringing and become agnostic. You may also become fascinated by spirituality, astrology, or other paranormal or esoteric phenomena. Belief in reincarnation, or that the soul continues to exist after death, is common with this aspect
You do wield a lot of power to do good or bad. Early hardship and change can lead to much-concealed hostility beneath the surface. Repressed anger or hatred can manifest as extreme methods to succeed and prove yourself through your career. This could include using people to get ahead, cheating, intimidation, and bullying. You may use more subversive tactics if you are shy and submissive. There is also the potential for you to be the victim of such behavior.
Immoral and unethical behavior may bring you wealth and glory, but it also leads to tumultuous relationships, revenge, criticism, controversy, and public fallingouts. You do have a tremendous amount of power to achieve your goals. And you also have a talent for transcending the desire to interfere and manipulate to achieve results.
This power to transform and reform can be used to better your life without harming others. You can enjoy harmonious and mutually beneficial relationships without seeing others as a threat. Ultimately, you can use your power to improve the lives of others.
Change is a big part of your life, but sometimes, your best option will be to accept things as they are rather than desperately and fruitlessly trying to change them. Sometimes, you can improve yourself by listening to others, getting advice, and allowing yourself to be changed by them.
The Lunar Nodes
THE NORTH NODE represents your karmic objectives, soul growth, evolution, the future, family relationships, genetic links, karmic relationships, and lessons you came here to learn.
North Node conjunct Zeta Cancri (0°35′): This star brings career and material success, the ability to lead and conquer, mental keenness, determination, endurance, a rise followed by a fall, melancholy, self-destruction and possibly violence. It can make you thoughtful, serious, sincere, hardworking, adventurous, private, demanding and self-centered. Located at the rear of the crab, Constellation Cancer.
Zeta Cancri is named Tegmine (Tegmen), meaning “the shell (of the crab).”
THE SOUTH NODE represents the challenges and gifts from previous lifetimes, innate unconscious tendencies, karmic patterns that are generally separative and destructive, and past life hangovers.
South Node conjunct fixed star Altair (0°09′): This star gives a confident, ambitious, bold, valiant, unyielding and liberal nature, great and sudden but ephemeral wealth, a position of command, legal and military advancement, and danger from reptiles. May be a mischief maker and guilty of bloodshed. Possible disgrace, misfortune and ruin. Located in the neck of the Eagle, Altair rules seven inches below the bend of the left knee.
Constellation Aquila the Eagle gives great imagination, strong passions, indomitable will, a dominating character, influence over others, clairvoyance, a keen penetrating mind and an ability for chemical research.
CHIRON represents wounding and healing. It is the deepest wound in your soul and your ability to heal yourself and others through traditional medicine and other alternative healing methods. In Greek mythology, Chiron was the wisest of the Centaurs who taught astrology and herbal medicine. So Chiron is associated with wisdom and proficiency in botany, music, astronomy, divination, and medicine. In Christian Astrology, Chiron represents Christ.
Chiron conjunct fixed star Zaurak (0°49′): This star could make you introspective, private, and constantly striving for success. But it can also cause a struggle to overcome melancholy and feelings of great loneliness. With Zaurak, it is important not to take life too seriously and put too much weight on everything people say. Otherwise, this star could trigger a fear of death and suicidal tendencies. Zaurak is located in the River.
Constellation Eridanus the River gives a love of knowledge and science, much travel and many changes, a position of authority, but danger of accidents, especially at sea and of drowning.
Sun opposite Moon (0°42′) creates a competitive and confrontational nature, with polarities and extremes. Stress and tension during constant battles against the adversary lead to a different perspective, intuition, self-understanding, compromise and negotiation.
Sun square Chiron (0°00′) suggests you have difficulty shining in your life because of a childhood wound, perhaps connected with your father. You lack confidence and feel lonely at times. You empathize with other people’s suffering and may become a healer or counselor.
Chiron makes you consciously aware of a karmic wound that can be so damaging and painful, it affects your will to live. The following quotes come from a book called Wounding and the Will to Live by Liz Greene:
We may cry out that we want life; but somewhere inside, we want to go home, and this longing for oblivion may be more powerful than any conscious declaration of intent to “get better”… loss of the will to live may not always result in self-destruction. It may be expressed as the urge to destroy others…
…the polarity of hope versus despair, the will to live versus hopelessness, may be illuminated – at least in part – through the symbolism of the polarity of the Sun and Chiron. Those with the Sun in direct aspect to Chiron may know on a profound level how the unfairness of life can damage the spirit.
Liz Greene goes on to list the following keywords or themes for the Sun working against Chiron:
- Depression
- Loss of confidence
- Sense of permanent damage
- Cynicism
- Expectation of failure
- Sense of victimization or scapegoating
- Desire to victimize or scapegoat others
- Projection of inferiority on others
- Loss of the will to live
Moon square Chiron (0°42′) suggests you are a suffering and wounded person. You feel that you are misunderstood, particularly by your own mother. You may have some difficulty in coming to terms with emotional wounds from the past. This aspect makes you very sensitive to emotional reactions from others, and to emotional pain from bullying, rejection and abandonment.
You may experience deep emotional pain stemming originally from your relationship with your mother. You may attract partners and situations that reflect that pain. It may be that your partner needs much caring, or it may be that your partner sparks your wounds. You have become adept at looking after your loved ones, sometimes at your own expense.
