Venus Retrograde 2025 lasts from March 1 to April 12, from 10° Aries to 24° Pisces.
Venus retrograde encourages introspection about your love life and the things you value. Your love life may be affected by fated events and karmic encounters.
Venus retrograde 2025 is more powerful and karmic than in previous years. It aligns with the Moon and is linked to significant eclipses before and after Venus stations retrograde.
Venus makes several planetary conjunctions during its retrograde journey, and some intense fixed stars are activated. Profound new love relationships are possible, karmic and life-changing.
The general meaning of Venus retrograde is followed by more detail about Venus retrograde in 2025. Information about Venus retrograde in the birth chart can be found at the end of this article.
Venus Retrograde Meaning
Transiting Venus retrograde occurs every 19 months for six weeks (42 days). This means Venus retrogrades only 7% of the time, the least amount of any planet. The next closest is the Mars retrograde at 9%, followed by the Mercury retrograde at 19%. Therefore, Venus’s Retrograde is the most strongly felt of all retrograde planets.
Venus retrograde can make giving and receiving love and affection more difficult. It encourages introspection about your love life and the things you value. You may become interested in someone or something of value that would please you.
During this fated period for love, old friends or lovers may reappear, or you may relive past life experiences to sort out karmic issues. Destiny encounters and feelings of inevitability or familiarity are possible. You could even meet your soul mate.
Use Venus retrogrades to improve how you feel about yourself and to love yourself more. Think about what truly pleases you. Discovering reasons for relationship problems can help you clear away the past to make room for new relationships. Even reminiscing about old partners will help to remove your karmic baggage and lighten the load.
Venus retrograde has traditionally been seen as unfortunate for love and not the best time to marry, invest or buy luxury items. However, each retrograde phase is different, and much depends on Venus retrograde’s aspects in your chart. See Venus Transits for more details.
Venus Retrograde 2025
Venus stations retrograde on Saturday, March 1, 2025, at 10°50′ Aries. The chart below shows Venus conjunct the Moon, semisextile Sun and sextile Jupiter. These are very fortunate aspects. However, the challenging influence of Sun square Jupiter must be considered. There are also challenging fixed stars activated by Venus and other planets.
Moon conjunct Venus makes you emotional, sensitive, imaginative, loving, affectionate, receptive, pleasant and caring. It gives a desire for peace, harmony, beauty and intimacy. Your openness and honesty in sharing your feelings support true friendship and genuine love. You should feel more at ease around other people and comfortable in public.
This is an excellent aspect for relaxing with friends and family, entertaining, cooking, caring for others, decorating, beautifying, gardening, and for vacations, leisure activities, entertainment, or amusements.
Sun square Jupiter can make you feel dissatisfied or inadequate if you believe you don’t have enough or are not good enough. Wishing for more and better, you may become optimistic, hopeful and confident.
However, overconfidence, arrogance, envy, jealousy, greed and excess bring the risk of loss, disappointment and embarrassment. Self-discipline and moderation are called for, especially with behavior and morals.
Avoid overestimating your resources and abilities and taking on too much. Focus your energy on one or just a couple of projects. Extra effort is required if you are prone to addiction or gambling. This aspect favors generosity and charity, but the risk remains of being taken advantage of or leaving yourself short.
Sun semisextile Venus improves your self-image and gives you a better understanding of what you value in life. This helps you focus on what is most essential to avoid the risks of the new moon square Jupiter.
A more objective and unbiased attitude brings new information that allows you to make small but positive changes. Venus also helps you give and receive love and affection. Increased cooperation and diplomacy encourage peace, harmony and friendship.
Venus sextile Jupiter brings good fortune, growth and prosperity. It further improves your self-image and makes you happy, cheerful, hospitable, optimistic, sympathetic and generous. It favors creative work, long-distance travel, vacations, higher education, investing, business deals and legal matters.
This is an excellent aspect for socializing because it makes you more outgoing, personable and charming. Others will generally be more welcoming, polite and friendly. New friendships, love relationships and business partnerships should be genuine, cooperative and mutually beneficial.
The Constellations
Venus retrograde 2025 is in the Sign of Aries. But because of the precession of the equinoxes, it is in the Constellation of Pisces.
Venus in Pisces Constellation gives a desire for harmonious relationships, peace, comfort and luxury, and an impulse for accomplishing something for people you are associated with: family or business. It makes you charitable, sympathetic, emotional, sensitive, idealistic and artistic but with a tendency to misjudge people.
With Venus retrograde, you may become lazy, easily moved by sympathy, fickle and careless in matters of affection, attracted to inferiors, squander your emotions, and feel misunderstood and easily imposed upon.
The Winded Horse
Venus retrograde and the Moon align with Gamma Pegasi, Algenib. Mercury and Neptune align with Beta Pegasi, Scheat. The Sun and Saturn also fall within the Pegasus Constellation. That only leaves Mars, Uranus, and Pluto, which are not under the influence of the Winged Horse.
