Pisces November 2023 Horoscope

PISCES: October | November | December | Weekly | Yearly
Pisces November 2023 Horoscope

Pisces November 2023 Horoscope with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on the cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan.

   Pisces Decan 1, February 19 to 28
   Pisces Decan 2, Feb 29 to Mar 10
   Pisces Decan 3, March 11 to 20

Pisces Decan 1 – November 2023 Horoscope

October 22 to November 3 – Sun trine your decan brings inner calm and balance that adds harmony to your relationships. You will be more efficient and productive, so this is an excellent time to promote yourself and your goals. Superiors will appreciate your positive attitude and initiative.

October 28 to March 25, 2024 – Lunar Eclipse October 2023 sextile your decan brings self-confidence, inner balance, and contentment. Seeing both sides reasonably and rationally helps you resolve personal or relationship problems. Intimate relationships grow through emotional bonding and mutual respect.

November 1, 2023, to February 27, 2024 – Jupiter sextile your decan brings personal growth, good luck, and happiness. Feeling very optimistic, you will be keen to experience all you can. This is a good time for relationships, travel, education, business, and legal matters. Opportunities arise to increase your wealth and broaden your horizons. You also had this transit from May 12 to July 11. It is occurring again because of Jupiter retrograde.

November 9 to 17 – Mercury square your decan can make you more assertive and defensive, which brings the risk of arguments and conflict. But you can be productive by keeping your mind busy with hard work. This is not the best time for making important decisions, even though you may feel pressured. Listen carefully and speak clearly to avoid misunderstandings.

March 2023 to March 2024 – Saturn in your decan is a time of hard work and responsibility, and it represents a culmination of years of effort and striving toward your goals. But there may also be restrictions placed upon you or extra burdens and responsibilities to go along with the personal advancements.

November 9 to 11 – Mercury square Saturn on the 10th makes communicating difficult because of negative thinking and misunderstandings. If studying or doing paperwork, pay attention to detail. Seek trusted, professional advice if involved in contracts, business or legal matters. Do not rely on the words of others, and be careful with your own.

November 10 to 17 – Mercury sextile Venus climaxing on the 15th brings charm and a smooth communication style that favors love, friendship and diplomacy. You can bring people together, encourage cooperation, find peaceful settlements to disputes and break down barriers to progress. Buying, selling, and negotiating benefit from your good head for numbers and the ability to find win-win situations.

November 21 to December 3 – Sun square your decan makes you work harder to have things how you want them. Authority figures may test your goals, forcing you to prove yourself and what you do. Over-assertiveness would upset others and cause added pressure. So stick to basics and try not to react to provocation.

November 22 to December 9 – Mars square your decan creates a buildup of tension and a solid need to assert yourself. Avoid acting impulsively and taking unnecessary risks. Release your anger and frustration through exercise, sport, sex, or self-gratification. Relationship tension can occur if you are too forceful, so use patience and empathy.

November 22 to 26 – Sun conjunct Mars brings an abundance of assertiveness and initiative, making this an excellent time to start new projects. But you may become irritable and impatient due to a buildup of anger, frustration, or resentment. Try not to react to any provocation or threats with aggression. Physical activity and hard work will relieve frustration.

November 21 to 25 – Sun square Saturn on the 23rd can bring a test or challenge that causes stress and worry. But you must stand up and be counted. Do what needs to be done no matter how hard it is. Commit to your responsibilities with patience, determination, and a strong work ethic. Tidy up loose ends, back debts and bring efficiency to your life.

November 22 to 28 – Mars square Saturn on the 25th increases the likelihood of frustration and pessimism. Your desires and needs may grow stronger, yet you may find it harder to express your passions and succeed. The best approach now is a defensive one. Instead of starting new projects or hunting down your desires, it is better to concentrate on holding onto what you already have.

November 27 to December 12 – Full Moon November 2023 square your decan brings any simmering relationship tensions to the surface. Some annoyance may keep niggling away at you, forcing you to do something about it. Being more sensitive to the moods of partners, family members, and close friends will help avoid such emotional drama.

November 30 to December 23 – Mercury sextile your decan gives the willingness to compromise and cooperate, making relationships more harmonious and friendly. You can express your thoughts clearly, ideal for negotiations, business dealings, asking for favors and gaining support for your ideas. This is a perfect time for planning because you know what you want and how best to get there. Mercury retrograde next month is the reason this transit lasts so long. It also means you will have this same transit again in January 2024.

