Solar Eclipse New Moon October 2, 2024 – Revelation

New Moon October 2024 Astrology

The new moon in Libra on October 2, 2024, is an annular solar eclipse. It aligns closely with Mercury to make the spiritual meaning of the October 2024 new moon astrology significant new information, messages and revelations.

The October 2024 new moon also aligns with less commonly used Lilith and Makemake and coincides with the arrival of the first bright comet in nearly 30 years.

This extremely powerful and intense solar eclipse will bring many current crises to a head. There may be war, famine, epidemics, life-changing dramatic events, important messages, disturbing revelations and the exposure of dark and sordid secrets.

New Moon October 2024 Astrology

The new moon on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, is at 10°03′ Libra. The chart below shows this solar eclipse making three close conjunctions: Mercury, Black Moon Lilith and the dwarf planet Makemake. The other planetary aspects have wide orbs, making them almost insignificant compared to all the conjunctions.

The October 2024 new moon meaning is also influenced by significant fixed stars on the same degree as the solar eclipse. Also not shown in the horoscope below is comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS at 22°54′ Virgo.

Solar Eclipse October 2024 Astrology

Solar Eclipse October 2024

Solar Eclipse October 2024 Astrology

Sun conjunct Moon (0°00′) is the strongest aspect in astrology. It occurs every 28 days as a new moon when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun. A solar eclipse is like a regular new moon but is more powerful because the Moon darkens the Sun.

The October 2024 new moon is an annular solar eclipse. In this eclipse, the Moon covers the Sun’s center, leaving the Sun’s visible outer edges to form a “ring of fire” or annulus around the Moon.

A solar eclipse represents cyclic renewal and gives a refreshing burst of energy and initiative. But it also brings emotional balance, not irrationally emotional, and not too cold and calculating. It means all possibilities are on the table, and you can rightly put yourself at the forefront of new plans for the future.

While a new moon lasts four weeks, the effects of the October 2024 solar eclipse astrology last nearly six months up to the next solar eclipse. It is excellent for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs while searching for new and inventive ways to progress.


The new moon conjunct Mercury (1°28′) highlights your thinking and communications. It brings mental alertness, quick thinking, adaptability, and curiosity. Expect increased personal interaction in your neighborhood, with siblings, at schools, and over the internet.

This alignment favors sharing ideas, making plans, buying and selling, negotiating, and meeting new people. However, a more hectic pace of life, new information to process, and critical decisions could lead to confusion and anxiety.

A solar eclipse conjunct Mercury suggests significant new information and revelations over this eclipse cycle. There may be the rise of charismatic political, religious or cultural leaders with important messages to share.

Black Moon Lilith

The new moon conjunct Lilith (0°30′) creates powerful feminine energy. Mythologically, Lilith was a strong, independent woman. She sought equality but not control and rebelled against subservience. The patriarchy labeled her a demon, but in reality, she is a priestess and counterpart to Chiron. In Christian Astrology, Lilith is Mary Magdalene.

Her meaning in the October 2024 new moon relates to feminine wounding and healing, primal and instinctual feminine energy, marginalization, and your shadow side or subconscious personality and darker desires you keep hidden to avoid criticism and rejection.

Lilith rules forbidden fruit, seduction, kundalini, tantric sex, prostitution, pornography, nudist colonies, disobedience, non-conformism, persecution, disempowerment, bullying, alienation, banishment, exile, menstruation, gender issues and LGBTQ+ rights, abortion, the other woman, triangular relationships, shadows, bats, suppressed anger, untapped power and the acceptance of pain, sacrifice, grief and suffering.

Ignoring Lilith can be unhealthy and destructive. This solar eclipse brings the opportunity to acknowledge her and promote liberation, healing, and spiritual growth. Exploring and unleashing your Lilith often requires periods of isolation.


The new moon conjunct Makemake (0°12′) has a less certain influence because little astrological research has been done on this dwarf planet and transneptunian object.

Named after the fertility god of the Rapa Nui people of Easter Island, Makemake (pronounced ‘markaymarkay’) was discovered in 2005 and has an orbital period of 306 years.

