Joe Biden Horoscope

Joe Biden AstrologyThis Joe Biden horoscope reading is non partisan, politically and otherwise unbiased. The birth data for the Joe Biden astrology chart is rated A, from Astro Databank: Joe Biden. He was born on November 20, 1942 at 8:30 am in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Joe Biden was born with the Sun and Venus rising so he is charming and popular with the leadership potential to be president. He makes a strong impression on others but with Uranus setting, he can stir up a lot of opposition. Overall, he has good aspects for a politician but some of the fixed stars indicate misfortune and a nasty steak just below the surface.

Joe Biden Astrology Chart

Joe Biden Horoscope

Joe Biden Astrology Chart

Joe Biden Horoscope Reading

This Joe Biden astrology reading is based on fixed star conjunctions and planetary aspects. I do not use houses or signs in my readings, or any of the traditional, or horoscopic astrology rules that are based on those imaginary divisions.


Ascendant conjunct fixed star Acrab (0°48′): Riches and preferment attended by danger, violence, trouble, sickness, benefits seldom last. Acrab causes extreme malevolence, mercilessness, fiendishness, repulsiveness, malice, theft, crime, pestilence, and contagious diseases. There will be difficulties, impediments, or loss.

Uranus opposite Ascendant (0°25′) is the tightest aspect in the Joe Biden horoscope. It makes his relationships exciting, unusual or controversial in some way. He may be attracted to independent types of people because he prefers his own personal freedom. Joe may prefer to associate with eccentric, progressive or unorthodox people.

Joe may have more than one marriage because his relationships can be a source of anxiety and stress with unexpected surprises, separations, erratic behavior, and arguments. But he can have a fulfilling long-lasting relationship with the right person because Neptune sextile Ascendant adds harmony to this erratic influence. Unorthodox relationships with unusual partners can cause friction within his family or gossip in your community.

Neptune sextile Ascendant (1°40′) makes Joe Biden sensitive to others, to their needs and desires. He will go out of his way to help his loved ones because he can empathize with them. Joe is very intuitive or psychic and sees things others do not.

He should have a strong interest in religion, mysteries, science fiction, fantasies, spirituality or occult subjects. Joe should also have a great imagination and dream life, and have creative or artistic gifts. He will meet sensitive and spiritually minded people throughout his life.

Uranus trine Neptune (1°15′) makes Joe Biden a free-thinking and open-minded person. He is not bound by tradition or dogma which makes him highly creative and innovative. Joe is a creative genius and finds new ways of doing things through flashes of insight, experimentation, and inspiration.

This is another influence in the Joe Biden horoscope that gives psychic ability and a vivid imagination and dream life. And like Neptune sextile Ascendant, it gives an interest in spirituality and religion. Science, art, and psychology may also hold a particular attraction.

Denial of human rights and individual freedoms are particularly upsetting for Joe. This humanist outlook on life could lead to social activism or involvement with groups of like-minded people. With optimism about the future, he inspires many more people to bring about political, cultural and environmental change.

Sun and Venus

Fixed star Toliman conjunct Sun (1°11′) and Venus (0°11′) gives beneficence, friends, enthusiasm, refinement and a position of honor and power. However, relationships with females often seem spoiled, or an existing happy relationship is stricken by exceptional circumstances.

Sun conjunct Toliman: Envious, self-centered, slow but fairly successful progress, many enemies, loss of inheritance.

Venus conjunct Toliman: Popular, artistic and musical abilities, benefits from friends, danger from love affairs.

Sun conjunct Venus (0°59′) is the strongest influence in the Joe Biden astrology chart, personifying love, peace, and beauty. It makes him an affectionate and refined person with a rich social life who loves entertaining and amusements. He is more of a lover than a fighter, and dislike threatening or ugly people and environments.

This conjunction makes Joe Biden attractive, compassionate, sympathetic and popular. He also appreciates the importance of good food, exercise, and a healthy diet. His charming and charismatic nature means he can easily make friends and can even win over enemies. Marriage and other partnerships play an integral part in his life.

However, his desire for peace and harmony means he can sometimes compromise too much in order to keep the peace. He could also have a tendency to sugar coat unpleasant realities. Joe Biden has good money handling skills and should enjoy a life of relative comfort if not wealth.

Sun conjunct Ascendant (5°37′) gives the qualities necessary to be the president. Being born at sunrise gets Joe noticed. The brightness of his personality gives him a commanding presence. Joe makes a very strong impression on others without even trying.

