Full Moon May 23, 2024 – True Feelings

Full Moon May 2024 Astrology

The Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 23, 2024, coincides with the alignment of Venus and Jupiter, the two most fortunate planets. This gives the full Moon in May 2024 astrology a positive meaning. It brings love, abundance, prosperity and happiness.

The May 2024 Full Moon is also well-aspected to Pluto, which helps you discover your true feelings and follow your intuition. You can better understand relationship dynamics and make positive changes.

Full Moon May 2024 Horoscope

The Full Moon on Thursday, May 23, 2024, is at 02°55′ Sagittarius. The most significant planetary influence affecting the Full Moon astrology is the harmonious sextile aspect from Pluto. The alignment of Venus and Jupiter occurs less than six hours before the Full Moon. This union of the two most fortunate planets in astrology reinforces the positive nature of this moon phase.

Full Moon May 2024 Horoscope

Full Moon May 2024

Full Moon May 2024 Astrology

Sun opposite Moon brings your home, family, and intimate relationships into sharper focus for the following two weeks of this moon phase. Opposing forces, such as work versus home or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.

The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts climax with the May 2024 Full Moon. So, use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an honest and balanced look at your relationships. You will see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.

True Feelings

Moon sextile Pluto brings deep feelings and personal interactions that show precisely how you feel about someone and how they feel about you. Whether these feelings are good or bad, you will be richer for the experience. The relationship will evolve deeper, or you will be free to move on.

Dreaming, meditation, and contemplation can help you access deeply buried feelings, trauma and fears. Processing and understanding these subconscious influences leads to self-improvement and psychological healing. You can also have a powerful and positive impact on other people or meet someone who profoundly influences your life.

Greater control over your subconscious allows you to transform your reality. You can eliminate bad habits, beliefs and addictions. Your instincts and intuition are very powerful now. Mystical experiences, psychic awareness and precognitive dreams are possible. Your deep curiosity and ability for research allow you to probe under the surface to solve mysteries, expose lies and secrets, and thoroughly understand complex and occult subjects.

Love and Abundance

Venus conjunct Jupiter amplifies your affections and promotes love, harmony, and abundance. It brings good luck and opportunities for new friendships, romance, adventure and happiness. An appreciation of beauty and a surge of creativity is ideal for art, music and poetry. This aspect favors travel, vacations, entertainment, amusements, self-beautification, shopping, investments, business deals, education and legal matters.

Jupiter sextile Neptune brings harmony, ease, good fortune, and growth. You can relax while at the same time enjoying personal or professional success. This spiritually enlightening influence gives you an excellent overall perspective of yourself and your place in the world. You can better align yourself and your goals with your spiritual philosophy or religious beliefs.

The Constellations

The Full Moon in May 2024 is in the Sign of Sagittarius. However, as the star map below shows, it is located in the Constellation of Scorpius. The Signs and the Constellations do not match up. Over the last 2000 years, the Constellations have moved nearly 30° out of alignment with the Signs because of the precession of the equinoxes.

The Zodiac was invented only as a measuring device. The ecliptic line in the image below matches the degrees in the Full Moon horoscope above. Like the original astrologers, I use the Constellations and fixed stars for interpretation, not the Signs.

Full Moon May 2024 Meaning

Full Moon May 2024

The Full Moon aligns with three stars on the right claw of the Scorpion. However, the most substantial influence on the May 23 Full Moon astrology comes from Delta Scorpii, Dschubba.

  • 02♐38 Delta Ophiuchi, Yed Prior
  • 02♐54 Delta Scorpii, Dschubba
  • 02♐55 Full Moon May 2024
  • 03♐17 Pi Scorpii, Fang
  • 03♐32 Beta Scorpii, Acrab

The Scorpion

Full Moon in Scorpius Constellation brings passion, courage, willpower, determination, mental keenness, high standards, kindness, an energetic disposition, an amiable attitude, and strength of conviction.

Negatively, it causes abruptness, moodiness, resentfulness, revengefulness, immorality, a quick temper, anger, blunt speech, stubbornness, intolerance of any interference, possessiveness, extreme jealousy, grudges, excess gratification and brooding nature. [1]

Fixed star Dschubba was given a harsh Mars-Saturn rating by Ptolemy. But its spectral type indicates a Jupiter nature.

Dschubba gives a fondness for power, victory over enemies, liberality and kingly preferment. Negatively, it creates assaults, immorality, shamelessness, malevolence, and hidden secrets. [1]

Dschubba gives the ability to research things that are particularly secret and hidden. In lower types, however, a tendency to falsehood and treason can be noted. It is a poor omen of material wealth. There will be difficulties, impediments, or loss. [2]

Dschubba imparts excellent fighting skills and research ability. It bestows a patient and wary approach to any situation that belies the skilled determination that will be applied. Many surgeons, generals, police officers, private investigators, and secret service agents have Dschubba well placed and aspected. [3]

With Moon: An optimistic nature and outgoing appearance but preference for privacy, suspicious and secretive. Negatively, losses and problematic actions. [1] Reserved, suspicious, bad for business success, disgrace, loss by horses and cattle. [4]

Full Moon May 2024 Meaning

The May 23 Full Moon has a positive influence because of the Pluto sextile and the Venus-Jupiter conjunction. Pluto brings deep feelings, powerful intuition and intense relationships. It promotes self-improvement and positive transformation. Venus conjunct Jupiter signals love, beauty, good fortune, abundance and prosperity.