November 30 to December 4 – Mercury sextile Saturn on December 4 brings clear thinking, self-discipline, good judgment and concentration. Business negotiations are favored, especially long-term investments and real estate. Discussions will be serious and productive. The people you interact with may be much older or younger than you. You will come across as knowledgeable and respected.

Pisces Decan 2 – November 2023 Horoscope

October 14 to March 25, 2024 – Solar Eclipse October 2023 quincunx your decan could make you insecure, anxious and indecisive. But it also gives the urge to achieve an imagined future goal. The key to success is learning to restrict yourself to a single plan. It will be easier to make decisions, and inner balance will replace uncertainty.

October 25 to November 11 – Mars trine your decan brings energy and passion that is well-balanced and not aggressive. Your directness, initiative, and good instincts will impress superiors and bring professional success. Extra charisma and sexual magnetism make this a good time for your love and social life.

October 27 to November 4 – Mercury trine your decan brings tact and diplomacy to convince others and negotiate better deals. Positive developments and productive interactions help your plans come to fruition. You have the mental clarity to solve problems, clear your in-tray and resolve disagreements. This is also the perfect time to socialize or relax.

November 1 to 13 – Sun trine your decan brings inner calm and balance that adds harmony to your relationships. You will be more efficient and productive, so this is an excellent time to promote yourself and your goals. Superiors will appreciate your positive attitude and initiative.

November 13 to December 12 – New Moon November 2023 trine your decan has a harmonious and relaxing influence. If dating, you are likely to attract just the right person for this time. Increased confidence means you can also make gains in your professional life. You can expect favors from others, especially men and people with power.

November 16 to 24 – Mercury square your decan can make you more assertive and defensive, which brings the risk of arguments and conflict. But you can be productive by keeping your mind busy with hard work. This is not the best time for making important decisions, even though you may feel pressured. Listen carefully and speak clearly to avoid misunderstandings.

November 16 to 21 – Mercury sextile Venus brings charm and a smooth communication style that favors love, friendship and diplomacy. You can bring people together, encourage cooperation, find peaceful settlements to disputes and break down barriers to progress. Buying, selling, and negotiating benefit from your good head for numbers and the ability to find win-win situations.

November 2023 to March 2024 – Uranus sextile your decan lets you express yourself more fully, more in tune with your true self. This is a liberating and pleasantly surprising phase of life. You could be offered a new job, promotion, or a welcome change. You will likely meet new and unusual people and have more involvement with friends and groups. Because of Uranus retrograde, this is just the tail end of the same transit you had from April 2021 to June 2023. It will mainly affect those born on March 9 and 10.

November 25 and 26 – Venus quincunx Uranus brings an urge for change and excitement in your love life. You may experience a brief period of instability or drama in your relationship. But flexibility, open-mindedness, compromise or minor adjustments will keep a healthy relationship on track. This is a good time for creative work and trying new techniques or a different approach, especially if you have been experiencing a creative block.

June 29 to November 14 – Jupiter sextiles your decan, bringing personal growth, good luck, and happiness. Feeling very optimistic, you will be keen to experience all you can. This is a good time for relationships, travel, education, business, and legal matters. Opportunities arise to increase your wealth and broaden your horizons. Because of Jupiter retrograde, you will have this transit again from February 14 to April 17 next year.

Pisces Decan 3 – November 2023 Horoscope

October 14 to March 25, 2024 – Solar Eclipse October 2023 quincunx your decan could make you insecure, anxious and indecisive. But it also gives the urge to achieve an imagined future goal. The key to success is learning to restrict yourself to a single plan. It will be easier to make decisions, and inner balance will replace uncertainty.

October 28 to November 9 – Venus opposite your decan can repress love and affection, making you appear cold, stubborn and uncaring. Relationship tension is possible due to different expectations. Patience and understanding are needed to maintain harmony. You can draw on inner strength and endurance to overcome hardship and resolve differences.

May 2023 to May 2026 – Uranus sextile your decan lets you express yourself more fully, more in tune with your true self. This is a liberating and pleasantly surprising phase of life. You could be offered a new job, promotion, or a welcome change. You will likely meet new and unusual people and have more involvement with friends and groups.

October 29 to November 2 – Venus trine Uranus on October 31 adds excitement and a touch of the unexpected to your social and love life. Unusual friendships are possible; an electric or kinky attractiveness is a good omen for dating. This is an excellent time to experiment with a new style in creative work, decorating, fashion, hair and cosmetics.

All year – Neptune in your decan can open you up to a more spiritual outlook on life, which is illuminating. But at the same time, you may also feel very vulnerable. Your previously well-defined self-image and personal boundaries may start to dissolve around you. You may also be subject to deception or treachery from others.