Astrologically, Makemake seems to be associated with megalomania, abuse of power over the masses, extreme ideology, irrationality, large-scale destructive events, social estrangement, spirituality, social dissociation, individual differentiation and scientific research on hypnotism and hallucinogens.

Emotionally, we may identify elements of mass hysteria, madness, trance-like states, spiritual ecstasy, hallucinations, megalomania, metaphysical connections, mediumistic abilities, hypnosis, and, most importantly, dissociation from the norm.

Socially, we may sense chaos, megalomania, genocide, extreme idealism, irrationality, sacrificial endeavors, healing practices, pilgrimage and ritual.

Overall, evidence suggests a deep connection between Makemake’s cycle and the development of ecstatic, unsettling and often scapegoating dynamics. [1]

Makemake has also been associated with resuming or carrying on under altered circumstances, UFO phenomena, space travel, alien cultures and the “flying home” of soul splinters and soul fragments. “I am calling my soul particles home.” [2]

New Moon Constellation

The new moon in October 2024 is in the Sign of Libra, but as the star map below shows, it is in the Constellation of Virgo. The Signs and the Constellations do not match up. Over the last 2000 years, the Constellations have moved nearly 30° out of alignment with the Signs because of the precession of the equinoxes.

The Zodiac was invented only as a measuring device. The degrees on the ecliptic line in the image below equate to those in the new moon horoscope. I use the Fixed Star and Constellation like the ancient astrologers, not the Signs and Houses of modern astrology.

New Moon October 2024 Meaning

Solar Eclipse October 2, 2024

  • 09♎17 – Alpha Comae Berenices, Diadem
  • 10♎03 – Solar Eclipse
  • 10♎16 – Makemake
  • 10♎16 – Epsilon Virginis, Vindemiatrix
  • 10♎28 – Gamma Virginis, Porrima
  • 10♎33 – Black Moon Lilith
  • 10♎50 – Mu Velorum, Peregrini
  • 11♎03 – Gamma Corvi, Gienah
  • 11♎32 – Mercury
  • 11♎47 – Delta Virginis, Auva

The Widow Maker

Vindemiatrix on the right arm of the Maiden is a mischief-making star that can indicate disgrace for the native (if male) or the untimely death of a husband (if female). [3] It gives falsity, stealing and wanton folly. [4] Impulsiveness, indiscretion, foolishness, scandalous actions, poverty, criticism, depression, and leadership ability. [5]

Vindemiatrix ranks with Algol in having an unmitigated reputation for evil. ‘The Widowmaker’ figures strongly and regularly in deaths that are in some way dramatic, newsworthy or are resented in much more than the usual degree by those left behind (assassinations, common criminal murders, executions, airline disasters etc.). [6]

With New Moon (0°13′): Worry, depression, failure in business, harassment by creditors. [4] Fear of poverty, failure, and not being popular or accepted, cleverness, a tendency to unwittingly make unwise and untruthful statements, preferment in public matters, success after much effort, inner pride in accomplishments, an obsession to get ahead and an inner drive for recognition. [5] An inner fear of losing a partner that can project such a loss. This eclipse gives the opportunity to work with this fear and to release it. If not released from the subconscious level, the fear can materialize. [7]

With Mercury (1°16′): Impulsive, too hasty, loss through writings and business. [4] Family or business problems, subject to criticism, suffering through legal actions, and impulsiveness that results in problems, losses, violence, or accidents. [4] Nervous irritability [8]

Goddess of Prophecy

Porrima on the left elbow of the Maiden gives a courteous, refined and lovable character with prophetic instincts. [4] An agreeable disposition, idealism, popularity, small difficulties. [5] Occult ability. [3] Porrima is named after the ancient Roman goddess of the future and prophecy.

With New Moon (0°25′): Involved in an intrigue, some difficulty of short duration causing an unpleasant position. [4] Preferment in sports, writing, astrology and matters dealing with public affairs. An inner drive to obtain recognition and to communicate philosophies, ideals, and ideas to the public. [5]

With Mercury (1°04′): Legal troubles, criticism, many worries, business difficulties which will be overcome, ill-health, loss of the respect of associates. [4] Prudent, capable of good judgment, can become very popular, idealistic, and inclined to look after the disadvantaged. [5]

Alpha Comae Berenices is named Diadem, a type of crown. This star represents the seed. It sits on the Ascendant in the Dendera Zodiac, depicted as the seated mother with her infant child. Coma is the first decan of the first Sign (Virgo Constellation), symbolically the first star of the zodiac. Constellation Coma Berenices gives a suave and well-bred manner with great personal charm but leads to an idle and dissipated life. There is some love of, or ability for, the stage.

