Donald Trump was born in New York on June 14, 1946. The time of 10:54 am for the Donald Trump horoscope is rated AA as it comes from his birth certificate. [1]
Mars conjunct Ascendant (3°11′) represents the physical expression of Donald Trump’s soul. It makes him very strong, courageous and independent, and he feels he must show off this strength. His ego can be easily ruffled, leading to arguments and hostility. Others can react aggressively to this hostility, often resulting in strong enemies.
People always know where Donald stands. Personal integrity and honor are his strong points and win him support. He has a strong sex drive and can ooze sexual magnetism in a raw, militant way. Competitive careers like big business and politics are excellent outlets for his assertive energy.
Donald has a tremendously strong work ethic and a strong desire to succeed. However, he needs to develop a greater understanding and respect for those not strong like him. His relationships would enjoy more harmony if he showed more sympathy and tenderness to weaker individuals.
Fixed star Regulus at 29♌04 is conjunct his Mars and Ascendant. The Heart of the Lion, symbolically the Crushing Foot, is a Mars-Jupiter-type star reinforcing Donald Trump’s assertive and aggressive nature. It makes him generous, ambitious, fond of power, desirous of command, high-spirited and independent. Regulus is the Great and Mighty King, giving royal properties, a noble mind, frankness and courage.
Ascendant conjunct Regulus (0°53′) gives great honor and wealth, favor of the great and victory over enemies. But it can also bring scandal, violence and trouble, with benefits seldom lasting.
Mars conjunct Regulus (2°18′) brings honor, fame, a strong character, public prominence and high military command. He takes command and gives orders.
Sun sextile Mars (3°50′) gives a playful and youthful appearance. It increases the strength and competitiveness of Mars and Regulus rising. It’s the reason he is very direct in his self-expression. A fighting spirit can make him provocative, and this aspect supports the business, military and political potential shown by Mars and Regulus rising.
Lack of pretension and a willingness to stand up for just causes win Donald’s respect and support. Sun sextile Mars suggests harmonious relationships because of his sincerity, warmth and charming personality. Of course, the Mars rising aggression will hamper this at times.
Donald Trump’s Sun at 22♊55 lies amid five fixed stars in Constellations Taurus and Orion, which together make for a combative nature with the tongue. The strongest of these is:
Fixed star Alnilam at 22♊42 is the middle star of the Belt of Orion. In general, it gives public honor. Good aspects (sextile Mars-Ascendant) indicate being able to do really great things and being well rewarded as a result. Challenging aspects (opposite Moon) give a tendency towards useless bravado. Sun conjunct Alnilam reinforces his rash, headstrong and bad-tempered nature.
Sun opposite Moon (1°43′) expresses all the turmoil and chaos from when Theia collided with Earth to create the Moon. This is the strongest feature in his chart by far, and like all we have already seen, it creates a very competitive and confrontational nature.
He comes to terms with the polarities and extremes in his life by bravely charging headlong in combat against his adversaries. In this way, he gains greater understanding of his inner self and that of the outer world. This sometimes blinkered nature provokes strong reactions, which, in time, help him become a master of compromise and negotiation.
Sun conjunct Uranus (5°02′) exacerbates Donald’s ability to shock with his confronting behavior. However, it also makes him very self-aware of this nature and how others see him. His progressive need to change the system is often seen as juvenile rebellion. Still, his higher awareness and vision can bring new ways of doing things that eventually become acceptable, greatly benefiting humanity.
Jupiter trine Uranus (0°26′) is the tightest aspect in Donald Trump’s horoscope. It gives a fundamental dislike of tradition and an ingenious, progressive spirit. He believes everyone deserves the chance to succeed without restraint from rules and regulations. He would see big government inhibiting a person’s freedom to grow and succeed. Along with the Sun-Uranus conjunction, this aspect makes Donald uninhibited and free to share his values, with no thought of societal or political standards.
Behind the strong-man image are actually well-intended liberal, tolerant and progressive beliefs and values. He has an optimistic view of the future and will discard any belief or system that no longer works. He is comfortable being eccentric and misunderstood. This aspect also gives an open-minded approach to religion.
Venus conjunct Saturn (1°55′) makes it difficult to show love and affection, but it does signal a caring and loyal person. Breakups and divorce are common and this aspect is noted for bringing sadness, disappointment in love, and even poverty. Patience and many lessons can lead to loving relationships and financial security.
Fixed star Procyon at 25♋02 is a very fortunate influence on the Venus-Saturn conjunction. Being associated with wealth and renown, it has definitely improved Donald’s financial position. However, like so much in his chart, it makes people hasty, jealous and pig-headed.
Venus conjunct Procyon (0°42′) brings many benefits from influential friends and association with the Church and is favorable for gain.
Saturn conjunct Procyon (1°13′) gives him good judgment and a high position of trust, often in connection with land.
Venus-Saturn sextile Midheaven is another reason why the bad reputation of Venus conjunct Saturn has been negated. The Venus influence gives a love of career and talent in the fashion or beauty industries. This is a good indicator of wealth and softens his aggressive nature. The Saturn influence suggests a position of authority, respect and honor. This is ideal for a career in real estate or the government.
Fixed star Algol at 25♉24 conjunct Midheaven would seem a terrible omen for his career. Medusa’s Head is associated with extreme misfortune and violence. With the Midheaven in particular, it can indicate murder, sudden death and beheading. Donald Trump is at risk of being assassinated by a shot to the head or neck.
The unlucky Venus-Saturn conjunction has turned good through the positive fixed star and trine to Midheaven. It also seems that unlucky Algol has come good through the trine to Venus-Saturn. Plus, Algol does have a very positive side. Medusa’s ugly head was removed by the sword and then used for good. Seeing past the ugliness reveals hidden beauty. It would appear that through his career or calling, Donald Trump can unlock the beauty and riches of Venus that was bound by Saturn.
How Algol signifies on horoscopes depends entirely on how the person concerned does or does not live life with an honest sense of purpose to it, a desire at least to try to live up to some kind of philosophy, religion or ideal. [2]
- Exclusive to Newsmax: Trump’s Hospital Birth Docs.
- The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.130.