November 1 to 5 – Venus opposite Neptune on the 3rd can cause problems with relationships and finances because of confusion or deception. Wishful thinking or over-idealization could lead to embarrassment or disappointment in love. A more spiritual approach to your self-image or loved ones would also be beneficial.

November 2 to 10 – Mercury trine your decan brings tact and diplomacy to convince others and negotiate better deals. Positive developments and productive interactions help your plans come to fruition. You have the mental clarity to solve problems, clear your in-tray and resolve disagreements. This is also the perfect time to socialize or relax.

June 2023 to January 2024 – Pluto sextile your decan brings opportunities to increase your power and ability to improve your life. Relationships will feel more intense, but in a good way. You should find deeper meaning in all areas of life which will stay with you. Hidden talents will emerge to help your personal and professional advancement. Because of Pluto retrograde, this is the tail end of the transit, which began in 2018, and it should only affect those born from March 18 to 20.

November 4 to 8 – Venus trine Pluto on the 6th brings popularity and sex appeal to spice up your love life. Relationships become more intense and passionate and could undergo a positive transformation. Obsessions and fascinations are possible, not only in relationships. You may be drawn to a particular fashion style, cosmetics, jewelry or tattoo.

November 5 to 8 – Mercury trine Neptune on the 6th makes you more creative, imaginative and spiritual. You will also be more sensitive to the needs of others, and your words can heal. Enlightening information from your heightened intuition and nonverbal communication can significantly benefit friendships and intimate relationships.

November 7 to 10 – Mercury sextile Pluto on the 8th brings deep thinking and discussions on serious subjects. Increased intuition and intense focus make this a good time to solve complex problems and uncover the truth about a mysterious matter. You can also be very persuasive, so this is a good time to convince others of your idea and plans.

November 8 to 25 – Mars trine your decan brings energy and passion that is well-balanced and not aggressive. Your directness, initiative, and good instincts will impress superiors and bring professional success. Extra charisma and sexual magnetism make this a good time for your love and social life.

November 11 to 23 – Sun trine your decan brings inner calm and balance that adds harmony to your relationships. You will be more efficient and productive, so this is an excellent time to promote yourself and your goals. Superiors will appreciate your positive attitude and initiative.

November 11 to 23 – Sun conjunct Mars climaxing on the 18 brings the energy, confidence and initiative for starting daring new projects. You should feel strong and courageous, so this is an excellent time to impress someone, especially a superior at work or someone special in your private life. Increased sex drive is matched by increased charisma and magnetic charm.

November 13 to December 12 – New Moon November 2023 trine your decan has a harmonious and relaxing influence. If dating, you are likely to attract just the right person for this time. Increased confidence means you can also make gains in your professional life. You can expect favors from others, especially men and people with power.

November 14 to 19 – Sun trine Neptune and Mars trine Neptune, both on the 17th, can make your dreams a reality. Your path to success is helped by strong self-belief and intuition. Strong faith and morals mean you can stay true to your spiritual ideals without sacrificing your needs or level of comfort. Increased passion and spiritual courage help you stand up for your rights or fight for a worthy cause. Relationships will enjoy more spiritual bonding, and sexual relationships will be more tender and loving. Your magnetic attractiveness and romantic charm are ideal for finding your soul mate.

November 18 to 24 – Sun trine Pluto on the 20th, and Mars trine Pluto on the 21st, brings incredible self-confidence, courage, drive and determination. You can be direct and assertive in achieving your ambitious goals and most passionate desires while maintaining harmony. You can succeed in the most challenging of tasks. Others will be magnetically drawn to you, making a life-changing romance possible. This is a great time to resolve conflict, impress superiors, defeat enemies and eliminate obstacles to success. You will be wielding significant power and influence, so it is essential to use it wisely.

November 23 to December 2 – Mercury square your decan can make you more assertive and defensive, which brings the risk of arguments and conflict. But you can be productive by keeping your mind busy with hard work. This is not the best time for making important decisions, even though you may feel pressured. Listen carefully and speak clearly to avoid misunderstandings. Mercury retrograde next month means you have this same transit again from December 22 to January 14.

November 25 to 28 – Mercury square Neptune on the 27th can complicate discussions and business dealings because of misinformation, deception or confusion. So, be very clear and concise. You may need professional advice when signing contracts or dealing with legal matters. Avoid conspiracy theories, cults, drugs, and alcohol. Better things to do include daydreaming, listening to music and watching movies.

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