PISCES: January | February | March | Weekly | Yearly
Pisces February 2025 Horoscope with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on the cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.
  Pisces Decan 1, February 19 to 28
  Pisces Decan 2, Feb 29 to Mar 10
  Pisces Decan 3, March 11 to 20
Pisces Decan 1 – February 2025 Horoscope
January 29 to February 27 – New Moon January 2025 semisextile your decan helps you take small steps toward your long-term goals. You will objectively gather new information until you clearly perceive what you want and how to get there. Increased flexibility and open-mindedness allow you to adapt to small but positive changes in circumstances.
February 13 to 20 – Mercury in your decan brings mental alertness, quick thinking, adaptability, and curiosity. It will keep you busy online and in your neighborhood with appointments, correspondence, meetings and social activities. This is a good time for socializing, sharing ideas, making plans, negotiating and trading.
February 17 to March 1 – Sun in your decan makes it easier to be yourself. Your birthday focuses on you and your goals for the year ahead. So, draw a line under the previous year and start fresh. Extra energy, vitality, and initiative are best used to express what you want and your goals and get started.
February 27 to March 29 – New Moon February 2025 in your decan brings energy, vitality, and enthusiasm. This is the perfect time for new beginnings. Increased confidence and initiative help you reach goals. You can make a good impression on those with the power and influence to make a difference in your life.
Pisces Decan 2 – February 2025 Horoscope
January 29 to February 27 – New Moon January 2025 semisextile your decan helps you take small steps toward your long-term goals. You will objectively gather new information until you clearly perceive what you want and how to get there. Increased flexibility and open-mindedness allow you to adapt to small but positive changes in circumstances.
February 2 to March 23 – Mars trine your decan brings well-balanced, not aggressive, goal-directed energy and passion. Your motivation, initiative, and directness can impress superiors and bring professional success. Extra charisma and sexual magnetism make this a good time for your love and social life.
February 2024 to February 2025 – Saturn in your decan can mean hard work, burdens and restrictions. You may feel disappointed, pessimistic or guilty. However, it can bring success, recognition, and promotion from years of striving toward your goals. The harder you have worked and more responsible you have been, the more rewarding this transit will be.
February 2 to 17 – Mars trine Saturn climaxing on the 9th gives the strength, willpower, ambition, and perseverance to complete the most challenging tasks. You will find the most efficient way to get the job done. Your patience and self-discipline will keep you plodding without being distracted or discouraged. Increased sex drive and sex appeal are good omens for new and existing relationships.
February 19 to 25 – Mercury in your decan brings mental alertness, quick thinking, adaptability, and curiosity. It will keep you busy online and in your neighborhood with appointments, correspondence, meetings and social activities. This is a good time for socializing, sharing ideas, making plans, negotiating and trading.
October 2024 to April 2025 – Jupiter square your decan pushes you to progress significantly. You will feel the urge to have more fun and make more money. But the key to success is patience and moderation. Channel your enthusiasm into fewer rather than too many projects.
February 19 to 21 – Mercury square Jupiter on the 20th brings high hopes for the future, which makes this a good time to make plans. But while you may have a broadly positive outlook, focusing on the smaller details is crucial. A lack of concentration or inability to focus, may lead to some errors of judgment or mistakes. Also, don’t promise too much or overestimate your abilities when planning the future.
February 22 to 24 – Mercury trine Mars on the 23rd gives a sharp mind, honesty and confident self-expression. Creative negotiation skills mean that other people will tend to make compromises, so this is a great time to ask for favors and make presentations. Smooth and sexy words and extra charisma make this an excellent time for your social and love life.
February 23 to 26 – Mercury conjunct Saturn on the 25th brings logical, thorough and careful thinking. It is ideal for making long-term plans, major decisions, studying, researching, and organizing. You will be practical, efficient and skeptical and see how the smaller parts fit into the bigger picture. New friendships and partnerships should be lasting and dependable. However, there is a risk of criticism and melancholy.
February 26 to 28 – Mercury sextile Uranus on the 27th brings exciting news and stimulating conversations. You will learn new things and meet new people. Discoveries may also come from dreams or flashes of insight. Any psychic talents will be heightened. Seeing things differently may help solve lingering problems or find lost objects.
February 27 to March 11 – Sun in your decan makes it easier to be yourself. Your birthday focuses on you and your goals for the year ahead. So, draw a line under the previous year and start fresh. Extra energy, vitality, and initiative are best used to express what you want and your goals and get started.
February 27 to March 29 – New Moon February 2025 in your decan brings energy, vitality, and enthusiasm. This is the perfect time for new beginnings. Increased confidence and initiative help you reach goals. You can make a good impression on those with the power and influence to make a difference in your life.
February 28 to March 4 – Sun square Jupiter on March 2 can make you confident, proud, lucky and optimistic. Good fortune and success are possible, but overconfidence and excess could lead to loss and embarrassment. This is a time for respect, moderation, and self-discipline. Don’t take on too many projects simultaneously. Have fun, but don’t party too hard.
Pisces Decan 3 – February 2025 Horoscope
January 3 to February 6 – Mars trine your decan brings well-balanced, not aggressive, goal-directed energy and passion. Your motivation, initiative, and directness can impress superiors and bring professional success. Extra charisma and sexual magnetism make this a good time for your love and social life.
January 21 to February 5 – Venus in your decan makes you more relaxed, loving, and affectionate. This is a time of peace, harmony, romance, and fun. Increased charm and beauty make you more attractive and popular. This should be a good time for dating, making money, buying clothes or jewelry, entertaining, and partying.
2021 to 2025 – Neptune in your decan can open you up to a more spiritual outlook on life, which is illuminating. But at the same time, you may also feel very vulnerable. Your previously well-defined self-image and personal boundaries may start to dissolve around you. You may also be subject to deception or treachery from others.
January 29 to February 4 – Venus conjunct Neptune climaxes on February 1 to bring peace, serenity, friendship and compassion. Increased tenderness and affection are ideal for romance. This is also a good time to shop for clothes, cosmetics, jewelry, and anything else to decorate your home or add luxury to your life. You can rely on a good sense of fashion and an eye for beauty.
February 12 to 27 – Full Moon February 2025 quincunx your decan can cause mood swings and an inability to relax and find natural harmony in relationships. Rising stress and tension can make you feel anxious, insecure and uncertain. Learning to adjust, compromise, and adapt your behavior will restore emotional balance and help avoid a crisis.
February 15 to June 9 – Saturn in your decan can mean hard work, burdens and restrictions. You may feel disappointed, pessimistic or guilty. However, it can bring success, recognition, and promotion from years of striving toward your goals. The harder you have worked and more responsible you have been, the more rewarding this transit will be.
February 24 to March 3 – Mercury in your decan brings mental alertness, quick thinking, adaptability, and curiosity. It will keep you busy online and in your neighborhood with appointments, correspondence, meetings and social activities. This is a good time for socializing, sharing ideas, making plans, negotiating and trading.
February 28 to March 3 – Mercury conjunct Neptune on March 2 brings sensitivity, intuition, creativity and imagination. Your thoughts and communications turn to spiritual topics, mysteries, the occult, and secrets. Valuable insights can be gained through meditation, dreaming, and psychic perception. However, there is a risk of confusion and deception.
2023 to 2026 – Uranus sextile your decan lets you express yourself fully and be more in tune with your true self. This is a liberating and pleasantly surprising phase of life. You could be offered a new job, promotion, or a welcome change. You will likely meet new and unusual people and become more involved with friends and groups.