Pegasus gives ambition, vanity, intuition, enthusiasm, caprice and poor judgment. It is associated with ships, the ocean, changes in the weather, drowning, accidents, catastrophes, earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, floods, shipwrecks, mining accidents, airplane accidents, falling accidents, shooting down, horses, jockeys, transportation, communications, space travel, exploration, pioneering, science, invention and heroism.
Fixed star Algenib at 09♈30 gives strong will, determination, penetrating mind and decisiveness, impressive speaking, and a gift for oratory. However, over-enthusiasm or combative, obstinate and headstrong conduct can lead to misfortune, notoriety, dishonor, violence or poverty.
With Moon (0°24′): Dishonor, loss by scandal, exiled or forced to flee, ill health, trouble through writings.
With Venus (1°20′): Generous, proud, quick temper, bad morals, drink or evil habits, favorable for financial affairs.
Fixed star Scheat at 29♓43 causes extreme misfortune of a changeable, almost unpredictable nature, murder, suicide, and drowning. This star gives a stubborn, headstrong, combative and controversial nature, the gain and loss of friends and acquaintances, high enterprise, turbulence and fantasies. A positive influence on mental creativity can emanate from Scheat, but only for some people if they are ready to receive such inflow.
Mercury (1°47′): Many accidents and narrow escapes, especially by water, many enemies, trouble and criticism through statements and writings, bad for health and domestic affairs.
With Neptune (0°47′): Prominent in inventive, occult or psychic matters, persecuted, peculiar domestic conditions, many accidents, danger of drowning and of death in catastrophes such as floods, shipwrecks, mining accidents, airplane accidents, or maybe by suicide.
The February 27 new moon aligned with fixed star Skat, associated with the Great Flood. This increases the risk of catastrophic flooding caused by fixed star Scheat.
Important Dates
March 11: Mercury conjunct Venus at 08♈47 aligns with fixed star Algenib at 09♈30
March 22: Sun conjunct Venus at 02♈39 aligns with fixed star Deneb Kaitos at 02♈55
March 27: Venus conjunct Neptune at 29♓53 aligns with fixed star Scheat at 29♓43
April 7: Venus conjunct Saturn at 25♓15 aligns with fixed star Markab at 23♓49
April 12: Venus Direct at 24♓37 aligns with fixed star Markab at 23♓49
The challenging fixed stars activated by the Venus retrograde and direct stations and the planetary conjunctions to Venus indicate shared trauma. Venus retrograde 2025 could bring up painful issues associated with hardship, loss and grief, often associated with natural disasters.
Significant links to eclipse before and after Venus stations retrograde indicate powerful karmic forces bringing people together who had interactions in previous incarnations. They may also result in karmic events and past life memory recall that affects existing relationships.
- Venus stations retrograde opposite the October 2024 solar eclipse [see chart] and a degree from the March 29, 2025 solar eclipse.
- Venus stations direct opposite the March 14 lunar eclipse, only 40 minutes after the April 12 full moon. [see chart]
The Venus direct chart reinforces the karmic nature of Venus retrograde 2025, with Venus conjunct Saturn. Venus direct links to a yod aspect pattern focused on a Full Moon conjunct fixed star Spica. This could suggest emotional healing of the trauma associated with Venus retrograde 2025. I will have to spend a lot of time contemplating that one! Stay tuned.
Venus Retrograde Dates
- 2023: July 22 to September 3 – 28° to 12° Leo
- 2025: March 1 to April 12 – 10° Aries to 24° Pisces
- 2026: October 3 to November 13 – 8° Scorpio to 22° Libra
Venus Retrograde Natal
Venus retrograde natal suggests you have difficulty giving and receiving love and affection. You may experience sadness in love or have to endure hardship or delay. Lack of self-love, social anxiety, shyness, and even financial hardship are also possible.
Often, these challenges are a result of past life relationship issues. Due to the laws of karma, if you caused suffering or hardship to a lover in an earlier life, you shall experience something similar yourself during this life. Natal Venus retrograde acts like Mars, so perhaps you hurt someone you love. Maybe you had an affair, walked out when they needed you most, or physically injured them.
Whatever happened in past romances, you come into this life with those bad memories etched in your soul. You probably don’t recognize them as memories but as déjà vu or unexplained guilt. The theme of challenging events related to your past can repeat, especially when you are young.
Sadness and disappointment may come from unrequited love, forced marriage, sexual abuse, mental illness, or physical disability. Learning to love yourself is critical in working through your Venus in retrograde issues. Other signs of natal Venus retrograde are poor personal hygiene and not caring about your appearance.
Self-love can start with beautifying your physical appearance. Fashion, cosmetics, and beauty treatments can significantly improve your self-love, making you more lovable. However, natal Venus in retrograde can also show as excessive use of makeup and jewelry or even disfigurement from cosmetic surgery.
Venus retrograde in your natal chart aims to perfect those areas of your love life that once let you down. As your relationship skills improve with experience, your karmic debt will be repaid, and you will enjoy more loving relationships.