The latest Hamas attack on Israel has been described as “unprecedented,” a “Pearl Harbor moment,” and opening “the gates of hell.”
I have studied the astrology of the Arab–Israeli conflict for over two decades. The event charts are always stunning, with numerous conjunctions to relevant national and mundane horoscopes. But the astrology of this attack stands out. Like the events in Israel and Palestine now, it is scary.
Operation al-Aqsa Deluge
The Hamas attack on Israel “began at 6:30 am local time.” The tri-wheel chart below shows the Israel horoscope inside, the Palestine horoscope in the middle, and Operation al-Aqsa Deluge outside.
There are four conjunctions to all three charts:
- May 5 Lunar Eclipse – Palestine Mercury & Pluto – Israel South Node
- Transit Pluto – Palestine Moon – Israel IC
- Transit Uranus – Palestine MC – Israel Sun
- Transit Venus – Palestine AC – Israel Mars
Israel’s Horoscope Severely Impacted.
Transits to Israel horoscope corrected for precession (1°03′):
- May 5 Lunar Eclipse conjunct South Node (0°14′)
- South Node conjunct AC (1°18′)
- Eris conjunct DC (0°42′)
- Pluto conjunct IC (1°47′)
- Uranus conjunct Sun (2°15′)
- Jupiter conjunct North Node (0°53′)
- Mars conjunct AC (2°32′)
- Venus conjunct Mars (0°56′)
- Sun conjunct Neptune (2°01′)
- Ascendant conjunct Neptune (0°15′)
- POF conjunct POF (0°12′)
That is an amazing number of conjunctions to the Israel horoscope. The fixed stars activated by the attack are another reason the astrology stands out much more than previous attacks and wars.
Masons have used one particular star for millennia to align temples and time events. That is the fixed star Spica, the beginning of the zodiac. David Ben-Gurion, a Freemason, used the moment Spica rose to create the modern state of Israel. Hamas launched their attack when Spica was with Mars and the South Node. The Sun was conjunct fixed star Algorab, associated with terrorist attacks.
It is as if this attack was timed to weaken the strong points in the Israel astrology chart, especially with Mars on the Israel Ascendant. Operation al-Aqsa Deluge is the most significant attack on Israel in 50 years and could lead to a regional escalation not seen before.
Fixed stars in Operation al-Aqsa Deluge Horoscope
Ascendant conjunct fixed star Porrima (0°55′)
Ascendant conjunct fixed star Vindemiatrix (1°07′)
Midheaven conjunct fixed star Sirius (2°12′)
Moon conjunct fixed star Castor (0°33′)
Sun conjunct fixed star Algorab (0°09′)
Mercury conjunct fixed star Zaniah (1°22′)
Venus conjunct fixed star Al Jabhah (0°10′)
Venus conjunct fixed star Adhafera (0°30′)
Venus conjunct fixed star Alphard (0°47′)
Venus conjunct fixed star Regulus (1°452′)
Mars conjunct fixed star Arcturus (2°03′)
Mars conjunct fixed star Spica (2°27′)
Jupiter conjunct fixed star Almach (0°41′)
Jupiter conjunct fixed star Menkar (0°47′)
Saturn conjunct fixed star Enif (1°02′)
North Node conjunct fixed star Acamar (1°48′)
South Node conjunct fixed star Arcturus (0°51′)
South Node conjunct fixed star Spica (1°15′)