The lesson is to face the pain and balance your needs with the needs of others. Developing and learning to trust your intuition will help you deal with any emotional pain and help you avoid it in the future. Counseling may also help. Once you have learned to rise above your pain, you will be able to understand and help others. You may become a wise and loving healer.
In this T-square created by the Sun, Moon, and Chiron, the energy is stored and bottled up in the Sun opposite Moon is discharged along both squares towards the apex. So Chiron forms the powerpoint in which achievement is produced and transferred into work by the discharge of tension.
You have two connected T-squares to the Sun opposite Moon, one to Uranus and one to Chiron. I usually only include asteroids, Chiron and Lilith with one-degree conjunctions.
The orb for Chiron opposite Uranus is over 3 degrees which is too big to create a Grand Square. But just in case it is relevant:
Uranus opposite Chiron (3°19′) gives a willful desire for freedom, and you are likely to cut ties and make sudden changes if circumstances or people stand in your way. Your strong desire to express your freedom may be a result of your inability to face deep emotional wounds. Your task is to honor your intuition and foresight and find a creative outlet for your talents.
LILITH is powerful feminine energy. Mythologically, Lilith was a strong, independent woman. She sought equality but not control and rebelled against subservience. The patriarchy labeled her a demon, but in reality, she is a priestess and counterpart to Chiron. In Christian Astrology, Lilith is Mary Magdalene. She represents feminine wounding and healing, primal and instinctual feminine energy, marginalization, and your shadow side or subconscious personality and darker desires you keep hidden to avoid criticism and rejection.
I have not researched Lilith aspects by my previous partner Marina has:
Sun square Lilith (2°49′) is not as bad as one might imagine. It seems to create incredibly strong-willed, feisty individuals who take it upon themselves to become spokespeople for the disadvantaged or for dark n’ gritty issues that are disturbing for the public in some way. The square has so much tension that it is compelled to action and here Lilith demands equality and simmers with unprocessed rage. Together these qualities really can move mountains.
Sun in hard aspect to Lilith people are creative activists and mesmerizing agitators. They think nothing of taking the law into their own hands. They have their own sense of honour and high principles, which can sometimes effect their popularity. Always as tough on themselves as they are on others, they aim high and have the magic of their intuition to aid them in their leaps of faith.
Moon square Lilith (2°06′) is one of the most challenging Black Moon Lilith aspect you can have, but it is ultimately one of the most powerful. The subject will go through life facing constant intense triangular relationships that will either make or break them. They may be asked to choose between mother and spouse, child and lover or family and spiritual path. Exceptional demands may be made of them to make heartbreaking decisions, which in the end may exile them from their family. They need to learn that they can’t please everyone and own their Lilith sovereignty.
With Moon/Lilith hard aspects, the native will always end up hurting someone. Therefore they might as well pick the solution that makes their own soul the happiest. Sometimes these folk will break under the pressure of this aspect and succumb to the temptation of Lilith’s forbidden fruit in the shape of sex addiction or drugs. If they manage to come through then they become a fantastic example of the Phoenix rising from the flames. The valuable life lessons they have learnt from their traumas become an inspiration to those still caught up in the darkness.
Moon square Lilith or Moon opposite Lilith can work really well if the balance between the mother and anti-mother is worked out. There is a degree of virgin mother V whore here. With the opposition the subject swings between wanting to mother, or be mothered and then abruptly breaking away from family ties. The same ambivalence can be found with their views on sexuality.
Triangular Relationships: Sex and libido can be a big issue, sometimes veering from nymphomania to celibacy over night. The control of sex is really the key. The subject needs to be their own authority on how they display their sexuality, very private or very public as long as it’s their call. If Moon opposite Lilith is not in control of their own sexuality they may need to be in utter control of somebody else’s. A career as a pimp or madame would suit.
Because the Moon and the Black Moon are such polar opposites, in the opposition they could actually end up cancelling each other out. A successful balance of these two would mean that the domestic moon can restrain Lilith from going too far off the rails and wild Lilith could break some of the moons stagnating habits. The bad side of this aspect could be projecting the attraction for the forbidden fruit onto partners by falling for addicts.
One could be playing either side of this opposition, the loving supportive moon or the vampiric Lilith who bleeds their partner dry to feed their addiction. On the plus side this is potentially a greatly creative aspect with the dynamism of the opposition creating a magnetic energy. This is more subtle than the magic wand of the Sun opposite Lilith, it is more like an invisible undercurrent of intuition and animal instinct running through the subject.
Uranus conjunct Lilith (0°29′) you will have to search for.
Eris opposite Ascendant (0°05′) causes “trouble and strife” in close one-to-one relationships, which may sometimes become feisty. You may enjoy the stimulation of discussions, arguments, and exchanges of opinions. You are likely to develop the powers of diplomacy through first-hand experience. You learn within your intimate relationships to develop a thick skin and stand up for yourself.
You need to make sure that you commit to someone who also enjoys competition, rather than cooperation, in your union. Otherwise, you may alienate your beloved through too many clashes of opinion, and other aggressive behaviors. You may enjoy competition, but your partner must also find this stimulating rather than irritating. Occasionally this placement can indicate someone who thinks commitment is just too much trouble, preferring a series of partners or living on their own to becoming seriously involved.
I know this is a sample but I feel like it’s MY reading lol.