Ukraine Horoscope

Ukraine HoroscopeThe February 2014 Ukrainian revolution which led to the change of government, really deserves some investigation from the astrological perspective. First I will work out which Ukraine horoscope to use from a number of options.

Once a working horoscope is found, I will interpret it using moon phases, aspects and the fixed stars. Then I will show how current transits clearly explain this most recent turmoil in the country. Finally, I will try my hand at a mundane astrology prediction to see what the future may hold for the Ukraine.

Which Ukraine Horoscope?

There are three possible dates for the Ukraine horoscope listed in the Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion. The first date is for independence, set for 22 January 1918, but that independence was short-lived.

The second date is for the Proclamation of Independence from Russia, on 24 August 1991. Astro Databank uses this date: Astrology: Nation: Ukraine. The final chart that Campion gives is for a referendum confirming independence on 1 December 1991. There is another chart for Kiev, of 8 May 882, which astrotheme uses: Astrology: Kiev (Ukraine).

I checked all of these options against two important events in the recent history of Ukraine: the 1986 Chernobyl Disaster, and the 2004 Orange Revolution. The only date for the Ukraine Horoscope which stood out was 1 December 1991, the legalization of Ukrainian independence. I have listed only the conjunctions from these events against the Ukraine horoscope I have chosen to work with.

Chernobyl Disaster

Uranus conjunct Vertex
Uranus conjunct Mercury
Mars conjunct Uranus
Mercury conjunct MC
AC conjunct Mercury
MC conjunct Venus

Orange Revolution

New Moon conjunct Pluto
Pluto conjunct Vertex
Jupiter conjunct IC
Mercury conjunct Pluto
Sun conjunct Mars

The Ukraine Horoscope

Ukraine Horoscope

Ukraine Horoscope

The people of Ukraine as shown by the Moon, are attractive and popular with Moon conjunct Venus. Venus on the fixed star Arcturus also points to popularity, so it is no wonder that this nation has been fought over throughout their history.

The leader of a nation is shown by both the Midheaven (MC) and the Sun. Strong and powerful leaders are indicated by the Sun trine MC. The Sun on the fixed star Antares means “honor and riches ending in disgrace and ruin, military preferment, danger of treachery, violence committed or suffered“. That has certainly been the case with recent presidents. The MC on the fixed star Alderamin in constellation Cepheus, The King, also points to strong rulers, but who undergo severe tests and challenges.

The Ascendant (AC) in mundane astrology represents the character of the nation. Mars trine AC indicates a strong and militant nation, shown by the long history of rebellion and war.

Opposite the AC, on the right hand of the chart, is the Descendant (DC). This is the stand-out point in the chart because the prior lunar eclipse and Saturn are there too. In a natal chart, the DC represents partners. In a mundane chart, the DC represents treaties, allies and enemies. Saturn here suggests authoritative partners who instill control and disciple. The lunar eclipse highlights the influential role that these partners play, and makes the relationships emotionally sensitive. The public is greatly affected by these bilateral relations.

The other point of interest in the Ukraine horoscope is Uranus conjunct the North Node. Uranus represents revolution and change. The North Node is the path of this nation. You could say that the destiny of Ukraine is one of uncertainty, unexpected events, rioting and revolution. Uranus on the fixed star Nunki again stresses the focus on partners, as it relates to “state or foreign affairs“. Nunki with Uranus, in particular, gives pride and aggression. Neptune is not far from Uranus, adding treachery, suspicion, and scandal to the revolutions and dramatic changes in the country.

February 2014 Transits

2014 Revolution

Lunar Eclipse conjunct Venus
Pluto conjunct Uranus
Uranus conjunct MC
Saturn conjunct Pluto
Jupiter conjunct South Node
Mars conjunct Venus
Venus conjunct Neptune
AC conjunct MC
Part of Fortune conjunct Pluto

The protest march which led to rioting and the 2014 Ukrainian revolution, began at 8:30 am on 18 February 2014 in Kiev. The transits I have listed here pretty much speak for themselves. Pluto and Uranus are highlighted both in transit and in the Ukraine horoscope. Uranus square Pluto radical change and upheaval has impacted heavily on the Ukraine Uranus North Node conjunction. That is the path of revolution mentioned earlier.

Transiting Pluto activated the Ukraine Uranus, and transiting Uranus was on the Ukraine MC, resulting in the removal of the president. In fact, Uranus has done such a good job here, that I believe Viktor Yanukovych is still unaccounted for. The shorter-term trigger seems to have been Jupiter square Uranus.

The Future of Ukraine

Ukraine Astrology, Ukraine Horoscope

Ukraine Transits April 2014

The 15 April 2014 lunar eclipse at 25 degrees Libra is on the Ukraine Venus, which will hopefully give peace a chance. However, the final exact conjunction of transiting Pluto to the Ukraine Uranus is not until December 2014. Also of concern is the final conjunction of transiting Uranus to the Ukraine MC occurring on the 22nd of March 2014. This is just one month before the exact square of Uranus and Pluto.

Even more alarming on the date of Uranus square Pluto, is the position of Mars, the planet of war. Mars retrograde will be on the Ukraine IC, square Jupiter on the South Node, square Pluto on Uranus, and opposite Uranus on the MC. This sacrificial grand square in the Uranus square Pluto chart triggers the buggery out this Ukraine horoscope. These Ukraine horoscope points are shown in the chart in red.

The new moon before this date, on 30 March 2014, is at 10 degrees Aries conjunct Uranus. The March 30 new moon with the planet Uranus is an omen of more instability in general. This is the new moon which comes before the Grand Cross April 2014. At 10 degrees Aries, this Uranus new moon is on the Ukraine MC, making it an omen of yet more upheaval for the county, and perhaps another change in leadership.

Update 19 March 2014

Crimea Annexation

Full Moon conjunct Fortunae
Pluto conjunct Uranus
Uranus conjunct MC
Saturn conjunct Pluto
Jupiter conjunct South Node
Mars conjunct Venus
Moon conjunct Moon
Vertex conjunct Neptune

Crimea was formally annexed at a signing ceremony in Moscow, at 3:02 pm on Tuesday the 18th of March 2014. Hours later the first death in the conflict occurred when a Ukrainian soldier was shot in the neck at his military base in Crimea.

This is the first real test of the Ukraine horoscope I chose to work with. It passed with flying colors. Hopefully, now astrologers will stop using the 24 August 1991 horoscope just because it is listed on Astro Databank. The table lists only the conjunctions to the Ukraine Horoscope from the Annexation chart. Thanks to Ed Kohout for posting the time of the annexation signing, on the Facebook Mundane Astrology Group.