Full Moon October 17, 2024 – God of War

Full Moon October 2024 Astrology

The full moon in Aries on October 17, 2024, is square Mars, the god of war. So, the spiritual meaning of the October 2024 full moon is learning to release your feelings of anger in a controlled way without hurting others.

The astrology of the October 17 full moon is also influenced by several potent fixed stars, which amplify Mars’s aggressive and impulsive nature. The appearance of comet Tsuchinshan–ATLAS in the northern hemisphere also increases the risk of violence and war.

Full Moon October 2024 Horoscope

The full moon on Thursday, October 19, 2024, is at 24°35′ Aries. A tense square Mars aspect is the primary planetary influence. The chart below also shows the position of comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS). It is visible in the northern hemisphere after sunset from October 12 to 30.

Full Moon In Aries 2024

Full Moon In Aries October 2024

Full Moon October 2024 Astrology

Sun opposite Moon brings your home, family, and intimate relationships into sharper focus for the following two weeks of this moon phase. Opposing forces, such as work versus home or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.

The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts climax with a full moon. So, use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an honest and balanced look at your relationships. You will see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.

Full Moon Aspect

Full moon square Mars gives an insatiable need to meet your passionate desires that can make you forceful and aggressive. You can draw on incredible energy, courage and fighting spirit to succeed, but there is a high chance of irritation that can make you short-tempered, impulsive and explosive. This brings the danger of emotional outbursts, arguments, accidents, cuts, burns, and violence.

However, holding onto anger is not wise. The key to handling this fast, hot energy is to release your feelings in a controlled way. Avoid being overly defensive or mean when others share their hurt feelings with you. But this is not easy, so some degree of emotional discomfort is to be expected, especially in intimate relationships. Courage is needed to face whatever is causing you pain or making you feel threatened.

The Constellations

The full moon in October 2024 is in the Sign of Aries, but due to the precession of the equinoxes, it is in the Constellation Pisces. Yet it most closely aligns with a star in the northern Constellation Cepheus, the King.

Full Moon Astrology

Full Moon in Pisces Constellation

The Fishes

A full moon in the Pisces Constellation gives originality, creativity, great empathy and fertile expression. It makes people hospitable, adaptable, companionable, sensitive, fluent, imaginative, and seeking personal knowledge.

Harsh aspects (square Mars) cause neurotic tendencies, unusual fancies, impractical ideas, a lack of coherent expression, and a tendency to brood unnecessarily over unimportant subjects, people, ideas and fancied wrongs. Your imagination could run wild, and you may feel unnecessarily persecuted and become self-indulgent, lazy, gullible, restless, highly emotional, overly sentimental, or even withdrawn. [1]

The Druid

Moon conjunct fixed star Kurhah (0°00′) makes people thoughtful, polite, sincere and determined. It gives endurance, a good memory, idealism, good judgment, authority, help from friends and interest in literature, history, philosophy, music, poetry, art, science, medicine, politics, astrology, education, journalism, justice, and philanthropy. The ability to cooperate and compromise gives diplomatic skills.

Kurhah also gives psychic power that allows access to other realms of consciousness and insights into the past. With this knowledge comes a strong sense of duty or purposefulness to use it for a definite mission.

Harsh aspects (square Mars) can make people selfish, demanding, impulsive and foolish and cause anxiety, melancholy, indiscretion, scandal and self-destruction.

Constellation Cepheus the King gives authority, a sober mind, a role as judge or arbitrator, and cruel and severe trials. It presages earthquakes and other events that affected large portions of mankind.

More Stars

On the other side of the zodiac, the Sun also aligns exactly with a very bright star. The image below also shows the bright comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, visible in the northern hemisphere after sunset.

Full Moon October 2024 Meaning

Full Moon October 2024

The Guardian

Sun conjunct fixed star Arcturus (0°00′) gives success through slow and patient plodding, wealth, renown, psychic ability, friends among the clergy, some ups and downs and success through sports, writings, legal, public, philosophical and religious matters. Harsh aspects bring discontentment.

Arcturus also gives a self-determined nature, enterprising spirit, good fortune, high office, success in fine arts and business, and prosperity through navigation and voyages, but a belligerent and quarrelsome nature with a tendency to achieve justice through power. Harsh aspects can turn the good influence into a real handicap, with many anxious moments, violence and legal losses.

Constellation Boötes the Herdsman gives prosperity from work, strong desires, a tendency to excess, a fondness for rural pursuits, and some liking for occultism.

The Wicked Boy

Mars conjunct fixed star Pollux (0°38′) makes people brutal, tyrannical, violent, cruel, obstinate and willful, preferring to lead, not follow. They create jealousy, not deliberately. Possibility of high position but final ruin, domestic problems, health problems not easily cured, murder or violent death by suffocation, drowning or assassination.

Pollux also gives a subtle, crafty, spirited, brave, audacious, and rash nature, eminence, renown, dignified malevolence, an aptitude for getting into quarrels, a love of sports, especially boxing, psychic ability, success in war, business and politics, and it is connected with poisons.

The Female Warrior

Jupiter conjunct fixed star Bellatrix (0°04′) gives great civil or military honor and philosophical and religious thinking but the danger of hypocrisy, jealousy, fanaticism, slander, and unforeseen losses. It is favorable for military, legal and religious matters, but caution is needed to avoid making enemies.

Bellatrix also gives a fondness for power, victory over competitors, great authority, renown, wealth, eminent friends, the ability to organize and discriminate, and quick decision-making with thoughts and plans realized with energy, courage, a fighting spirit and strategic talent. It makes people ambitious, rash, energetic, headstrong and changeable. However, there is a danger of sudden dishonor and accidents causing blindness and ruin.

