Full Moon August 19, 2024 – Explosive Chaos

Full Moon August 2024 Astrology

The full moon in Aquarius on August 19, 2024, is harshly impacted by Uranus. So, the meaning of the full moon in August 2024 astrology is reacting to sudden changes and unexpected events with flexibility, adaptability and an open mind.

The August 2024 full moon coincides with Jupiter square Saturn, a significant influence that limits opportunities and impairs judgment. This is a most challenging full moon that brings the risk of explosive change, violence, war and financial chaos.

Full Moon August 2024 Horoscope

The full moon on Monday, August 19, 2024, is at 27°15′ Aquarius. The chart below shows two T-square aspect patterns. One is formed by the near-exact square aspect between the Full moon and Uranus. The other is formed by Venus and the near-exact square between Jupiter and Saturn.

Full Moon Aquarius August 2024

Full Moon in Aquarius August 2024

Full Moon August 2024 Astrology

Sun opposite Moon brings your home, family, and intimate relationships into sharper focus for the following two weeks of this moon phase. Opposing forces, such as work versus home or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.

The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts climax with a full moon. So, use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an honest and balanced look at your relationships. You will see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.

Full Moon Aspects

Moon opposite Mercury makes it harder to understand your feelings and to share them. Confusion and irritability make it challenging to relax and understand everyday problems. You may become overly analytical one moment, then over-emotional and irrational the next.

Other symptoms include anxiety, incessant talking, misunderstandings, arguments, emotional bias, prejudice, racism, and addiction. Extra care needs to be taken with negotiations, critical decisions, and sensitive discussion topics.

Full Moon square Uranus can bring sudden changes, unwelcome surprises, chaos and uncertainty. It can cause rapid mood changes and make you erratic, irritable, impulsive and impatient.  A need for stimulation and excitement can make you easily distracted, unable to focus or relax and rebellious under restraint. Your instincts and reflexes may be quick but not accurate.

So flexibility, adaptability and an open mind are needed to take advantage of unexpected opportunities. Avoid making big changes and commitments, especially in close relationships. New encounters may meet your need for a thrill but cause disruption and could hurt loved ones. You may experience emotional outbursts from friends or family, requiring extra patience and sensitivity.

Mercury square Uranus increases the likelihood of sudden change and uncertainty. It brings a rush of activity, upsetting news or unexpected events that may force you to change plans. Your thoughts and speech could become rushed and erratic. Criticism, skepticism, and radical, extreme and provocative ideas are possible. 

Poor concentration, anxiety, nervousness, agitation and rebelliousness increase the risk of mistakes, accidents, offensive remarks, misunderstandings and arguments. So again, patience, flexibility and open-mindedness are needed, but not impulsive reactions and snap judgments. Avoid making commitments or signing contracts. However, the ability to view things from a different perspective can lead to original ideas and creative breakthroughs.

T-Square Action

A T-square aspect pattern is formed by the Moon, Sun-Mercury and Uranus. It contains only red aspects, which are charged with energy that can be harnessed for work, action, and goal achievement. Blue and green aspects are missing. Without blue, there is no possibility for relaxation; without green, you act without thinking. So T-squares make you “act first, think later” and not vice versa, which means that mistakes can be easily made. [1]

August 19 Full Moon T-Square

August 19 Full Moon T-Square

The energy produced by opposing pressures is stored and bottled up in the oppositions. The highly charged energy is discharged along both squares towards the apex of the T-square. So, the incredible tension created by extreme polarization, rivalries, opposing opinions and competing ideas is expressed through Uranus in a spontaneous, unpredictable, erratic, and chaotic manner.

Uranus at the apex of this T-square greatly increases the risk of mistakes, accidents, sudden attacks, explosions, anarchy, rebellion, revolution and war. Positive energy transfers could lead to discovery, invention, scientific breakthroughs, psychic awareness, freedom, independence, democracy and humanitarianism.

Jupiter Square Saturn

Mars-Jupiter T-Square August 2024

Mars-Jupiter T-Square August 2024

Jupiter square Saturn, only 3 hours 21 minutes after the full moon, is an incredibly powerful and challenging influence. It creates tension as you face a lack of opportunities, criticism or limiting circumstances. Your judgment may be impaired, you may experience a lack of initiative or become a slave to routine.

Structures or long-held beliefs may break down, leaving you uncertain about your future. Events may force you to reassess previously held strong beliefs. Hard work, serious thinking, patience and critical decisions are needed. Taking responsibility now will lead to positive change and personal growth.

Venus square Jupiter and Venus opposite Saturn create relationship tension and money problems. Venus also completes another T-square with Mars conjunct Jupiter at the apex, adding intensity, anger, violence and the potential for war. There is a risk of big losses in stock and financial markets. 

The Constellations

The full moon in August 2024 doesn’t align with any major fixed stars. However, the Sun and Mercury are influenced by a significant star called Alphard, shown on the left in the image below. The other critical planets in this full moon activate several other powers stars.

Full Moon August 2024 Meaning

Full Moon August 2024

The Serpent

The Sun (0°21′) and Mercury (1°36′) conjunct fixed star Alphard: This star in the neck of the Water Snake can bring wisdom, musical and artistic appreciation, knowledge of human nature, strong passions, and enlightenment. But harshly aspected (square Uranus), it causes troubles, anxiety, losses, intemperance, revolting deeds, violence, a lack of self-control, immorality, suffering, self-destruction and sudden death by drowning, poison or asphyxiation.

