Capricorn 2014 Horoscope

Capricorn 2014 HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope 2014 with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on a cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.

   Capricorn Decan 1 – born Dec 22 to 31.
   Capricorn Decan 2 – born Jan 1 to 10.
   Capricorn Decan 3 – born Jan 11 to 19.

Decan 1 Capricorn 2014 Horoscope

The majority of you have seen off the rather challenging Uranus Pluto squares, and the rest of you see the end of this pain in the bum by March 2014. You all have a lovely year ahead really, the major influence being the dreamy and spiritual Neptune sextile. The whole year is also made most pleasant by a series of very harmonious eclipse cycles.

First to the idealistic Neptune transit. It sort of creeps up on you and is difficult to put your finger on what is happening. It may feel subtle but the effects can be profound and uplifting. You tend to place greater emphasis on spiritual values, like charity, empathy, sharing and mysticism. This is a great year to gain more satisfaction by studying some occult topic like astrology or Tarot. Meditation and dreaming will be a source of inspiration, and you will seek to connect to a wider group of like-minded people. You are going to face a lot fewer restrictions and obstacles to your plans and goals, with all the eclipses making life easier all year.

The November 2013 solar eclipse made the friendly sextile aspect to your decan. More ease and favors coming your way in your professional life, which frees you up to enjoy more harmony in relationships, especially with men. Like all the eclipse cycles for 2014, this one makes reaching you Neptune dreams and aspirations much easier.

The April 29 solar eclipse makes the flowing trine to your decan. This will have a similarly positive effect as the earlier eclipse, however you may feel more relaxed and not so concerned about climbing the ladder at work. This middle part of the year would be ideal for taking a vacation or engrossing yourself in some me-time, perhaps studying something not necessarily to make money, but to enhance your spiritual well-being.

The most promising of the three eclipses affecting you this year is the October 23 solar eclipse. It makes the same energetic aspect at the first one mentioned, and will last through till March 2015. This solar eclipse itself is sextile Neptune, so it triggers this spiritual transit to your own decan. This last part of the year is when dreams really can come true.

For Capricorn born December 29 to 31 only, you have the Uranus square Sun transit till the end of February 2014. Just a bit more of the unsettling changes you have experienced recently, but the intensity and drama is lessened now that Pluto has left your decan.

   Monthly Capricorn Horoscope Decan 1
   Capricorn 2015 Horoscope Decan 1
   Capricorn 2013 Horoscope Decan 1

Decan 2 Capricorn 2014 Horoscope

Most of you will face some challenges this year, a mixed bag really. However there are enough goodies on offer to keep you happy and out of trouble. From November 2013 to May 2014, you have Jupiter opposite your decan. The benefits are an increased want to make more money and expand your horizons, basically to enjoy life more. The can be some negatives if you get too greedy or overestimate your resources, but this should be a lucky period as it coincides with a very fortunate eclipse cycle.

The November 2013 solar eclipse makes the productive sextile to your decan. This eclipse lined up with Saturn, encourage hard work to make your goals. It will also keep you grounded and sensible, to negate any over optimism from the Jupiter transit. Focusing on fewer and not many projects, should lead to some real achievement and recognition from superiors.

The April 29 solar eclipse makes the even more harmonious trine to your decan. This will bring more self-confidence and enhanced relationships, especially with men or those in power. This eclipse lines up with Mercury, making this middle part of the year ideal for expressing yourself, making plans and doing business. This effect of the Mercury trine will keep you busy through these months, with more travels around town and communications with friends. For most of you, this would be a good time to enter into negotiations, or look at  any kind of business dealings.

Things becomes less easy-going now with the October 8 lunar eclipse making the testing square to your decan. While the previous eclipses had a positive effect on your professional life, this lunar eclipse is going to add more tension to your personal relationships. To keep up harmony with loved ones, you are going to have to give some ground and put your emotional needs in the background somewhat.

For Capricorn born January 1 to 6 only, you start to feel the unsettling influence of Uranus square your decan from February 2014 through till next year. This means that change is in the air, which is initially difficult to deal with. The change and uncertainty are made more intense or dramatic because you also have Pluto in your decan all year. The most challenging time all year will be from February to May 2014, as the Jupiter opposition mentioned earlier exaggerated the tension of  Uranus square Pluto.

For Capricorn born January 7 to 10 only, you have Saturn sextile your decan from the beginning of May til the end of September 2014. With the coinciding business oriented solar eclipse, this is an excellent time for steady progress toward your longer term goals. You will find yourself taking a more responsible attitude to all your affairs, from work, to partners and your family. This is a great opportunity to express your leadership qualities and you may be called on to fulfill important duties.

   Monthly Capricorn Horoscope Decan 2
   Capricorn 2015 Horoscope Decan 2
   Capricorn 2013 Horoscope Decan 2

Decan 3 Capricorn 2014 Horoscope

A year of steady growth and achievements ahead for you, with the major influence being Saturn sextile your decan for all of 2014. There are a series of challenging eclipse to deal with however. I believe this combination means that you will have little choice but to put your nose to the grindstone and work hard to succeed with your goals. Saturn will certainly give you the stamina and patience to get on top of any obstacles, or relationships dramas which the eclipse may throw in your path. The thing about a good Saturn transit like this, is that the extra effort you seem destined to expend, will be handsomely rewarded with stability, security, recognition and perhaps even promotion.

The October 2013 lunar eclipse, like the following two eclipses in 2014, makes the testing square transit to your decan. Being a lunar eclipse, this one is going to add more pressure and tension to your inner emotional life. Your intimate relationships with partners and family may be strained, and you may not receive the support you wish. You will be expected to take on more of a leaderships or supportive role yourself, and you have it in you to do this. Your loved are relying on you and this is your duty now.

The April 15 lunar eclipse makes the same challenging aspect as the previous eclipse. However, this one is on the extremely fortunate fixed star Arcturus, offering success in business, good judgment and domestic harmony. During this eclipse cycle, from late May to mid July 2014, you also have Jupiter opposite your decan. Jupiter will work in your favor providing growth and expansion, with a touch of good luck. Jupiter is trine Saturn all of this time, which is another indicator of business success.

Probably the most challenging period of the year comes with the October 23 solar eclipse. Like the other eclipses, it makes the frustrating square aspect, and will last through till April 2015. This may present some testing relationship conditions, especially with women. This eclipse lines up with Venus, adding the extra complication of Venus square your decan. You really are going to have to put in extra effort to maintain harmony in your relationships now, both personal and professional. I would stick to following through on business or investments earlier in the year, because this eclipse could show some strain on your finances.

   Monthly Capricorn Horoscope Decan 3
   Capricorn 2015 Horoscope Decan 3
   Capricorn 2013 Horoscope Decan 3

2 thoughts on “Capricorn 2014 Horoscope

  1. iwas born on 17-12-1991 8:52Am nellore india capricconascendent ist decan

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