With Pluto ruling the Scorpion, the influence of the star Dschubba is quite similar to that of the Moon sextile Pluto. Both give power and influence and the ability to research and investigate, especially into secret and hidden things. Dschubba can make people immoral, cruel and destructive, but the Pluto sextile and Venus-Jupiter conjunction reduce the likelihood of such negative manifestations.

So, the May 2024 full moon astrology is ideal for deeply probing your subconscious to discover your true feelings. Follow your intuition to reinforce positive feelings, beliefs and behaviors and eliminate negative ones. With the focus on intimate relationships from the Sun opposite Moon and Venus conjunct Jupiter, you can better understand relationship dynamics and make positive changes in your private life.

Moon Phases

The influence of the May 23 Full Moon lasts two weeks up to the June 6 New Moon. Astrologically, a Full Moon is influenced by the preceding New Moon. The May 7 New Moon sextile Saturn encourages stability, security, hard work and achievement. It is ideal for overcoming hardship, breaking down barriers to progress, solving problems and resolving disputes.

If the Full Moon May 2024 astrology directly impacts your horoscope, you can read about it in your monthly horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart, see full moon transits.

Full Moon May 2023 Times and Dates

  • Los Angeles – May 23, 6:53 am
  • New York – May 23, 9:53 am
  • London – May 23, 2:53 pm
  • Delhi – May 23, 7:23 pm
  • Sydney – May 23, 11:53 pm


  1. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.165-166, 323.
  2. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.66.
  3. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.84.
  4. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.213.

19 thoughts on “Full Moon May 23, 2024 – True Feelings

  1. What’s up Jamie ? Amazing read. Appreciated. Australia is lucky to have you bro 🙂

  2. “Nvidia (NVDA) is set to report its first quarter earnings after the bell on Wednesday (22 May) in what will be one of the most consequential reports for investors this year.

    “Wall Street is expecting Nvidia to report revenue and profits that rose more than 200% and 400%, respectively, from the prior-year period as the company experiences a surge in demand for its chips amid the AI boom.

    “Analysts expect adjusted earnings per share to total $5.65 on revenue of $24.69 billion, according to data from Bloomberg. The company reported adjusted EPS of $1.09 on revenue of $7.19 billion in the same quarter last year.

    True feelings?

    Segregate time period data to report revenue, profits, earnings per share “From Business Actions Related To Astrologyking”, y’know it Was a Hellova Run.. 😇

  3. … and Jamie someow, if it’s possible, put up an “Im not a robot” captcha, unless of course its part of the Op. Sounds logical that you wouldnt, in order to give goo and biz looters maximum exploitation to bring out the astrologyking value that backs a ….. currency

    chart, full moon hexagon, inner wheel

    • Wow, hexagon looks awesome. Can you give full moon hexagon explanation please ? Kind regards

    • Progressed Magna Carta for 31 May 2024


      Moon and Regulus align.

      Transits show Moon 13Pis46

      Tells me there is Age of Pisces overhang to manage, or a Magna Carta to reaffirm, or reconfigure.

      • Notice the Sun 15Vir34 in the Progressed chart? Mercury exalted degree

        Sun semisextile North Node, midpoint Moon/Regulus

        31 May, when Mercury conjunct Uranus at personal natal Part of Fortune.

        We have now looked at exaltation of Moon (03 Tau), Sun (19 Ari), and Mercury (15 Vir), different charts and circumstances, of course, but condensed for Meme

  4. Beautiful big ol rosy full moon rose in the low southeast sky here last nite. I slept well and woke up to face the thing again. The monsters. First I thought alcoholic behavior. Then searched the tactics they use. I hit it. Gaslighting article at Healthline.com. I have all the symptoms of that manipulative abuse. Geez, I am textbook again. That’s my true for the day.

    • Exalted artwork Galactic Centre Moon (25 May) square Neptune @ Descendant, London, Eng. Sagittarius Full moon (23 May). When Neptune on the descendant, ie. opposite ascendant, partners dissolve into one another.

      for example, the ‘exalted’ iteration of the artwork had me last weekend, looking for a blue lighter in a British goods store.

      And if you are doing research on this aspect, you may come across ‘overheated wheel bearings’, in two cases, 6 months apart, February and August 2023. This time around, asteroid IcarusRx and zero point Aries gages the track to Neptune.

      • This is all so interesting in your Paul sorta way. GC sextiles natal Neptune in libra making the approaching Uranus transit in Taurus of interest. But am already feeling transiting Uranus opp to natal Saturn thing. That’s a bit sparky for my bearings.

        • Might see more sparks Vic. At the 6 June new moon, Jupiter transits the exalted North Node degree 03Gem. The numbness of the Conviction suggests we see a Conversion experience. Natal Jupiter cusp of 8th house at the 8:37am EST. New Moon, Sun and Venus quincunx natal Venus.

          • chart,

            Jupiter 8th House cusp
            ‘Conversion experience’ or religious and spiritual regeneration. The literature of William James (11 Jan 1842) for instance, during the period Neptune conj Pluto. For our period Neptune sextile Pluto, look around at the variety of astrologers and their models.

  5. All I know about the degrees of this full moon at this time is that it is my natal nodal axis. And I have found it is not simply about the nuts and bolts of life. Apparently I signed up for an underlying or perhaps over riding mission. That’s responsibility now that it becomes apparent. Just can’t get self righteous about it. I hate it when people get all inflated. A silent groan goes off in my head. So i will probably continue to be alright on that.

  6. As long as I don’t lose my bearings, I am okay. Have been thinking about that in off hand way for awhile. Why guideposts are important. Why laws are necessary. Like that. Boundaries.

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