The Sun rising in the Joe Biden horoscope makes him fully aware of his importance and of his personal power and influence. But if this power is not handled well it can result in excessive pride and arrogance.

Joe may feel he has an important role to play in life. It is very like that he will be a leader or authority in his chosen field. He is a winner and people want to be associated with him.

Venus conjunct Ascendant (4°38′) gives a beautiful body and soul. Like the Sun conjunct Venus, it makes Joe attractive, sociable, popular and wealthy and very affectionate. He needs to love and be loved.

Also like Sun-Venus conjunction, Venus rising makes Joe sociable, popular and wealthy. He promotes peace and equality while rejecting aggression and chaos. This aspect makes Joe a great diplomat and negotiator. Partnerships bring out his best, whether in marriage or business.

Sun trine Jupiter (2°25′) makes Joe a lucky, generous, exuberant, enthusiastic and happy person. He should be very comfortable if not wealthy and have more than he needs. Joe may think he is on a spiritual mission and he would make an inspiring teacher.

But this aspect can indicate a tendency toward excess and feelings of helplessness in times of hardship. He could also be too generous for his own good but Joe generally gets away with taking risks, showing off and embarrassing himself. People simply like this guy and will often offer him help and always be forgiving.

Venus trine Jupiter (3°25′) can bring a life of ease and comfort earned through previous incarnations of loving service. This is the most fortunate of a number of lucky aspect in the Joe Biden astrology chart. It can also lessen any hardships and bring love and joy to his life. Ease in showing love and affection is a sign of his self-love and self-respect.

Honesty, loyalty and good morals earn him popularity and a good name. There is a genuine depth to his charismatic appeal. Joe is sincere about helping others and would find a lot of satisfaction serving others. He fits in well to any group and can be very effective in driving the overall success of common goals.

Sun opposite Uranus (5°12′) can cause nervousness and tension which often arises from an unsettling upbringing full of change and uncertainty. The result can be a reactionary or rebellious nature, with a difficult polarity to overcome.

Being impulsive, outspoken, eccentric or abrupt means he has to deal with the consequences like the strong reactions from the people he upset. These negative reactions from others can also be due to egotism, or simply unorthodox self-expression. He may also be prone to mistakes, accidents or spasms.

Venus opposite Uranus (4°13′) indicates an unusual love life, unexpected separations and more than one marriage. Joe needs a lot of stimulation and excitement in relationships, and also needs to feel free enough to be himself.

Flirting and a general lack of self control in showing love and affection can lead to upsetting events and complicated dramas. Financial windfalls are possible but there may also be unexpected losses.

Sun sextile Neptune (3°57′) gives a vivid imagination and inspired creativity. Joe is highly sensitive to his environment and this is the third aspect in the Joe Biden horoscope that indicates psychic ability or at least a very strong intuition.

Joe is able to connect in a spiritual way to individuals and groups of people. He should be well-liked for his charitable and caring nature. This is because Joe is genuine and open in the way he expresses himself, and he tries to maintain high ethical standards and idealism.

Venus sextile Neptune (2°57′) makes Joe Biden a passionate, romantic and sensual person. This is yet another aspect that makes him good-looking, charming and popular. He should very affectionate, loving, tender in his intimate relationships.

Joe’s selfless and compassionate nature makes attracts him groups or causes with the goal of helping those in need. He is especially sensitive to those things which harm other people or any living thing. Wars, disasters, famine, and cruelty would be very upsetting to him. This is just one more aspect that makes Joe Biden a visionary and very intuitive if not psychic.


Moon conjunct fixed star Mira (0°15′) brings failures, fiascoes and enmity, especially with Saturn transits, when melancholy will then appear.

Moon quincunx Ascendant (2°12′) suggests Joe can sometimes put his own emotional needs behind those of others. This aspect also creates an imbalance between the image he projects and his true inner feelings. This makes it hard for people to understand him sometimes.

Moon quincunx Venus (2°25′) creates an imbalance between Joe’s need for emotional support and his need for love. A similar thing happens with how he loves and cares for his loved ones. There could be love but emotional coldness, or plenty of emotional support with little love.

Moon quincunx Neptune (0°31′) is the second tightest aspect in the Joe Biden astrology chart and it reinforces the theme of extreme emotional sensitivity. Problems arise due to an inability to filter out psychic information. Joe cannot cope with too many feelings at once or conflicting feelings.

Oversensitivity can lead to confusion and a lack of trust in his own instincts. This can result in emotional stress or tension which can make him appear highly strung, edgy or neurotic.