Mu Velorum is named Peregrini, the Latin root of the pilgrim, meaning “stranger.” How fitting for the arrival of a comet with an 80,000-year-long orbit. Constellation Argo, the Ship, gives prosperity in trade and voyages and strength of mind and spirit, but it has been associated with drowning.

Numerous other bright fixed stars are activated, which increases the likelihood of dramatic events:

  • Venus conjunct Acrux (0°25′): Artistic, intuitive, occult, religious, sacrifice, suffering.
  • Mars conjunct Canopus (0°28′): Cruely, bad-temper, envy, jealousy.
  • Jupiter conjunct Bellatrix (0°01′): Philosophy, religion, military, hypocrisy, jealousy, fanaticism.
  • Saturn conjunct Achernar (1°25′): Industrious, philosophical, religious.
  • Uranus conjunct Algol (0°20′): Misfortune, violence, fanaticism, tragedies, accidents, injuries.
  • Neptune conjunct Scheat (1°31′): Psychic, persecution, catastrophes, accidents, storms, floods.

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS

C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS) is the brightest comet since Hale-Bopp in 1997. Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS has an 80,000-year-long orbit and reached its closest point to the sun (perihelion) on September 27. During the October 2 solar eclipse, it is at 22°54′ Virgo.

This comet is visible to the naked eye from September 27 to October 2 and again from October 12 to 30. This timing is astrologically significant because it is visible during the October 2024 solar eclipse and is close in distance (see image above).

Comet Meanings

Comets have always inspired awe and dread. Seen as carrying messages from heaven, they have also inspired predictions of war and famine.

Robson says the effects of comets “cause inordinate heat, pestilence, sterility of the earth, wars and changes in kingdoms, winds, earthquakes and floods, and are assigned to the planets according to their colors. [4]

The colors appear to be gold with a green tail. Gold is the Sun’s color, indicating “plague, sickness, and death to Kings.” The green color resembles Uranus, which could portend discoveries, inventions, rebellions, revolutions, explosions, accidents, earthquakes and unexpected or shocking events.

According to Jonathan Flanery, the appearance of comets “was heralded by disturbances in humans, animals, and the weather… They also often heralded the rise of an agent. This agent could be a war leader but might be a religious leader, reformer, or great trader.


Perihelion is the sensitive point to watch during the comet’s influence, as this is the message. The message alters trade and political arrangements, forms alliances into new patterns, and creates new connections… When Mars or the Sun transits the place of perihelion, effects begin in earnest, the decree is implemented, and arrangements change radically.

Comets signify the realignment of trade and financial and political arrangements, with an initial disruption in the system. Later on, the winners and losers become apparent after transit by the Sun or Mars. Even so, the effects may linger for some time with the perihelion as a sensitive point for many years, sometimes centuries.” [9]

The date of perihelion was September 27, 2024.

On September 27, the Israeli Air Force bombed the central headquarters of Hezbollah in Beirut, killing several people, including Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

Also, on September 27, a message was delivered. Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the United Nations General Assembly in New York. He pledged Israel would fight until “total victory” in its continuing war on Gaza and promised to continue attacks on the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah as hopes faded for a ceasefire that could head off an all-out regional war. [10] Click here for the full statement. [11]

The degree of perihelion is 15°47′ Virgo. 

  • Mars crosses this degree on July 14, 2025.
  • The Lunar Eclipse on September 7, 2025, is at 15°23′ Pisces. 
  • The Sun crosses it on September 8, 2025.
  • Mercury crosses it on September 10, 2025.

Solar Eclipse October 2024 Path

The path of the October 2024 solar eclipse is entirely over the Pacific Ocean. On land, the eclipse is only visible from Easter Island, the southern tips of Argentina and Chile and the north of the Falkland Islands. The duration of the eclipse is 7 minutes and 25 seconds.