Constellation Orion the Hunter gives a strong and dignified nature, self-confidence, inconstancy, arrogance, violence, impiety, and prosperity in trade, particularly by voyages or abroad, but the danger of treachery and poison.

The Demon

Uranus conjunct fixed star Algol (0°05′) gives accidents and severe injuries.

Algol was anciently thought to be the demon star. It has two well-defined natures. One is high in spiritual values, and the other is on the primitive side, evidenced by extreme misfortune. How Algol manifests depends entirely on how you do or do not live life with an honest sense of purpose, a desire at least to try to live up to some philosophy, religion or ideal. If that is present, all will go well once the superstition about this star is dropped.

Negatively, Algol is associated with danger, misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution, mob violence, mass vandalism, fanaticism, propaganda and tragedies. It makes less evolved people mean, brutal, dogged, violent, intolerant, secretive, ruthless, subject to forced changes, and gives extreme mental and physical powers, for good or bad.

Positively, Algol brings high advancement, honors, career success and a dislike of sordid actions. It makes you sober, serious, faithful, tolerant, patient, talkative, a good healer and an excellent counselor to others, especially in times of grief.

Constellation Perseus the Champion gives an intelligent, strong, bold and adventurous nature but a tendency to lie.

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS

C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS) is the brightest comet since Hale-Bopp in 1997. It has an 80,000-year-long orbit, and its return coincided with the October 2 solar eclipse.

Comets have a profound astrological influence. They alter the planetary energies of our inner solar system, disturbing humans, animals, and the weather. They cause pestilence, famine, epidemics, wars, earthquakes and floods. Political, trade and finance systems face initial disruption and then realignment.

Comets also carry a message through the rise of an agent. It could be a political, military or religious leader or reformer.

The greatest disruption occurs at perihelion when the comet reaches its closest point to the sun. This is when the message is delivered and remains a sensitive point for at least one year.

Perihelion for comet Tsuchinshan–ATLAS at 15°47′ Virgo was on September 27. On this day:

  • Israel assassinated Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in a bombing in Beirut, Lebanon.
  • Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a message to the United Nations General Assembly in New York. He pledged Israel would fight until “total victory.”


The inner chart in the bi-wheel below shows the Israel horoscope. On the outside is the October 2024 full moon. Taking into account the precession correction value of 1°04′, the full moon is only 0°28′ from the Israel Descendant.

This means the October 17 full moon will highlight Israel’s relationships with its enemies and its allies. It will strain these relationships, with the Mars square increasing the risk of more military action and anger from friends and foes.

Israel Horoscope

Israel Vs Full Moon

The Sun emphasizes the impact of the fixed star Arcturus rising in the Israel horoscope: Good fortune, with many cares and anxieties through own folly. Military honor and preferment. However, Arcturus also gives a belligerent and quarrelsome nature with a tendency to achieve justice through power. Harsh aspects opposite Moon, square Mars) can turn the good influence into a real handicap, with many anxious moments, violence and legal losses.

Both transiting Mars (0°38′) and the Israel Midheaven (2°33′) are conjunct fixed star Pollux: Brutal, tyrannical, violent and cruel.

However, the Israel Midheaven is exactly conjunct fixed star Procyon. It gives activity, violence, sudden and violent malevolence, sudden preferment by exertion, elevation ending in disaster. It makes its natives petulant, saucy, giddy, weak-natured, timid, unfortunate, proud, easily angered, careless and violent. [2]

Procyon makes people hasty and jealous, with a tendency to have a hot temper and impudence. Rise and success are found with it, but a later fall from a high position is indicated. Enterprises created in haste, therefore, do not last. People who “want to go through the wall with their head” only cause injury to themselves. Especially dangerous is Procyon configured with Mars. [3]

Mars aligns with Procyon at 26°07′ Cancer on October 25 at 0:13 am in Tel Aviv.

Full Moon October 2024 Meaning

The October 17 full moon squares Mars, bringing tension, irritation and anger. The Sun and Moon align with positive fixed stars, but when harshly aspected, they exaggerate the challenging Mars behaviors like selfishness, impulsiveness, belligerence, argumentativeness and violence.

The risks associated with the Mars square are further heightened by Mars conjunct fixed star Pollux, making people brutal, tyrannical, violent, rash, malevolent, cruel, obstinate, willful and violent.

While Comet Tsuchinshan–ATLAS was visible in the southern hemisphere during the October 2 solar eclipse, it is visible in the northern hemisphere for this full moon. Comets sometimes bring good news, but not usually. This one brought the message of “total victory” through its agent, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Comets are omens of war, among other things. With the October 2024 full moon aligning with the Ascendant of the Israel horoscope and Mars approaching its Midheaven, it seems more violence and war are the outcome.

Moon Phases

The influence of the October 17 full moon lasts two weeks until the November 1 new moon. Astrologically, a full moon is influenced by the preceding new moon. The October 2 new moon was a solar eclipse that aligned with Mercury to bring new information, messages and revelations.

If the October 2024 full moon directly impacts your horoscope, you can read about it in your monthly horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart, see full moon transits.

Full Moon October 2024 Times and Dates

  • Los Angeles – October 17, 4:26 am
  • New York – October 17, 7:26 am
  • London – October 17, 12:26 pm
  • Delhi – October 17, 4:56 pm
  • Sydney – October 17, 10:26 pm


  1. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.324-325.
  2. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.191.
  3. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.36.