Mercury conjunct fixed star Unukalhai (0°16′): Dishonorable, accused of forgery or theft of papers, ill-health, narrow escapes, danger of bites from poisonous animals. Unukalhai gives immorality, accidents, violence, and danger of poison. It can cause chronic diseases, which are not easily detected, resulting in a weakened state of health, and operations may be necessary.

Mercury trine Jupiter (3°35′) gives a broad outlook with a wide and comprehensive knowledge. His positive attitude and generosity make him fun to be around. Joe should have a logical viewpoint, mental agility, and wide-ranging views. His business acumen can make him very wealthy.

This aspect also gives a progressive and generous nature. Freedom of speech and other human rights are important to him. Joe Biden can be flamboyant, forceful and even intense in communicating his ideas. This is a good aspect for a politician.


Mars conjunct fixed star Alphecca (1°06′): Active mind, better writer than speaker. Alphecca gives honor, dignity and poetical and artistic ability.

Mars quincunx Saturn (2°38′) represents a conflict between Joe’s sense of responsibility and his desire to fulfill his own needs. This leads to an inner struggle that may keep him from acting decisively. Because of this internal struggle, Joe Biden can become irritable and resentful about seemingly little. A build-up of anger and frustration can lead to outbursts of aggression.


Jupiter conjunct fixed star Procyon (0°08′): Many journeys, trouble through relatives and the Church or law, help from friends. Procyon gives good fortune, wealth, will-power, drive, a good sharp mind, and the ability to put thoughts and plans into action.

But Procyon also makes people hasty, jealous and pig-headed with a tendency to a hot temper and impudence. Rise and success are found with it, but fall from high position later is possible.


Saturn conjunct fixed star Aldebaran (0°57′): Great afflictions, strange mind, great wickedness, sarcasm, eloquence, good memory, studious and retiring nature, legal abilities, domestic and material success, losses through mercurial friends.

Aldebaran is eminently fortunate, portending riches, honor, intelligence, steadfastness, integrity, popularity, courage, ferocity, a tendency to sedition, a responsible position, public honors and gain of power and wealth through others, but its benefits seldom prove lasting and there is also the danger of violence and sickness.

Saturn sextile Pluto (2°43′) gives a steely determination and endurance . It gives Joe an amazing ability to focus on a particular project and see it to completion. He has a systematic approach to life, with strict regimes and structures in place to keep up order and a sense of security.

This aspect gives incredible endurance and recuperative powers. This allows Joe Biden to face any challenge or crisis head-on and be a source of strength for others. Respect and high recognition come from his achievements. He also has managerial and leadership skills for big business and government.


Pluto conjunct fixed star Asellus Borealis (0°29′) is a generally positive influence giving martial preferment, patience, care, and responsibility, with a charitable and fostering nature. It gives the courage to be a heroic and defiant leader. However, it also gives danger of violent death, serious accidents, and burns, burning fevers, bad eyes, the blindness of the left eye, quarrels, slander from low women or vulgar persons, and danger by large animals.

These people can have an aggressive nature, and will not take insults easily. They may, by their own lack of caution or by being dare-devils, put their life in danger, and will not hesitate to use brutal and violent means. But if aggression can be sublimated, an extraordinary output of achievement is possible. A capacity for cooperation with others is the secret to success.


Midheaven conjunct fixed star Denebola (0°54′) gives swift judgment, despair, regrets, public disgrace, misfortune from the elements of nature, and happiness turned to anger and makes its natives noble, daring, self-controlled, generous and busy with other people’s affairs.

Mercury sextile Midheaven (1°37′) makes Joe intelligent, free-thinking and curious. Open channels of communication between Joe and his parents and teachers helped him learn all he could from them. And just as his ideas and opinions were heavily influenced by those above him, he now mentors and influences others.

Important and influential people assist and guide Joe in his career. This aspect also means he travels a lot in his career. It should give him good communication and improvisational skills with a talent for languages, negotiation, writing, journalism, and politics.

Thanks to this aspect, Joe presents well in public and should enjoy the respect of his peers and a good reputation. It has helped him develop his own unique style and leave a positive impression on many people.

105 thoughts on “Joe Biden Horoscope

    • In the past, Joe Biden did not vote to let Vietnamese political refugees and Vietnamese Boat people to take refuge in the US after the fall of Saigon. He does not have a heart, he is sick.

  1. Joe Biden has the personality of a Sun and Venus in the 1st house. In this chart you’re using, he has no major planets in angular houses. I think he’s Scorpio rising, ruling planet Pluto in Leo.