Solar Eclipse October 2024 Path

New Moon October 2024 Meaning

The new moon on October 2, 2024, is more powerful than a normal new moon because it is an annular solar eclipse, appearing as a ring of fire. It aligns with Mercury to make communication the major theme of this eclipse. Significant new information and revelations are likely.

Mercury conjunct a solar eclipse can indicate the rise of a charismatic political, religious, or cultural leader with an important message to share. Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS also indicates a significant message and the rise of an agent. Recent events leave no doubt that the agent is Benjamin Netanyahu. He may have the most significant influence on world history since Adolf Hitler.

This comet is close to the eclipse and is visible for just a few days before it. A solar eclipse coinciding with a rare bright comet’s 3-day visibility window is astounding and must have profound ramifications. It suggests current crises climaxing, war, famine, epidemics, earthquakes, radical change and political, trade and financial disruption.

Lilith and Makemake

Black Moon Lilith and Makemake, in close conjunction, may influence the messages related to the October 2024 new moon astrology. Lilith brings messages about equality, gender issues, feminine wounding and healing, marginalization, persecution, banishment, exile, abortion, rape, sex slavery and triangular relationships. It may also expose more sexual abuse scandals and the use of rape as a weapon in war and torture.

Makemake was named after the fertility god of the Rapa Nui people of Easter Island. In another amazing coincidence, Easter Island is one of the few land masses on the October 2024 solar eclipse path! Its astrological influence may involve chaos, megalomania, abuse of power over the masses, extreme ideology and irrationality, large-scale destructive events, space travel, aliens and UFOs.

The major stellar influence comes from Vindemiatrix, the widow-maker. Of all fixed stars, this resembles Lilith the closest. It brings mischief, scandal, impulsiveness, and untimely and dramatic deaths.

The astrology of the October 2024 new moon is extremely powerful and intense. A once-only alignment of a solar eclipse, Mercury, Lilith, Makemake and a bright comet is bound to bring many crises to a head, life-changing dramatic events, important messages, disturbing revelations and the exposing of dark and sordid secrets involving prominent people.

Moon Phases

The influence of the October 2 solar eclipse combined with those of the September 17 lunar eclipse form an eclipse phase that lasts until the lunar eclipse on March 14, 2025. The previous lunar eclipse brought sensitivity, confusion, sacrifice, pessimism, criticism, suspicion, and potential for positive changes and spiritual awakening.

If the new moon in October 2024 astrology directly affects your Sign, you can read about it in your free Monthly Horoscope. Finally, see Sun Transits for more details about how it affects your natal chart.

New Moon October 2024 Times and Dates

  • Los Angeles – October 2, 11:49 am
  • New York – October 2, 2:49 pm
  • London – October 2, 7:49 pm
  • Delhi – October 3, 0:19 am
  • Sydney – October 3, 4:49 am
  1. Haumea and Makemake – Two Mysterious Forces, Stefano Stracuzzi,
  2. List of Named Cenraurs, Zsuzsanna Griga, [archived]
  3. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.44, 45.
  4. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.153, 215, 226.
  5. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.139, 140.
  6. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, p.70.
  7. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.78.
  8. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.53.
  9. Unexpected Visitors: The Theory of the Influence of Comets, Jonathan Flanery,, November 2005.
  10. Netanyahu tells UN Israel will continue attacks on Gaza, Lebanon, 27 Sep 20024, Aljazeera.
  11. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at the UN General Assembly in New York 27 September 2024.

8 thoughts on “Solar Eclipse New Moon October 2, 2024 – Revelation

  1. Wow, what a read…. so well researched and delineated . The fact it’s on my Pluto opp Eris is an irrelevant footnote 🤣 best of luck everyone. And Breathe…..

  2. What about the golden triangle in water signs (Saturn, Venus, and Mars)? Does that have any influence? Too weak?

    Thank you.

  3. Netanyahu, Biden and Zelensky are not deluded, they are liars and benefitting Big money powers.

  4. Wonderful post, thank you. Eclipse falls on my birthday (Australian timezone) and first house…

  5. Thanks! I always look forward to your new and full moon posts, especially. They are so in depth & I’ve found them to be quite correct even when I didn’t want them to be 😉 Appreciate all the work you do!

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