Particularly, matters connected with ‘poison’ are accentuated badly, e.g. blood poisoning, murder by poison, attempts of poisoning, poisoned hatred in women, gas poisoning, danger to life by the wrong use of drugs and overindulgence of good living, smoke inhalation and danger of suffocation, snake bite, bites by poisonous insect bites, or bites from dogs with rabies. This is especially true in a male chart.

With the Sun: Power, authority, fame, seeking the limelight. But harsh aspects bring suffering through one’s own acts and from enemies, loss of position and power, dishonor, being overcome by enemies, jealousy, infamy, legal entanglement and a possible judicial sentence.

With Mercury: A keen mentality, a good knowledge of human nature, the ability to probe into affairs and bring them to light, but indiscretion or insensitiveness causes trouble through writings, speeches, and conversations. Domestic problems and suffering through a passionate attachment entirely change the course of life.

Constellation Serpens the Serpent gives wisdom, craft, deceit, malice, a feeble will and danger of poison.

The Hunter

Mars conjunct fixed star Bellatrix (1°18′): Keen mental powers, strength, energy, success as soldier, surgeon or metal worker, health problems that are difficult to diagnose and cure, violence, accidents, anger, hostility, aggression, conflict, stabbings.

Bellatrix, on the left shoulder of the Hunter Orion, is the Amazon Star or Female Warrior Star. It makes people ambitious, energetic, brave and decisive with a fighting spirit, strategic talents and the ability to organize and discriminate. It gives great civil or military honor, a fondness for power, victory over competitors, great authority, renown, wealth, and eminent friends. Bellatrix makes women lucky, forceful, loquacious, and shrewish, with a mighty tongue or a high-pitched, hard and sharp voice.

However, harshly aspected (square Venus and Saturn) and amplified by Jupiter, it makes people rash, headstrong, changeable, recklessly aggressive, belligerent daredevils with a tendency to fight futile or lost causes. There is a danger of sudden dishonor and liability to accidents causing blindness and ruin.

Constellation Orion the Hunter gives a strong and dignified nature, self-confidence, inconstancy, arrogance, violence, impiety, and prosperity in trade, particularly by voyages or abroad, but the danger of treachery and poison.

Jupiter conjunct fixed star Rigel (0°15′): Great legal or ecclesiastical preferment, many journeys, benefits from foreign affairs, favorable for marriage. But harshly aspected (square Venus and Saturn) it gives an inclination toward violence and crime.

Rigel on the left foot of the Hunter gives benevolence, high honors, wealth, splendor, happiness, glory, renown, inventive or mechanical ability, great ambition, a broad outlook, church or martial preferment, good luck in business affairs, self-reliance and success that brings riches and eminence.

Rigel is favorable for government officials, military people, politicians, leaders of political parties, barristers, and priests. However, care must be taken that courage is used with wisdom and sincere purpose. Flaunting bravado for the sake of vanity will cause pain.

The Demon

Uranus conjunct fixed star Algol (0°40′): Very difficult to avoid accidents and severe injuries.

Algol, in the Mudeusa Head carried by Perseus, was anciently thought to be the demon star. It has two well-defined natures: one high in spiritual values and the other primitive, evidenced by extreme misfortune.

Harshly aspected (square Sun, Moon, Mercury), Algol brings danger, misfortune, forced change, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution, mob violence, mass vandalism, fanaticism, propaganda and tragedies. It makes people mean, brutal, dogged, violent, intolerant, secretive and ruthless.

Constellation Perseus the Champion gives an intelligent, strong, bold and adventurous nature but a tendency to lie.

Full Moon August 2024 Meaning

The August 19 full moon forms a T-square aspect pattern, which favors action and achieving goals. However, it makes it hard to relax and encourages a tendency to act without thinking. Uranus at the apex of the T-square brings the risk of mistakes, accidents, sudden attacks, explosions, rebellion and revolution. 

The Jupiter T-square intensifies the desire to act assertively and brings the danger of aggression, violence, war, and dramatic falls on the financial and stock markets. These risks are exacerbated by Uranus T-square, which signals unexpected shocks. Meanwhile, the Uranus T-square dramatically increases the risk of war and financial loss from the Jupiter T-square.

The combination of these two significant T-squares makes the astrology of the August 2024 full moon challenging. The exactness of the aspects in these configurations makes it the most challenging moon phase I can remember. Finally, Uranus at the apex of the full moon T-square and destructive fixed stars make it a dangerous full moon.

Moon Phases

The influence of the August 19 Full Moon lasts two weeks until the September 2 New Moon. Astrologically, a Full Moon is influenced by the preceding New Moon. The August 4 New Moon initially brought confidence, optimism, courage and initiative. However, without a quick start, doubt and hesitation will restrict your opportunities and block your ambitions.

If the Full Moon August 2024 astrology directly impacts your horoscope, you can read about it in your monthly horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart, see full moon transits.

Full Moon August 2024 Times and Dates

  • Los Angeles – August 19, 11:25 am
  • New York – August 19, 2:25 pm
  • London – August 19, 7:25 pm
  • Delhi – August 19, 11:55 pm
  • Sydney – August 20, 4:25 am


  1. Aspect Pattern Astrology, Bruno and Louise Huber, 2005, p.147.