  2. Hi…this comment is more of a question. And it relates to our current global health crisis. I looked at Italy’s national chart. Is the fact that it’s Venus and Saturn in Capricorn a factor in how the virus has affected their general population? I’m a novice in astrology so my inquiry could be totally off base. Thanks.

    • no . he has sun opposite uranus. even demented , he would be preferable to any other running. this chart reading confirms that for me. presidential. we could use some of that. a truly decent compassionate human being . i’m waiting for his book.

  3. My take on it as well is that he has scorpio rising… 1st decan, likely either 1 degree or 9 dregees.

  4. i like Joe Biden but I don”t think he thinks clearly enough to be the leader of the USA or any other country.
    Thank you for sharing Joe’s chart and your knowledgable analysis of it, Jamie.

  5. Jamie – last time your prediction was that Donald Trump would not be President- what happened? Just wondering. I am not an American voter but remembered your prediction in an email you had sent right before the election results.

    • well, i’m not even sure God knew Trump would be elected the shock of the century…unbelievable. no hillary fan, myself .but still…. how could anybody vote for him after he attempted to humiliate that disabled reporter? a stain on the soul of our “christian nation”…….

      • It was very obvious he was going to win if you put your ear to the ground and listened to America’s Heartland.

  6. Oh sure, this is non-partisan. If you have to make that kind of disclaimer, Jamie .. then its obvious what this is, is a Ad for Biden. How come no Sun in the 10th House, genius? You just ruined the last ounce of your credibility. What a Joke you are!

    • hey, I’m watching through the camera! I see the smile on her face, that woman Hilary! She is glowing, surrounded by her sisters, while that boy is positioned too close. I’m going to March down from the bar office, and evict! Please, if you must grope, take it to a room!! I am jealous, and so are the single women that aren’t getting any.

    • Jamie did a horoscope reading for Trump during the last election and was more fond of Trump despite predicting the election wrong.
      I think your bias is showing.

      • Don’t forget that Hillary got many more votes than Trump.
        Are you sure the bias doesn’t lie in your reading, rather than Jamie’s writing? While Jamie tends not to emphasise the negative, he doesn’t ignore it by any means.
        It’s becoming more and more difficult to know who Trump really is because he’s hiding behind this firestorm of ridiculous tweets.

        • What I’m saying is that despite Jamie liking Trump, he was fair and made the most educated guess.

          It’s true Hillary did win the popular vote, she did not win the presidency.

        • How to win a popular vote (in a nutshell) :

          1. Go to the most populated states.
          2. Make people government dependent.
          3. Do not take care of said government.
          4. Create a crisis through inaction.
          5. Tell them you will fix it if you had more money.
          6. Blame the other side.
          7. Don’t fix anything when you receive money.
          8. Rinse and repeat.

          You will find this information on your favorite news network. (3rd eye not needed)

          • Please enter the political area and change things that you don’t like.

  7. lol *You* did!
    “Although politically unbiased, by reading the articles about the candidates you can see I wrote more favorably about Donald Trump. This was simply because after interpreting their horoscopes, I personally liked Donald while I thought Hillary was a nasty piece of work.”

      • This Astrology reading for Joe Biden should be deleted. This day 45 years ago – Commemorating Black April (The Fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975). Joe Biden did not vote to let Vietnamese political refugees and Vietnamese Boat people to take refuge I. The US after the The Fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975.

  8. Same yod

    Joe Biden natal
    Age of Aquarius progressed

    Very close to the same placement, Neptune sextile Venus, Apex moon.

    Coincidence? No

    Since the Age of Aqr chart Jan 12/96, progressed, explains so well the times we live in, it makes sense to me that Joe would be elevated here and serve as an archetype.

    • The Groper, natal:

      Moon at 00Ari59,
      Venus at 28Sco33

      Keep your social distance, eh?
      This is a tough time for Liberals, which Joe is one
      Gotta make adjustments; move hands from ass, to liquidity hoard:

      Age of Aqr, prog: (at Easter, April 12, 2020)

      Moon at 26Leo32
      Venus at 25Pis51

      Age of Aqr, prog: (at Summer Solstice-Eclipse-Cosmogenesis)

      Moon at 28Leo52
      Venus at 26Pis04

      The exact Age of Aqr Moon-Venus prog Quincunx?

      20 March 2020

      Mentioned already, and worthy of a Spring 2020 solar ingress rectification.

      • 00Tau59, Joe Biden’s natal Moon

        In Cosmogenesis, The Astrology of the Summer Solstice eclipse, June 21, 2020, the sequence starts in Taurus.

        I keep seeing Guadalcanal, the military campaign, the period in which he’s born. When I was young, those stories were real.There must be a parallel with this in outer space. That whole Solomon Islands thing, a passage, like a tunnel, and there’s a fight over it.

        • The ultimate Guadalcanal movie is Thin Red Line, starring Sean Penn. I’m not trying to glorify war here. There is a pattern to opening the tunnel. First you go in, and lose your memory. Later… I am here to help you find it when you come out.

    • So, it is now revealed. Joe has the “Pandemic Yod” in his natal chart. As his selection to run in the election, is clearly an acknowledgement of the trinity charts (Joe the Pandemic archetype), the first chart in particular, Age of Aqr, progressed.

      Study Joe’s Venus-Neptune sextile, Moon quincunx Venus, and Moon quincunx Neptune to get a personal feel of a pandemic on an individual level. To better gauge the Pandemic itself, the Age of Aqr “Pandemic Yod” is worthy of a lengthy article. WHO will write it? Any takers? Note how loaded the sextile with Mars at the fulcrum. Souldiers, I’ve mentioned this yod starting with Saturn quincunx Moon, as it manifest in my conscious, December 2019.

  9. Hey Jamie. Are you making any predictions on the upcoming presidential election?

    Looking forward to your prediction. The only thing I can for sure is the US is a mess at this time. During the COVID response, I heard a lot of Republicans beginning to dissent and lean toward Biden. During the Black Lives Matter protests and riots, I have heard Democrats say they are voting for Trump and some of the Independents and moderates leaning toward Trump. It definitely isn’t boring here in the states.

    As for me, I have not yet decided if the glass is half empty or half full.

    • Yes I will do that Lynn. I have had a look at some charts and it is certainly not black and white.

  10. There is no Venus Quincunx Neptune thread, or else this post would go there.

    On April 30 earlier this year the Democrat VP selection committee was formed. The link below is the Heliocentric (Tropical) view with November 2, 2020 transit (hello Jupiter/Saturn conjunction)

    Note the virtually exact Sun/Moon opposition transit, and how the anticipated selection of the Candidate, on or about July 31, forms the ‘progressed’ t-square.

  11. More properly, the selection of the VP marks the midpoint between the forming of the selection committee and the day of the USA election.

  12. “Joe Biden is not expected to pick a running mate until at least Aug. 10. The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee had previously said he expected to name someone to the job by the first of the month.” NYPost

  13. 45 years is a long time – long enough to change one’s mind more than once, or to become educated on more than one issue. Deleting this reading will change precisely nothing.
    Except for occasional lapses into vagueness, Joe Biden looks like a good candidate to me. He does come across as a bit too touchy-feely, though. I wonder if he’s ever crossed the line into harassment?

  14. Jamie! You need to sort out your web hosts! For a while now, replies are not appearing anywhere NEAR the comments they’re addressing.

  15. You’d be safer in the room alone with Bernie Sanders, Char. Looking at his chart, it would be different when Mars Rx tho, and we know political surprises lurk around this period in the President cycle. So i’d say it’s ok to sit on the couch with Joe, he would make the adjustment, and stay on his side at the Mars Rx.

  16. His chart show, that his Sun, Mercury and Venus are located in the 12th House, sneaky and cannot be trusted. He gets a free ride of other peoples back…..

  17. When I look at election day there are no exciting progressions in Bidens horoscope. Nothing very positive. In transit sun conjunct mars. In Trumps horoscope solar arc Pluto sextile Moon. His big Uranus-AC progression is a year later. For the election I would put my money on Trump. I’m sure more people will notice that Biden is losing it.

  18. It seems, that Biden is losing his marbles…he babbles a lot, cannot not get a complete sentence out his mouth, heis mind strays and wonders what to say….he should get out of politics….and he should take AOC, with him, that’s another fool….

  19. Biden has always been an upstanding politician and who has gone through several tragedies. He’s lost a son.. However, Biden still strives to do what’s best for the common people and does not rally to the rich but is a democrat who will do whats ‘best in a democracy. I believe Biden will win the election in November 2020.

  20. Not so VERY long ago, I would have said that there couldn’t POSSIBLY EVER be a worse president than Trump… then along came Kanye (just saying…)

  21. I’m not an American, perhaps honorary American, by language, culture and geographic proximity. An American on the margin would be a better discription. Mr. West is familiar with the intelligence on the Banana, which is really what his run communicates, especially to his piers who are penetrating the inner circles.

  22. (CNN) August 12, 2020.
    Sen. Kamala Harris laid out the Democratic case against President Donald Trump in her first speech as Joe Biden’s running mate Wednesday, arguing that Trump isn’t “up to the job.”
    Harris and Biden appeared together for the first time in Delaware, the day after Biden chose the California Democrat as his running mate, making history as the first Black woman and first person of Indian descent to join a major political party’s ticket.
    In the speech, Harris sharply criticized Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, comparing the lives lost to Ebola, in which two Americans died, during former President Barack Obama and Biden’s administration. She also lambasted Trump’s handling of the economic fallout caused by the crisis.
    “He inherited the longest economic expansion in history from Barack Obama and Joe Biden. And then, like everything else he inherited, he ran it straight into the ground,” she said of Trump.
    “This is what happens when we elect a guy who just isn’t up for the job,” Harris said. “Our country ends in tatters and so does our reputation around the world.”
    The two speeches — first Biden, then Harris — served as introductions to the new Democratic ticket. But they also offered a preview of how Biden, Harris and their surrogates will attack Trump and Vice President Mike Pence’s time in office during next week’s virtual Democratic National Convention and in the sprint to November’s general election that follows.
    Before introducing Harris, Biden said the election poses moral questions that Americans must answer.
    “Who are we as a nation?” Biden said. “What do we stand for? And most importantly, what do we want to be?”


    12-Aug-2020 026°,02’23 Virgo Nep 120 mutual C-11

    Joe Biden.

    12-Aug-2020 015°,34’02 Aquarius Sun 180 AR10
    AR10 = arabic part illness : Asc + Sat – Mars

    Kamala Harris.
    12-Aug-2020 000°,27’26 Taurus MC 135 Plu

  23. “Keep believing in crap…..because that’s what he is…”

    Biden? West? Both?

    Jamie has thread structure disabled? Add more detail to your ReAcTiOnS. Until we get over the hump, presumably, higher ground.

  24. Biden is just a prop. Kamala is who you are voting for and she definitely is not what you described.

  25. Joe Biden speech, published Aug 2, 2020,

    “America is an idea, an idea stronger than any army.
    More powerful than any dictator or tyrant. It gives hope
    In this nation we believe in honesty, decency, treating everyone with respect.
    Giving everyone a fair shot, leaving nobody behind.
    Giving hate no safe harbor.
    Leading by the power of our example,
    Not by the example of our power.
    That’s allowed us to stand as a beacon to the world.
    Being part of something bigger than ourselves.
    It’s a code, a uniquely American code.
    The most powerful idea in the history of the world.
    The American creed, that we’re all created equal
    I think beats in the heart of the people in this country”

  26. In the Indian descent mentioned here of Kamala: are you speaking of native Indian; or from India? I am a little bit concerned about Joe’s age as he will be 78 in November. Perhaps because I grew up with younger presidents such as JFK and the Clintons… I am 74 myself. If he served two terms he would have to live until he was 86, which most people don’t…

  27. Her lndian descent is from lndia; her grandparents lived in Chennai when she was a child. Her maternal grandfather was of Sri Lankan heritage who served in various positions in lndian government.

    Which brings up an interesting point: given that half of her heritage, it might be illuminating to see an lndian horoscope for her as well as a Western one.

  28. He is too old to be running for president….
    If they win, he will die within one year, and we will have the the first Indian decent woman president….
    But will not happen…..just a thought….

  29. Check out the eclipse on Nov.19, 2021 at 27 degrees in Taurus.. It opposes his 12th house planets. On May 16, 2022 the Lunar Total eclipse in Scorpio at 25 degrees conjoins the same 12th house planets.

    In addition, the inauguration chart is very unusual.

  30. Nice work Lynn.

    I heard it is being called A Miracle Joe was found to have the Prog Age of Aqr pandemic Yod in his natal chart…. This election has gone into the twilight zone, or done the rabbit hole, if you prefer.

  31. Have you done the chart for Trump’s third term? If you really believe he’s astrologically superior, you’d have that finished for future comments.

  32. Gersh, you doing Kamala’s birth chart would go like this: crap square crap in the house of crap. Nobody wants to read your crap.
    Elle, a vedic chart for Kamala is a great idea.
    Gerald, the thread reply is indeed malfunctioning. My first reply above was for you.

  33. you should read my crap Jim, since you love reading crap, well my crap is no different than your crap, if you want to go there…

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